Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tuesday, November 5, 1963

Up at 6:30 - Didn't do much today - Gladys called - cleaned up - worked on Hank's uniform coat - mended the lining - he came home early - after lunch I went to the Commissary - ran short on money - came home & put groceries up - done dishes - went to the Egg Factory - Jimmie went along - Went to Kitty's awhile - then talked to Mrs. Pipkin - went to Ruby's for awhile - after supper Hank went to the base & got some Playtex gloves for me - then Billy & I went to the Drugstore - got a card for Janice & 1 for Steve R. - Stopped at Ruby's for awhile - Hank was there - Worked on Hank's coat - Watched tv & wrote in diary -

Letter from Bertha Talley

Monday, November 4, 1963

Up at 6:30 - Washed 2 loads - then spent rest of day on storm windows & perm windows - got them all put back in - also the screens - Went to Ports. tonight to see Janice & the baby (at the hosp.) - Billy slept - home about 9:15 - Watched tv -

Letter from Dad.

Sunday, November 3, 1963

Janice had a girl. 7 lb. 4 oz.
Sunny - cold
Up at 7:30 - I took Jimmie, Pam & Pat to S.S. - Billy threw a fit so he didn't go - I talked to Mrs. Maxwell about teaching - didn't stay - came home & wrote a letter to Midge - After lunch we went to Pat's but she was gone - rode around awhile - went to Colonial at Bayside - just got home when Pat & the kids came - also her sister Sheila & 1 boy - then Dowling's & Ivan came - I made coffee & baked cinnamon rolls - also had cookies - Pat & them left first - after Dowling's left we went to Burger Chef & got cheeseburgers - home at 6:45 - watched tv - read paper & wrote in diary.

Mailed letter to Midge

Saturday, November 2, 1963

Up at 8:00 - Fixed pancakes. Straightened up the house - Finished Mom & dad's letter - Cleaned the kitchen & took a shower -
Ruby & I went to our Art Lesson this P.M. - I drove - Stopped at Colonial on way home -
Fixed hot dogs & crescent rolls for supper -
Gave Billy a bath - pressed his pants - read Grundy p. & watched tv.

Mailed letter home -

Friday, November 1, 1963

Washed 4 loads of clothes & also done handwashing - Cleaned the house - Hank got off at noon - he mowed lawn this P.M. Watched tv tonight - Wrote in diary - wrote a letter to Mom & Dad - Bed at 11:30.

No Mail

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Thursday, October 31, 1963

Washed & set my hair this A.M. - Washed all the screens - started on windows when Ruby came - She stayed until 12:00 - Worked on windows this P.M. -
Hank took Billy out Halloweening - Billy & I went to see Cindy - I took a shower -
watched tv
Got washer fixed - had to have a new pump.

Letter from Dad

Wednesday, October 30, 1963

Billy & I spent the day with Janice - left here about 10:00 - Ate at Carroll's Drive In - then went to see Emma - Picked Hank up at work - he went to Young's while I got supper - Went to Lodge meeting tonite - Went up for his 1st degree. I gave Billy a bath - Watched tv -

No letter

Tuesday, October 29, 1963

Rain - cool
Up at 6:30 - Got bkfst. for all 3 of us - done dishes - Wrote in diary. Cut out red vest for Billy - at 10:30 I went & got my hair cut - it was raining - went to Ruby's a minute - didn't do much today - Baked a cake this P.M. - made a lemon sauce for it - put more clothes in the attic. After supper we took the United C.F. money to Mrs. Boyer -

Monday, October 28, 1963

Up at 6:45 - Cloudy - cold & windy - Couldn't wash - Straightened up the house - Gladys called - Took summer clothes down & put some in the attic - got winter stuff down - went to Ruby's this A.M. - Jimmie came over - Billy took a nap this P.M. - I read - Didn't feel like doing anything today. Hank went to Young's after supper - I gave Billy a bath - called Janice - Watched tv - Bed at 11:00.

