Thursday, January 24, 2008

Saturday, July 7, 1962

Got up at 8:30 -
Hank mowed the lawn & I ironed a little & pressed hems out of skirts to be shortened - Cleaned the house - Started hemming my white & purple skirt - worked at it in between times - Finished it tonight - Ruby & Jimmy came over tonight - Stayed until 10:00 - After they left we watched Gunsmoke - Billy went to bed - I hemmed another skirt.

Billy got a package from Mom & Dad - a beetle.

Friday, July 6, 1962

Up at 6:30 - Didn't rain today -
I washed 2 loads of clothes - picked cucumbers & put up 2 qt. plus 6 pint of dill pickles - picked strawberries - cleaned the kitchen, living room & hall. Picked a few more beans. Gave Billy a bath after lunch. Went to Overton's before lunch & got more jar lids. We went to the Club at Little Creek tonight & ate supper - went to Dowling's afterwards & spent the evening. Took them some beans & cucumbers. Stopped at Tastee Freez & got cones before coming home.

Letter from Mom.

Thursday, July 5, 1962

Cloudy & damp today - started clearing late P.M. -
This morning I finished Mom & Dad's letter - took hems out of a few skirts - picked a mess of beans - This P.M. I gave Billy a bath after lunch - then I cleaned the beans - canned them after supper - Gladys & Cindy came just as we finished eating - after she left I washed dishes & canned beans - got 2 qt. plus 10 pint. Washed my hair & put it up. Went to bed at 11:30.

Billy got cards from Maurell & Mary - Clarence & Issy & Gladys & Buster.
Mailed a letter to Mom & Dad

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wednesday, July 4, 1962

Rained all day -
I marked several skirts & dresses for length - took hems out of a few - hemmed 2. Billy had to play inside all day - Jim & Jimmy came over after supper - after they left we went to Midge's for awhile - Wrote to Mom & Dad when I got home - didn't finish it though.

Tuesday, July 3, 1962

Billy got a B-day card from Mary Ann Tessau - also balloons & gum

Got up at 6:30 - Done some ironing before breakfast - cloudy & rain today. Just after I got Billy dressed this A.M. he ran out in the hall & fell - when I laid him on the bed he was bleeding - he hurt his penis - I went to Kitty's with him & she said she would take him to the doctor - I took him out to the Emergency Room at Little Creek. The doctor said it was only bruised & that he should take sit baths twice a day for half an hour at a time. Got home about 9:30 - Ate breakfast & put him in the tub - Hank came home - then went to Pendleton - Jimmy came over & played all morning. I ironed some more - frosted Billy's cake - Hank came home right after lunch - done dishes - Billy took a nap - cleaned the bathroom - cleaned the kitchen & living room - ironed a little more. Fred & Catherine came - also Jim & Jimmy. Jimmy brought Billy a present - had cake & ice cream - Freds left at 7:00 - We went to a drive-in on Rt. 60 & ate hot dogs - Gave Billy a bath when we got home.

Monday, July 2, 1962

Got up at 6:30 - warm & sunny -
washed 4 loads of clothes this A.M. - finished spading up the ground by the garage. Went down to Kitty's - She gave me marigolds & summer squash - Transplanted the marigolds - went to Gladys's for a few minutes - then stopped at Midge's & had coffee - Came home & ate lunch. This P.M. I got clothes in - fixed supper - after supper we went shopping for Billy's Birthday present - went to King's, Pep Boys & finally Sears - Came home & called Fred's - done dishes - gave Billy a bath & I took a shower.

Sunday, July 1, 1962

Went to Sunday School this A.M. - After lunch Billy took a nap - Went to Pat & Roger's late afternoon - we were invited over there for supper - She had a roast - Stayed until 10:30 -

Saturday, June 30, 1962

Poured down rain all day -
I cleaned house. Tonight we went to Janice & Bill's - stayed until about 12:00. Fixed ham for supper.

Friday, June 29, 1962

Welad's left at 9:00 - Hank came home to see them off. After they left I washed - had a big one - then I hoed the garden - weeded my flower bed & worked it up - trimmed shrubs - Roger came out this P.M. & him & Hank went to a gun shop - he was here until supper time - didn't do anything tonight - watched tv.

