Sunday, May 17, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 1964

Hank had duty - I got up & took him in - Billy & I left at 8:45 & picked Gladys & Cindy up - went to Fort Story - home at 11:00 - unloaded groceries & put them away - Billy ate lunch with Jimmy - went to Overton's after lunch & got parafin - came home & made plum jelly - got 9 jars - Kitty & Mrs. Pipkin came up - Billy & I had tv dinners - Picked apples after supper - Went to Ruby's a minute - Started a letter to Mom & Dad before supper & wrote awhile after supper - Called Hank about 8:45 & went out & picked him up - he came home & ate - then went back. Billy & I watched tv - went to bed about 11:15.

Tuesday, August 4, 1964

Up at 7:00 - Nice & cool today - nice breeze - Fixed coffee for Hank - Ironed awhile before bkfst. - after we ate I made beds - ironed until lunchtime - Gladys called - Mark & Scott came up & played with Billy - after lunch & dishes I picked some apples for a pie - made an apple pie - talked to Kitty & Elmo & Mrs. Pipkin - washed dishes & made chili soup for supper - done some more ironing after Hank came home - had supper at 5:15 - after we got dishes done Hank helped me pick plums at Kitty's - Harold got home from Calif. this evening - wrote in diary - went back out & talked to Ruby in the yard - gave Billy a bath - called Gladys - watched tv.

No Mail -

Monday, August 3, 1964

Up at 6:30 - Washed 2 loads of white clothes plus the curtains in our bedroom - bath & one of Billy's windows - washed them & put them back - plus the back living room windows & the front one - got clothes in about noon as it acted like rain - Fixed bar-b-qued ribs - scalloped pot. & summer squash - Mr. Paul came up & fixed the mower - Billy & I went to see Gladys tonight - it rained before we got there - typed a letter for Hank tonite that he wrote to Ariens Co. - read the paper - bed at 11:00.

Sunday, August 2, 1964

Up at 9:30 - Hank was already home & reading the paper - Had pancakes for bkfst. - Str. up the house & done dishes - Hank finished mowing with the push mower - Catherine called - said they got home Thursday night - said they would be out this P.M. - I took a shower & washed & set my hair - Ruby came for coffee just as I finished rolling my hair - then Hank & Jim came in - fixed hamburger & hot dogs for lunch - was just ready to eat when Dowlings came - I done dishes & put a dress on - got Billy ready & Catherine & I walked him up to Guthrie's at 4:30 to Wayne's birthday party - I fixed coffee & made doughnuts - they left at 5:45 - Hank & I done dishes & walked over to Harris's & I met her - talked to Jim & Ruby on way home - rode to Farmer's Mkt. & got a watermelon - read the paper when we got home - bed at 11:00.

Saturday, August 1, 1964

Hank had duty -
Billy & I slept - I got up at 8:30 & Billy at 9:00 - Hank called & said Pebbles was missing - in a few minutes Jimmy brought her home - She had gone there last nite & they kept her in the garage over night. I cleaned the house today - it was dry & quite cool - Hank came home late afternoon so Billy & I could run to the store - we got a birthday present for Wayne Shedd's party tomorrow - Hank went back to base - I cleaned the kitchen - shook rugs & swept the porch - Mrs. Hildebrand came over & talked - I talked to Mrs. Ranhorne - went to Ruby's & met her company - Betty Paul came up - Billy had a pot pie for supper - Sat out back tonite - Hank came home about 8:30 & ate supper - stayed awhile - I watched a movie tonight "A Man Called Peter" - bed at 12:00.

No Mail

Friday, July 31, 1964

Up at 7:45 - Washed 3 small loads - finished painting the outside tables & chairs - Mr. Feldt came by for some rum - Mowed part of the back yard - made potato salad & salmon salad for supper - When Hank came home I mowed some with the push mower - took a shower - gave Billy a bath after supper - planned to go to Wilder's Drive In to see "How The West Was Won" but it was filled up so we went to Ocean View Amusement Park - Billy took several rides - Hank locked the keys in the car so we got a taxi to bring us home & then Hank had to go back & get the car. He got back about 11:30.

Thursday, July 30, 1964

Hot & muggy -
Painted picnic benches & lawn chairs - done it in the garage - had to wire brush the chairs first - Hank got off at noon - I painted all P.M. - Tonite we went to Gibson's & ate supper - Stopped at High's for cones - done some mending tonite - bed about 10:30.