Letter from Dad & 1 from Mom

Sunday, October 27, 1963

Billy & I went to S.S. & I sat in on a class - took Jimmie & Pat - Went to Billy's Bar-B-Q & ate dinner - rode downtown & then went to Dowling's - Home about 5:45 - Billy & I ate a bite - Watched tv & read the paper -

Saturday, October 26, 1963

Cleaned house this A.M. - didn't have art lesson today - Hank & I went to a movie at the Norva tonight - "The Haunted Palace" - The Flinchum boy stayed with Billy -
Home at 10:45 -

2 letters from Dad - 1 from Mom

Friday, October 25, 1963

Up at 7:30 - Washed & set my hair after bkfst. - Jimmy was here all A.M. & for lunch - didn't feel good today - Hank got off at noon - Done the ironing today - Watched tv tonite - wrote in diary.

Mailed letter home -

Thursday, October 24, 1963

Hank had duty - Washed 2 loads this A.M. - Started letter to Mom & Dad - went to Ruby's - Hank came home about 12:00 - we took him to the base - went thru Toyland - got 2 bldg. sets for Billy - went to Charcoal Burger & ate lunch - Stopped at Colonial - Got clothes in & re-hung them in garage - it drizzled - went to base & got oral polio vaccine - then collected for United Community Fund - home at 6:00 - Had pancakes for supper -
Watched tv - Finished letter to Mom & Dad -

Letter from Mom - 2 from Dad -

Wednesday, October 23, 1963

Finally finished painting the woodwork today -
Kept Billy in all day -

Tuesday, October 22, 1963

Windy - cloudy & cold
Up at 7:00 - Painted woodwork again today - Jimmy came over this A.M. Hank got off at noon - This P.M. him & Billy went away - got meat - I made a rice pudding - scalloped potatoes - painted some more - Had flounder - turnips, potatoes & pudding for supper -
Catherine called -
Before supper Hank took Billy to the base & got his hair cut - Watched tv

No Mail -

Monday, October 21, 1963

Windy - cold & cloudy
Up at 7:15 - painted on the woodwork this morning - again in P.M. - Ruby came over after lunch -
Hank went to Young's tonite -

Finished letter to Mom & Dad this A.M.

Mailed letter home - no mail

Sunday, October 20, 1963

Billy & I went to S.S. - I sat in on 2nd graders -
Got a cooked dinner
Holmes's came while we were eating - Stayed until 5:00 - Jim H. came awhile this eve. I read paper - watched tv.

Saturday, October 19, 1963

Cleaned house this A.M. - Hank & Billy went to Oyster Bowl Parade with Jim & Jimmy. Ruby & I took our art lessons this P.M. - Home at 5:00 - got supper - Gave Billy a bath - I took a shower - felt blue over Mom's letter -
Called Gladys & Catherine
Called Mom tonight -
Started letter home -

Letter from Mom

Friday, October 18, 1963

Up at 6:30 - Washed last night's dishes - Washed & set my hair - Called Catherine - Ate bkfst. - Billy & Jimmy played - I painted woodwork in the hall - Ruby came - made coffee - Hank got off about 1:00 -
Billy & Jimmy ate at the picnic table - Ate supper at Tastee Freez - Watched tv tonight -

Sent cards & letter to Dad-

Thursday, October 17, 1963

Up at 6:45 - Straightened the house up - Took a shower - Left at 10:00 - left Billy with Gladys - Took Hank back to base - dentist at 11:00 - out at 12:30 - Stopped at Glidden & got 2 qts. paint - picked Billy up - Stayed at Gladys's awhile - letter from Mom saying Dad went in the hosp. Monday - Started painting the woodwork - left at 4:00 & picked Hank up at work - had hash for supper - Went to Miller's tonight - got Iron pills - a blouse - dungarees for Billy & a sweat shirt - Wrote to Mom & Dad tonight -

Letter from Mom -

Wednesday, October 16, 1963

Painted again today - Put the second coat on the walls - Worked till supper time -

Mailed letter home -

Tuesday, October 15, 1963

Started painting the living room this A.M. - Gladys called - then Clinedinst came with coffee - he stayed until Hank came home about noon - Finally got back to painting - Got the first coat on all except one long wall & one end wall of hall.