Thursday, June 28, 1962

Libb, David, Billy & I went to the beach at Lynnhaven this A.M. - It was too cold - Libb, Billy & I came home - ate lunch - Welad came home & ate & we all went to GEX - Billy & I stayed in the car - Then we went to Lynnhaven & picked David up. I gave Billy a bath when we got home & he took a nap - Everyone took showers - went to Hurd's & ate tonight - then stopped at GEX - I didn't feel good at all - had that ovulation trouble. Watched tv when we got home.

Letter from Mom & Dad

Wednesday, June 27, 1962

After breakfast this A.M. Welad, Libb & David went downtown - I froze 4 pint of peaches that Ruby gave me - washed 2 loads of clothes & made a Lime-Cottage Cheese salad - Pat & Midge called - They came back after lunch - Kitty came up this P.M. - we had supper at 4:45 - I fixed a roast - potatoes & gravy - greens - peas - salad. Left the dishes & took David over to Fort Monroe to meet a friend of his - we rode around over there for awhile - Libb & I done dishes when we got back.
Gave Billy a bath.

Tuesday, June 26, 1962

Warm & sunny -
After breakfast I baked a ham - cooked potatoes & boiled eggs - made a Lemon Cheesecake pudding - then Welad, Libb, David, Billy & I went to Va. Beach - walked around up there - Billy went on a few rides - ate our lunch there - Stopped at an Antique place on the way home - got home about 3:30 - Libb & David took naps - also Billy - I fixed potato salad, deviled eggs & cole slaw - we stayed here tonight.

Mailed letter to Mom & Dad

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Monday, June 25, 1962

Ruby kept Billy this morning. I went & got a permanent. Wrote part of a letter to Mom & Dad while under the dryer. Stopped at Gladys's on the way home & got my cookbook. Ruby fed Billy lunch. I put him down for a nap - I ate a bite. Washed & ironed this P.M. - Finished the ironing after supper & picked strawberries. Welad, Libb & David came after we had gone to bed - got up & made the beds - talked awhile - I finished Mom & Dad's letter tonight.

Sunday, June 24, 1962

Got up at 8:30. Hot & humid today.
Hank had the duty at home today. I took Billy to Sunday School - came home & done the dishes - then went & picked him up. Jimmy rode along. Ruby & Jim came over for awhile before lunch. Hank, Mr. Paul & Billy went to the base while I done dishes - I called Roger - also Mrs. Dearmon. Read the paper - picked a few strawberries - We cooked out tonight - rode out to the base for awhile after supper - talked to Sam. Gave Billy a bath when we came home.
Welad called tonight & said they were coming Tues.
Gladys & Cindy came down before supper.

Saturday, June 23, 1962

Got up at 8:00 - hot & humid.
I cleaned house this A.M. - Hank & Billy went shopping. After lunch I cleaned the garage - trimmed some shrubs - cooked green beans for supper - after supper we rode out to Kempsville & looked at Munden's lot - then went to Bayside for cat food - Stopped at High's for ice cream cones - gave Billy a bath when we got home & then he looked at Lawrence Welk - I went to bed at 11:00 - Hank stayed up & watched part of the movie.

Letter from Mom

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Friday, June 22, 1962

Got up at 7:00. Cloudy early this A.M.
Billy got up at 7:50. Midge came this A.M. & stayed until noon. After she left I weeded the azaleas - got a few strawberries - checked the garden - after lunch I used the push mower & mowed the back yard in back of the house - also done the trimming around front & the ditches. Hank finished the mowing when he came home. After supper I trimmed the grass around the stepping stones in front. Came in at 9:00 - gave Billy a bath & I took a shower.

Thursday, June 21, 1962

Got up at 7:00. Cloudy this A.M. but no rain - not quite as hot.
Washed 4 loads of clothes & done some handwashing - had coffee with Ruby. Billy & Jimmy played together this A.M. Billy didn't take a nap today. This P.M. I cleaned the washer inside & waxed the outside - cleaned the front living room window on the inside - got clothes in - fixed a roast for supper. Hank took Billy & got his hair cut before supper. I took a shower right after supper - then gave Billy a bath. Midge called tonight.

Wednesday, June 20, 1962

Midge spent the morning. Cloudy & rain - cooler.
Had to keep Billy in all morning - I got up at 5:00 -Hank went to Pendleton - I wrote to Mom & Dad before Billy got up - Hank got home about noon. Went to Robbin's Corner this P.M. & made an appointment for a permanent on Monday at 9:00. Weeded the flowers by the garage - Tonight to rode out to Va. Beach & ate at a Drive-In - it was terrible. Stopped at High's & got ice cream cones on the way home. Gave Billy a bath after we got home.