Billy got a b-day card from Mary Ann Tessau -

Wednesday, July 29, 1964

Up at 7:30 - Terribly humid - the floors stood with water today - walls etc. - all damp - finished Mom & Dad's letter this A.M. - Hank came home for lunch - didn't do anything today - went thru some old magazines this P.M. & cut out recipes - Billy looked at a movie on tv - Hank cooked steak outside tonite - also hot dogs - Sat on front porch after supper - wrote in diary - rained. Took a shower & read papers -

Mailed letter home -

Tuesday, July 28, 1964

Up at 7:30 - Pouring down rain - finished folding & putting away clothes - str. up the house - wrote in diary - Billy got up at 8:30 - Ironed this A.M. - Washed & set my hair after lunch - vacuumed the kitchen & living room - made cloverleaf rolls - Started a letter to Mom & Dad tonite - didn't finish it - read the paper. Bed about 10:45.

Letter from Mom -

Monday, July 27, 1964

Up at 6:30 - Washed today - had a big one - had 10 sheets - also done a handwashing - Cloudy all morning & rained once after I had 2 loads hung out - Sunny this P.M. - Hot & humid - Cleaned the bedrooms - hall & bath - Hank came home about 3:00 - took the car & had the wheels aligned - I got clothes in & beds remade - John Eden & 2 boys came as I was getting supper - ate about 6:30 - John Parrish came as we were eating - Hank finished edging walk tonite & then him & I raked up the grass in the back yard - Ruby & Jim & Kitty all came over - came in at 8:45 - Gave Billy a bath & washed his hair - I took a shower - read paper & looked at tv - bed 11:00.

Letter from Midge

Sunday, July 26, 1964

Up at 8:00 - Fixed pancakes & sausage for bkfst. - Hank started mowing - I done dishes & made beds - then I mowed with push mower - I quit at 12:30 - had done all the trimming - swept the walks - drive & patio - sat on patio awhile & read the funnies - Jim came over - then Ruby came later - took 2 pictures of Billy & Pebbles - got lunch & done dishes - made potato salad - Hank fixed burner on the stove - sat on front porch & wrote in diary - Went to Guthrie's for awhile - then went to Ruby's & had coffee - Got supper & done dishes -
Ruby, Pam, Pat & I went to Wilder's Drive In tonite - Saw "Lady In A Cape" & "Walk A Tightrope" - Hank & Billy stayed home - Home at 11:45.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday, July 25, 1964

Up at 7:15 - ate & got ready to go to North Carolina - left at 8:45 - Went to Manteo first & Hank went to the Court House & got the deed to our lot recorded - Billy & I snooped thru the 5 & 10 - Went to the Avalon Beach Fishing Pier & ate lunch there - drove down to our lot & looked around - rode up thru Southern Shores - got home at 4:30 - had dishes to do before getting supper - Betty Paul came up & got apples - got dishes done at 7:45 - Jim & Ruby came over - had coffee - Hank & Billy went after eggs - I watched the 9:00 P.M. movie - "Until They Sail." - Bed at 11:15.

Card from Catherine - Letter from Linda Ann Canter -

Friday, July 24, 1964

8 pt. applesauce
Up at 7:45 - Damp & cloudy today - Ironed this A.M. - Gladys called - Picked apples after lunch - made 8 pts. of applesauce this P.M. - Hank got off at 3:30 - John & Betty Eden & boys came about 4:30 - Stayed until 7:00 - We ate supper at McDonald's on Va. Beach Blvd. - went to Rose's at Pr. Anne Plaza - I got a new bra - sink divider mat - socks for Billy - aluminum pan - home at 9:00 - gave Billy a bath - made him pick up everything in his room.

Thursday, July 23, 1964

8 pt. Apples freezer
Got bkfst. for all of us this A.M. & then Billy & I took Hank to work - came home & done dishes - str. up the house - put 8 pt. of apples in the freezer this A.M. - called Gladys - Went to Ft. Story at 1:00 - Took Billy along - got cold drinks & whipping cream for Gladys - Came home & put groceries up - Hank called & said he had duty - I got supper - Kitty came over - also Jim - Went after Hank at 6:15 - he came home & ate with us - then went back to the base - I stayed outside quite awhile - Ruby came in for coffee at 8:45 - Stayed until 10:00 - Read the paper & went to bed.
Picked apples & took them to Gladys -

Wednesday, July 22, 1964

Hank went to Pendleton today - got home about 3:30 - Rained off & on all day - I washed & set my hair this A.M. - Vacuumed the house - was out picking apples when John Eden & 3 boys came - When Hank came home we went to Dowlings - Fred wasn't there but we gave Catherine a check for $100.00 for the lot plus $16.00 for lawyer fees, etc. - home about 6:00 - Fixed fried oysters for supper - Mary & Dave Holmes came tonight - Stayed until 10:30 - Ruby came over also. - Bed at 11:00.