Monday, October 14, 1963

Dad went to the hospital -

Washed today - done 2 loads when washer broke down - stool broke too - called Janice - done all the caulking in living room & hallway -

Letter from Mom

Sunday, October 13, 1963

Billy & I went to Sunday School -
This P.M. we went to the circus with Ruby & the kids - home about 5:00 -
Hank stayed here -
Went to Charcoal Burger & ate supper - Watched tv & read paper -

Saturday, October 12, 1963

Windy & cool
Up at 7:15. Fixed pancakes - Hank painted the trim - I straightened up the house - took a shower - finished a letter to Bob & Charlene & mailed it - Went to Ruby's for a few minutes - Billy & I ate lunch about 12:00 -
Went for my first art lesson from 1:30 to 4:30 - Had supper about ready when Pat & kids came - ate after they left - gave Billy a bath -
Watched tv tonite -

Friday, October 11, 1963

Up at 6:20 - Ate bkfst. & done dishes - I washed & set my hair while Billy watched tv - Hank came home about 9:30 - then went back to work. I cleaned house today - Kitty came over this A.M. - Hank got off early - I made a cocoanut cream pudding - checked the garden & brought some squash in - Ronnie Davis came down & I ordered 2 magazines from him - Ruby came over - I fixed scalloped potatoes, steak & squash for supper. Watched tv tonight. Wrote in diary.

Thursday, October 10, 1963

Up at 6:45 - Hank had duty. The men came about 9:00 - they finished up today - it made sort of a mess in the house - I washed a load of white clothes this A.M. - also the cover to the machine - vacuumed the kitchen & pulled the stove out so they could plaster in back of it - sewed buttons on a couple of Hank's shirts - the men left about 3:00 - I called Catherine - vacuumed every room except Billy's - got clothes in - Ruby came over - had pot pies for supper - gave Billy a bath - made up our bed - Hank came home about 8:00 & ate supper - watched tv tonight - bed at 11:00.

Wednesday, October 9, 1963

Up at 6:30 - Straightened up the house - wrote out some checks - Wrote a letter of complaint to Union Circulation Co. - The termite men came about 9:30 - worked until 3:00 - Went to Ruby's for awhile this A.M. - Billy & I went to Gladys's this P.M. - I rode Pam's bicycle & he rode his tractor - home about 3:00 - Guthrie's had a fire in the kitchen - we ate supper at Engs in Janaf then I went to Sherwin Williams & got my art supplies - Watched tv after we got home.

Tuesday, October 8, 1963

[no entry]

Monday, October 7, 1963

[no entry]

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sunday, October 6, 1963

Sunny - warm
I got up at 7:30 - Billy wanted cereal - Laid back down on the couch - - didn't feel good at all - got up at 8:30 & fixed pancakes - Hank painted - I done dishes - straightened up the house - run the oil mop - wrote in diary - Billy & I went & mailed a letter home - rode thru Lakeview Shores - Ruby came over - We went to Gibson's & ate supper - Watched tv tonight -

Mailed letter home -

Saturday, October 5, 1963

Warm - sunny
Up at 7:45 - Went to the Commissary about 10:00 - worst crowd I ever saw - home at 12:00 - After lunch I wrote to Mom & Dad - George Davis came down - Fixed chili soup for supper - Went to the egg factory & King's tonight - got a new clothes basket & a pr. of dungarees for Billy - home at 8:20 - washed him up & he went to bed - watched tv - I fell asleep during Gunsmoke -

Wrote home this afternoon -

Friday, October 4, 1963

Washed & set my hair this A.M. - Cleaned the house today - Hank got off at 11:30 - he painted this P.M. - Fixed chicken for supper - Was watching tv about 8:30 when Janice called from Southern Shopping & said they were coming over - Billy was already in bed - they stayed until about 1:00 - had coffee & cookies.

Thursday, October 3, 1963

I mowed lawn this A.M. & for awhile after lunch - Hank got off about 2:45 - he finished the mowing - Billy & I laid down & took a nap - watched tv tonight.