Mailed a letter to Mom & Dad this A.M.

Tuesday, June 19, 1962

Cloudy but hot today -
Hank went to Pendleton so he was home shortly after lunch. I washed clothes - worked up the strawberry bed - planted radishes. Finished the ironing this P.M. Cleaned the kitchen & living room. Hank went to see about some shrubs to put across the front porch but didn't get any. Gladys & Cindy came over as we were eating supper - after she left I done dishes & then we went to the egg factory - Stopped at Midge's on the way home & got some string beans. Gave Billy a bath & I took one. Wrote a little bit on Mom & Dad's letter - Watched Garry Moore.

Monday, June 18, 1962

Sunny & hot -
Midge came & spent the morning. Billy was lost because Jimmy went to Bible School. I ironed this afternoon - Ann Young came over just as we finished supper & she spent the evening - Gave Billy a bath - then she came back again - Went to bed about 11:00.

Sunday, June 17, 1962

Got up at 7:30.
Fixed pancakes & sausage for breakfast. Took Billy, Pam & Jimmy to Sunday School - I didn't feel good so went to Gladys's until S.S. was over - Helen & Chet were there. After lunch we went to the beach at Lynnhaven - stayed until about 3:00. Gave Billy a bath when we got back & he took a nap. I read the paper. Cooked hot dogs out tonight - watched a movie on tv & then went to bed.

Saturday, June 16, 1962

Got up at 8:00 - Sunny & hot today -
Went to the Commissary this A.M. - Left at 10:00 - Took Ruby along - we went to Fort Story - Got back about 11:45 - Put groceries up & got lunch - Cleaned our bedroom after lunch - Hank went to Giant & got ice cream - While he was gone I ironed - Billy took a nap - about 4:00 I left & went to Gex - got 2 pair of flats for myself - got Hank 2 shirts for Father's Day - Cooked out tonight - we had steak & Billy had hot dogs - Ruby came over after supper. Didn't get dishes done until almost 9:00 - Gave Billy a bath & he watched the rest of Lawrence Welk - We went to bed a little after 11:00.

Friday, June 15, 1962

Cloudy today but no rain.
I got up at 7:00 - had 2 loads of clothes washed when Billy got up - had 9 loads in all - Billy stayed with Jimmy today - I had coffee at Ruby's this A.M. - Hank got off at noon - he mowed the lawn. I cleaned kitchen, living room, hall & bath - got clothes in & beds made up. Ruby came over after supper - Hank & Billy went to Warner's. I took a shower - gave Billy a sponge bath.

Thursday, June 14, 1962

Got up at 7:30 - Cloudy & rainy all day -
Didn't do much - entertained Billy - Cleaned my iron out - made some Marshmallow Treats - Pinned my hair up this P.M. - Made pea soup for supper. Catherine & Midge called this A.M. Went out late afternoon & picked strawberries - also got some radishes. Gave Billy a bath after supper - Hank went to Jim's for awhile. Watched tv & read the paper tonight.

Letter from Mom & one from Dad.

Wednesday, June 13, 1962

Cloudy & rainy all day -
Got up at 4:45 - Hank went to Pendleton - I fixed his lunch & coffee - after he left I mended a green blouse for myself & took the hem out of my black dress. Entertained Billy this A.M. - We sat on the porch - Hank got home about 10:00 - him & Billy went to the base & store - I made cinnamon rolls & butterhorns - Made a Lemon Cheesecake this P.M. - Finished reading "Murder in 3 Acts" tonight.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Tuesday, June 12, 1962

Got up at 6:00 -
Hank had to go to Pendleton - I packed his lunch - caught up on my diary. Wrote to Mom & Dad before Billy got up. He got up at 8:30 - Washed 2 loads this A.M. (Billy's sheets & mattress cover) - finished hoeing the flower bed by the garage - weeded the strawberry bed - got a few strawberries - finished the painting (gave the picnic table & one bench the second coat. Gave Billy a bath after lunch & washed his hair. Hank got home about 1:45 - I did dishes & took a shower - Billy took a nap - I went to Penny's at Janaf & got Dad 2 pr. of p.j's for Father's Day - got Billy 3 pr. of socks - wrapped Dad's present & Hank mailed it. We left about 5:30 & went to Fort Monroe to see Linda Ann - Went to a drive-in & ate - Took Linda back to the hotel - poured down rain - got home at 8:15. I fixed the hem in my yellow dress.
Sent a letter to Mom & Dad.

