Sunday, January 10, 2010

Friday, September 25, 1964

Up at 7:45 - Hank didn't have to go in until about 9:00 - had to wear whites - I ironed awhile & then washed & set my hair - Hank got off about 11:00 - we ate lunch & then went to Va. Beach - Billy & I went uptown while Hank had the 18,000 mi. check made on the car - I got knitting yarn for Therza's slippers on sale for 99¢ - got cards for Tina - Sallie Mae & Mike. Billy & I walked back to Alphin Motors - Stopped at Childress Window Works & had a new glass put in the storm door - Stopped at egg factory - had breaded oysters for supper - my cold was worse tonight - Hank, Billy & I walked around the block after supper. Watched tv tonite - I started knitting Therza's slippers. Bed at 11:00.

No mail -

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