Letter from Mom

Wednesday, October 2, 1963

Finished ironing - cleaned some windows - folded summer clothes to put away -

Tuesday, October 1, 1963

Finished washing - 4 loads - also done the dry ironing - vacuumed the kitchen - went to Kitty's -

Monday, September 30, 1963

Washed 2 loads this A.M. - It looked like rain so didn't do it all - Unpacked suitcases - Hank got off at noon - he sanded the kitchen door down - got our chair back that Campbell covered -

Sunday, September 29, 1963

Left Charlene's about 10:00 - had a good day for driving - hit rain at Suffolk - home about 8:30 - Unpacked a few things & read the paper - went to bed early.

Saturday, September 28, 1963

Up at 8:00 - After lunch we went for a ride - went to the football game tonight - Billy slept thru it all - Didn't go to bed until 2:00.

Friday, September 27, 1963

Left for Pa. at 9:45 - Billy got his finger caught in the kitchen door before we went - got there at 8:15 - Bob & Layton were gone to a ballgame -

Mailed letter home

Thursday, September 26, 1963

SP tonight
Washed & set my hair this A.M. - Done some handwashing - also some ironing & pressing - packed suitcases -

Letter from Mom -
Wrote home tonight -

Wednesday, September 25, 1963

Up at 6:30 - Wrote in diary while waiting on coffee - Cleaned house today -

Went back to Penny's tonight & exchanged my slacks for another pair -

Tuesday, September 24, 1963

Up at 6:45 - Finished the ironing before bkfst. - Gave the bathroom a second coat of paint today - Didn't get all of the east wall painted - Had so many interruptions all day - Mrs. Ranhorne & Mrs. Pipkin were here. Hank came home & got the chair so Campbell could cover it. Ate supper at Gibson's - went to GEX - got Billy a pretty coat for $7.88 - got chair material - I couldn't find slacks I liked - went to Penny's & got some plaid ones - they're too small - Called Charlene when we got home - watched tv - Bed at 11:15.

No mail -

Monday, September 23, 1963

Charlene called this A.M. & asked us to come up at 6:45. Washed today - also done all the handwashing. Ruby came for coffee this A.M. - This P.M. I got clothes in & beds remade - got most of the ironing done - had left-over chili for supper - Holmes's came tonight - Dave & Hank went to Sears - Mary & I had coffee - Billy went to bed soon after they got here. They left at 10:00 - we watched tv until 11:00 -

Mailed letter to Midge

Sunday, September 22, 1963

Cold & windy -
Up at 7:30 - Billy didn't want to go to Sunday School - Straightened up the house - started a letter to Midge - went to Ruby's & had coffee - after lunch we rode downtown & looked around - made chili soup for supper - watched tv tonight - finished Midge's letter .

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Saturday, September 21, 1963

Up at 8:00 - This A.M. I cleaned the living room & kitchen - went up in the attic & got a mess of clothes down for Troy - Went to Kitty's after lunch - weighed 106 - Pat & kids came while I was there - They stayed until 5:00 - had hot dogs for supper - gave Billy a bath - I took a shower - Watched tv - Saw "Seven Year Itch" - Started a letter to Midge.

Friday, September 20, 1963

Up at 6:45 - Finished Mom & Dad's letter - cleaned the bedrooms & bath - Went out about 10:30 & started to mow - I was mowing up by Ranhorne's when Hank & Campbell came - he measured the chair - I didn't come in until Hank came out & said Janice was on the phone. I came in then - got lunch - Janice & her mother got here about 1:30 - Stayed all afternoon. Had a nice visit. After they left I cleaned Billy's room & went over the kitchen a little.