Monday, June 11, 1962

Got up 7:00 -
Hoed a little in the garden this A.M. - then went to Midge's - Stayed until almost noon. Linda Ann called right after lunch - said she was in Fort Monroe at Hotel Chamberlain. I gave the picnic table & benches another coat of paint - hoed in the garden - planted another row of sweet corn - worked outside awhile after supper - weeding, etc. Gladys called tonight.
Watched tv.

Sunday, June 10, 1962

Up at 7:00.
Billy & I went to Sunday School. Brought Pat & Jimmy home - Gave Billy a bath after lunch - Holmes's cames & spent the afternoon - After they left we ate supper - then went to Frontier City - Took Jim along as Ruby & the kids went to North Carolina. Billy rode a pony, choo choo train & stage coach. When we got home Jim came in for awhile - watched tv.

Saturday, June 9, 1962

Up at 10 of 8:00 -
Roger & Kelly came while we were eating breakfast. He stayed until middle afternoon - helped Hank finish up mowing & trimming. I washed a load of clothes & cleaned house & garage. Took a shower this P.M. - Went to Ying's for supper - then went to see Clinedinst's for awhile - stopped at Foodland on Little Creek Rd. on the way home. Got home about 9:00 - Billy watched Lawrence Welk - Hank went after pizza. Went to bed after Gunsmoke.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Friday, June 8, 1962

Got up at 7:15. Warm & sunny.
Painted all day - gave the porch furniture the second coat - also put the first coat on the picnic table & benches - didn't get it all done. Hank was home for lunch. When he got off this P.M. he mowed lawn. I got a bunch of radishes - took a mess to Ranhorne's - had supper a little late - Gladys & Cindy came after supper. After she left I cleaned radishes, done dishes & ironed 4 pieces that were left - gave Billy a bath - I washed my hair & put it up. Hank called Tina.

Letter from Mom.

Thursday, June 7, 1962

Got up at 7:30. Warm & sunny.
Started painting the porch furniture late this A.M. - Worked at it all day in between other things. Hank came home at noon but had eaten at the base. Midge called this A.M. - Gladys called this P.M.. Painted for a little while after supper. Gave Billy a bath.

Wednesday, June 6, 1962

Warm & sunny.
Finished the ironing this A.M. - Washed 3 loads of clothes (sheets & mattress covers) - hoed the strawberries this P.M. - also around the outside of fence - Tonight Gladys & I went to GEX - Hank stayed home with Billy - I got a plastic mattress cover for Billy's bed - a hat for myself (white) & another net head wrap - velvet ribbon - a bra - modess & some groceries. Got home about 9:45 - Billy was still up. He was tickled to death to see me.

Tuesday, June 5, 1962

Got up at 7:30. Cloudy - rain this afternoon.
Washed 6 loads of clothes - Midge came this A.M. - Stayed until 12:15 - After lunch I put Billy to bed - he never took a nap - finished hanging out clothes & got clothes in - done dishes - done part of the ironing - Took a shower right after supper dishes - gave Billy a bath at 9:00 & put him to bed.

Monday, June 4, 1962

Got up at 7:45 - Hank had gone to work - rainy & cloudy today.
Finished Mom & Dad's letter this A.M. - had a time keeping Billy in. Elmo came over & said Kelly & Billy pulled his peaches off the trees & stomped the corn down. Hank came home over noon - This P.M. I cleaned the kitchen - living room - hall & bath. Cleaned all the drawers in Billy's room. He took a nap. Went to Ruby's a minute before supper. Called & made an appointment to have my eyes checked by Dr. Cooley. Called Gladys & Fred.

Sent a letter to Mom & Dad
Letter from Dad.

Sunday, June 3, 1962

Got up at 7:00. Cloudy & cool today.
Billy & I went to Sunday School - he went in his class alone - I went in with Kitty - Stopped at Gladys's on the way home - Pat & Roger came after lunch - Stayed until 9:00. Dowling's came just as we started to eat supper. They didn't stay long. Wrote a little on Mom & Dad's letter before going to bed. Went to bed at 10:00.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Saturday, June 2, 1962

Warm & sunny today.
Made a rice pudding this A.M. - Cleaned the bedrooms, bath & hall - after lunch Ruby, Pam, Jimmy, Billy & I went to the beach at Lynnhaven - got back at 3:00. Gave Billy a bath & he took a nap - I took a shower - then cleaned the living room - was starting supper when Ruby came over & suggested a cook-out - I got stuff ready & cleaned the kitchen. Ate outside at Ruby's - had hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, pork & beans, scalloped eggplant - after supper Ruby, Pam & I & Billy & Jimmy went to Robbins Corner & B & J rode the rides - then went to Colonial - Billy watched Lawrence Welk & then went to bed - we went to bed at 11:00.