Tuesday, July 21, 1964

Up at 7:45 - Hank got up at 5:00 & went to Camp Pendleton - rained off & on all day - sun came out awhile so I washed 2 loads - then it rained so I didn't hang them out until after dinner - just poured down shortly after that - thundered & lightninged - Hank got home about 1:30 - I defrosted the freezer in kitchen this A.M. - cleaned bottom of refrig. all out - blew dust out from underneath - didn't do much this P.M. - Made apple dumplings for supper - Got clothes in & hung part of them in garage -
Hank edged the driveway this P.M.

Monday, July 20, 1964

Up at 6:45 - Cloudy this A.M. - very humid - Wrote a letter to Mom & Dad this A.M. - had most of it written when Billy got up at 8:30 - Hank brought Billy's dog home this A.M. - he named her Pebbles - he played with her all day long - She seemed content & at home - Hank came home for lunch - went to Pendleton this P.M. & didn't get home until about 6:30 - I mowed lawn this P.M. - didn't get it quite done - Gladys & Cindy came before we ate - It was 8:20 when we got dished done - went to Ruby's a minute & took her cookies back - gave Billy a bath - watched tv - bed at 11:15.

Letter from Mom - Mailed letter home -

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 1964

Up at 8:30 - Rainy & cloudy this A.M. - Fixed French toast for bkfst. - Jim came over about 11:00 & asked us to go to Arrowhead Beach with them - took hamburgers, hot dogs - pork & beans - tomatoes & cucumbers - left at 12:00 - we drove our own car - Jimmy went with us - after we ate we went in the water for awhile - saw Jim & Ruby's lot - home at 9:30 - gave Billy a bath & fed him a bite - I took a shower - bed at 10:30.

Saturday, July 18, 1964

Up at 7:45 - Hank was just coming in the door from taking Welad back to camp - Cleaned house this A.M. - Cleaned & cooked a mess of beans - Hank went to see a lawyer about handling Dowlings lot for us - ordered a new burner for the stove & took the big electric frying pan in to have it over-hauled. This P.M. we went to Dowlings - it poured down rain - Merilyn was there - Catherine, Merilyn & Billy & I went to a little carnival nearby but it had folded up due to rain - Fred & Hank took the deed to Powell. We helped Merilyn get stuff down from the attic - left about 6:00 - ate supper at Burger Chef - made pop corn tonite - Watched tv - fell asleep watching Gunsmoke - bed 11:00.

Friday, July 17, 1964

Up at 6:45 - made coffee - took Hank to the base - Billy & Welad were still asleep. Finished catching up in diary when I got home. Welad got up at 8:30 - he stayed around here until 10:00 - after he left I washed & set my hair - Kitty came up & brought some peaches - washed 2 loads - run the sweeper over kitchen - living room - hall & bath. Went to Hurds tonite & ate supper - then went to Amusement Park at Va. Beach - Billy rode nearly every ride - Home about 9:45 -

Thursday, July 16, 1964

Up at 7:20 - Felt real stiff & worn out from the beach yesterday - Didn't do anything this A.M. - Billy got up at 8:00 & Welad at 8:30 - Got bkfst. & done dishes - Welad & I talked all morning - Hank got off at noon - after lunch him & Welad took Billy & I out to Lynnhaven Beach - then they went to Va. Beach to see about some parts for David's car - they picked us up at 4:30 - gave Billy a bath & I took a shower when we got home - Hank cooked steaks & hot dogs out - I fixed corn on the cob - French Fried potatoes - zucchini squash - sliced tomatoes - cucumbers & green pepper & biscuits - done with dishes at 8:00 - Billy went to Farm Fresh with Humblets - I went over & got some tomatoes from Ruby - Hank - Welad & Billy went to Colonial - bed at 11:30 -