Thursday, September 19, 1963

Up at 6:45 - Took Hank to work - Straightened up the house & got ready - Had to take Billy to Dr. Johnson at 10:30 for 2 shots for measles - He didn't cry - came home & got my watch - then went to Glidden Paint & got the paint for the living room & hall (Oyster White) - Went to Carrol's for lunch - then to Pat's - Didn't stay long - she was ready to go away - had coffee - then went to Penny's - got red corduroy to make Billy a vest - also lining material - Went to Kresge's - got hot fudge sundaes - also thread - came home. Left about 3:30 & went to pick Hank up - he went to Young's while I got supper -

Wrote to Mom & Dad tonight -

No mail -

Wednesday, September 18, 1963

Some rain & cloudy -
Up at 6:45 - Ironed awhile this A.M. - Ruby came for coffee - Hank came home for lunch - Finished ironing this P.M. - Hank hit Jimmy's bicycle when he backed out so I carried it over to their house - got clothes down from garage line & folded & put away - straightened up the house - read my book awhile - had salmon cakes for supper - Went to King's tonight - Hank got a shirt - got 2 corduroy shirts & 1 knit shirt for Billy - Billy went to bed as soon as we got home - I took a shower - read the paper - bed about 10:30.

Letter from Mom -

Tuesday, September 17, 1963

Washed this A.M. - Also done a handwashing - Hank came home for lunch - I washed & set my hair before lunch - didn't get the towels out until late - laid down & finally got Billy asleep at 2:30 - then hung towels out - got clothes in & folded - made our bed - Rained tonight - had planned to go to GEX but didn't.

Thank you note from Janice

Monday, September 16, 1963

Cloudy & cool all day.
Sewed this A.M. - Straightened up the house - Got washed up - Hank got off at noon - after lunch we went to Miller's - done some of our Xmas shopping - got bedroom shoes for Billy - also a sweater - a bra for myself - went to Thom McAnn & got everyday shoes for Billy - went to Carrol's & ate supper - Billy & I went to Gladys's for awhile tonight - watched tv after we got home -

Sunday, September 15, 1963

Rain & wind all day -
Really a miserable day - didn't go to Sunday School - Poured down rain all day - cold & windy - Clinedinst & Charlie came this A.M. - had grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch - Started a letter to Wally & Carol - read this P.M. - had chicken for supper - watched tv tonight - Catherine called.

Saturday, September 14, 1963

Cloudy & windy all day - cool.
Up at 7:15 - Made beds - washed last night's dishes & straightened up the house - Hank got home about 8:10 - Got breakfast & done dishes. Hank & Billy went to BeLo's this A.M. & got a few groceries - also got eggs. I made spaghetti sauce for tonight. After lunch we went to GEX - got Billy a pair of shoes for Sunday School - picked up paint charts - looked at the toys - stopped at Norfolk Paint Co. on the way home & got paint charts - had spaghetti for supper - gave Billy a bath & washed his hair - watched tv.

Friday, September 13, 1963

Up at 6:45 - Hank had duty - Cool, windy & rainy all day. Hank came home for a few minutes this A.M. - Billy stayed with me all day - he didn't have anyone to play with. I cleaned the house - laid down with Billy in P.M. - I slept for a little while - he slept until 6:10 - had pot pies for supper - watched tv - popped corn - Hank called - bed at 10:30.

Letter from JoAnn Torbett

Thursday, September 12, 1963

Up at 7:30 - Finished Mom & Dad's letter - Hank brought record player home - Finished giving kitchen woodwork a second coat of paint - made a rice pudding - Kitty called - Hank got home at 5:30 - he had stopped at Young's - wrote in diary tonight - colored with Billy for awhile -

Mailed letter home -

Wednesday, September 11, 1963

Up at 7:10 - Straightened up the house this A.M. - Hank came home about 9:00 - we took him back to the base - came home & dressed myself & Billy - left about 11:00 - picked Catherine up & went to Atlantic Mills - got Billy a coloring book - Mouseketeer Hat & Fred Flip - ate lunch at Carrol's - went to Miller's - went to High's in Norview & got cones - went to Myer-Tabakin Furniture - back to Catherine's about 3:00 - left at 3:45 - picked Hank up at work - While I got supper he went to Young's - Gladys & Cindy came while we were eating - left about 7:45 - then I done dishes - gave Billy a bath - wrote to Mom & Dad tonight. Bed at 12:00.