Friday, June 1, 1962


Sunny & warm today.
Washed 4 loads of clothes this A.M. - weeded the strawberries - Ruby was over for coffee - hoed the garden - Hank got off at noon - mowed lawn - I got clothes in - swept the walks - drive & porch - weeded around the flowers. Billy didn't take a nap. Tonight we ate at Mr. Walter's - then went to Norfolk Drive In - saw "Return to Peyton Place" & "View From The Terrace" - home at 2:15.

Thursday, May 31, 1962

Rainy & dreary.
Billy messed in Ruby's garage this morning - had to clean that up. I kept Jimmy while Ruby went to the Commissary. They had to play inside - I hemmed the pink & white dress Charlene gave me - waxed the freezer & refrigerator. Hank got off at noon - Jimmy stayed for lunch - Ruby came after him about 1:30. Put my hair up this P.M.

Went to Food Fair tonight & got meat & groceries. Saw Roger there.

Letter from Mom.

Wednesday, May 30, 1962

Got up at 8:10 - Billy had gone to Ruby's & ate breakfast there. I got breakfast for Hank & I - fixed the chicken & got stuff ready for the picnic - it rained off & on all morning. We left about 11:30 - went out Rt. 58 out of Suffolk - ate at a roadside table near Southampton Farm - Billy went in the woods & got in s--- had a mess to clean up - drove on up to Drewryville - then through the prison farm & came out on Rt. 40 - came back on 460. Home at 7:30 - done dishes & went to Ruby & Jim's for awhile - came home & gave Billy a bath - I took a shower.

Tuesday, May 29, 1962

Got up at 7:00. Cloudy & cool today.
Got clothes out of the garage & folded them. Went to Ruby's for coffee. Finished the ironing this A.M. Took the hem out of the white & pink dress Charlene gave me - pressed the white one. Cleaned house this P.M. - made jello - cooked potatoes & eggs for salad. Catherine called. Hank didn't come home for lunch.

Monday, May 28, 1962

Got up at 7:15. Cloudy & cool today.
Washed 4 loads of clothes & hung them out - It started to sprinkle so brought them in & hung them in the garage. Got the first radishes out of the garden today. Transplanted my flowers around the garage & put a fence up part way around with coat hangers. Done part of the ironing while getting supper & ironed for half an hour after supper. Gave Billy a bath - he didn't go to bed until after 9:00. I took a shower.

Sunday, May 27, 1962

Got up at 6:00. Hank had to go to work today - had the duty. It was cool & cloudy today. Went over to Ruby's for awhile this morning - Billy took a nap this afternoon - I balanced the bank statement. Ruby came over late afternoon. Ruby, Jim & the kids & Billy & I went for a ride down to Kempsville - got home at 7:00 - ate supper at 7:30 - Hank came home for a few minutes tonight. I watched tv - went to bed at 11:15.
Gave Billy a bath this morning. He still had a little temperature.

Saturday, May 26, 1962

Got up at 7:00. Warm & sunny today.
Hank watched Billy while I took care of the strawberries - got 11 pint put in the freezer & some left over for eating. This P.M. I strung green beans & tended to lettuce & onions Midge sent over. Warner's came over this afternoon - it was after 5:00 when they left. Billy got sick tonight when Hank brought him in for supper - he looked real pale - didn't eat a bite - he vomited several times - we took turns holding him. Didn't get dished done until late. Watched tv tonight.

Letter from Mom.

Friday, May 25, 1962

Sunny & warm today.
Started cleaning house this A.M. when Midge came. She stayed until almost noon. Hank left at 5:00 this A.M. & went to Camp Pendleton - he got home about 10:30. He mowed the lawn. After Midge left I cleaned the living room - hall, bath, & our bedroom - then got lunch. Billy took a nap this P.M. - I cleaned the kitchen & garage - Billy's room & back bedroom - Mopped & waxed the bath & mopped the kitchen. We went to Carroll's for supper tonight - stopped at Farm Fresh & got groceries - also 6 qt. of strawberries.