Tuesday, September 10, 1963

Sunny - warm -
Up at 6:45 - Done the dry ironing this A.M. - Dampened the rest - went to Kitty's for awhile - weighed - (106½) - gained 1½ lbs. - done some weeding in flower bed - Hank came home for lunch - Took record player back to base to get it fixed - started Billy's p.j. bottoms - washed & set my hair after lunch - then done the rest of the ironing - watched tv & slept this evening.

Monday, September 9, 1963

Partially cloudy
Up at 6:45 - Washed - also handwashing - Ruby came over this A.M. - didn't do much this P.M. - felt real lazy - laid down & put Billy asleep - got clothes in - had pea soup for supper - made up the beds - went to High's for cones - also Overton's & Colonial - got potatoes - gave Billy a bath - I slept all evening - couldn't stay awake -

Letter from Issy

Sunday, September 8, 1963

Up at 7:15 - Put chicken on first thing. Catherine called at 7:45 & said Fred was sick so we couldn't go to Nags Head - didn't go to Sunday School - Packed our lunch & left about 11:00 - went to Jamestown - ate at picnic area there - had chicken - pork & beans - tomatoes - potato chips, coffee & cupcakes - made a complete tour of the place - had coffee & cupcakes before leaving - home at 6:45 - Billy & I ate a bite - I gave him a bath - read the paper & looked at tv.

Saturday, September 7, 1963

Went out to Birchwood Gardens this A.M. & located the house where the shower was tonight - then went to Valu-Fair & got chickens & meat - home at 2:30 - after lunch I cleaned chicken & put it in freezer - also wrapped other meat - made cupcakes to take to Nags Head tomorrow - made pea soup for supper - had a headache all afternoon & night - called Catherine - Took a shower - Went to Janice's baby shower tonight - home at 10:15 - Watched Miss America Pageant -

Friday, September 6, 1963

No Smoking
Cloudy & cool -
Up at 7:00 - After bkfst. & dishes I started cleaning - Mark came up at 8:15 - I finished balancing the bank statements this A.M. - wrote checks - went to Ruby's - got the house all cleaned except the kitchen - cleaned it after lunch - Hank got home about 1:15 - This P.M. we went to GEX - got a baby gift for Janice's shower - went to Meixels's & got 20 lbs. hamburger & 6 rib steaks - Stopped at Gibson's & ate supper - Came home - then I went to the Commissary - stopped at Colonial & Overton's - Jim & Ruby came tonight - I wrapped meat - They left at 9:30 - Billy went right to bed - wrote in diary -

Letter from Midge

Thursday, September 5, 1963

No Smoking
Rain all day -
Up at 6:30 - Finished the ironing this A.M. - wrote out checks - Hank came home about 9:30 - Stayed until after lunch - Jimmy came over & played all morning - I sewed on Billy's p.j.'s - Made a pudding after lunch - layed down & tried to put Billy asleep but couldn't - Catherine called - Sewed a little bit after supper - worked on bank statements - watched tv -

Mailed letter to Maurell's -
Letters from Mom - Dad - Tina - Therza

Wednesday, September 4, 1963

No Smoking
Ironed until 9:30 - then started push mower & done the trimming - Hank came home & said he had duty - he locked us out of the house - I crawled through living room window - I mowed until lunchtime - Kitty came after lunch - after she left I done dishes - tried to put Billy asleep but couldn't so I went out about 2:45 & mowed until about 4:30 - got it all done except for right in back of the house - Came in & ironed while our pot pies were baking - Jim came over after supper - we sat out in the yard & talked. Came in about 7:45 - Billy went to bed early - Hank called - I took a shower - wrote to Maurell & Mary.

Mailed letter home -

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tuesday, September 3, 1963

No Smoking
Washed & set my hair this A.M. - washed 3 loads of clothes - Went to Ruby's - wrote out some checks - Painted inside of linen closet door & also frame - Tried to get Billy asleep after lunch but couldn't - Mrs. Ranhorne came up - got clothes in & beds remade - painted garage side of kitchen door - got supper early - Hank went to Young's - I painted a little of the kitchen baseboard - Went to Ruby's to get Billy - Wrote home tonight -

Monday, September 2, 1963

No Smoking
Labor Day -
Washed 2 loads this A.M. - Ruby came over - sewed name tags on Hank's greens - mended a white blouse - Hank painted the trim on the house - Just as I was putting lunch on Pat & kids came - She stayed until 3:30 - Billy took a nap after they left - I done dishes - read the paper - Hank cooked hamburgers & hot dogs on the grill but we ate inside - watched tv tonight -

Sunday, September 1, 1963

No Smoking
Up at 8:00. Billy & I went to Sunday School. He cried & left his class - when I got ready to leave he was in my class & was sitting with some older lady. Jimmy went with us. Straightened up the house when I got back - wrote a letter to Bertha. After lunch we decided to take a ferry ride - we parked the car - rode over on the "Va. Beach" & back on "Old Point Comfort" - met Saunders, his wife & little boy on the way back - had a real nice visit with them - we all had lunch on the ferry. Stopped at High's & got cones - home at 8:30 - Read the paper & wrote in diary.

Wrote to Bertha Talley

Saturday, August 31, 1963

No Smoking
Up at 7:45 - after bkfst. I cleaned the kitchen - baked potatoes & eggs for salad - hung bathroom curtain rod - straightened up the house - called Catherine - made potato salad - Dowling's came about 5:00 - we had a cook-out - had hot dogs - hamburgers - potato salad - beans - toss salad - scalloped eggplant - pie & coffee. They left about 9:00. I gave Billy a bath - I fell asleep looking at Gunsmoke.

Letter from Midge

Friday, August 30, 1963

No Smoking
Cleaned house today - Hank got off at noon - While Billy took a nap this P.M. I went to the Commissary - After supper Hank went to Mr. Young's - I done dishes - tonight we went to a movie at Shore Drive In - Saw "Fancy Pants" & "Come Blow Your Horn" - Home at 1:00.

Letter from Mom -

Thursday, August 29, 1963

No smoking
SP tonight
Up at 7:45 - Baked chocolate chip cookies this A.M. - Hank came home for lunch - made Libb's jello pies this P.M. - fixed a roast for supper - done a little sewing on Billy's p.j.'s - weeded the flower bed after supper - went to High's & got cones.

Mailed letter to Midge

Wednesday, August 28, 1963

No smoking
Cool & sunny -
Hank had duty - Finished Mom & Dad's letter this A.M. - Started a letter to Midge - Worked outside all A.M. - Trimmed walk in front - also shrubs - azaleas etc. - Hank came home for a few minutes after lunch - I laid down & put Billy asleep - got up & cut out blue p.j.'s for Billy - had pancakes for supper - worked outside for awhile after supper - Mr. Guthrie came over - watched tv - after Billy went to bed I finished Midge's letter.

Tuesday, August 27, 1963

Started "No Smoking" dial -
Up at 7:00 - made coffee - started ironing right away - had it done when Billy was ready for bkfst. - after dishes I straightened up the house - called Catherine - Hank came home about 11:45 - after Billy & I ate, we took him to the base - stopped at Gladys's a minute - then we went to City Park - Stopped at BeLo on the way home - came home & put up groceries - wrote in diary - went after Hank - he started mowing while I got supper - I helped mow after I done dishes - Finished it tonight - Went after eggs - gave Billy a bath - Wrote to Mom & Dad tonight -
Didn't smoke all day -

Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday, August 26, 1963

Up at 7:15 - Washed today - also handwashing - washed & set my hair - Catherine & Gladys called - Done some hand trimming at the road - got clothes in & beds remade - Hank went to Hayes at 6:00 - I done dishes - then trimmed the pillars & around the front porch - Billy played at the corner & I went after him - we went after eggs after Hank got back - gave Billy a bath - watched tv - dampened clothes - bed at 11:45.

Sunday, August 25, 1963

Up at 7:30 - Billy & I went to Sunday School - straightened up the house - fixed lunch - left about 2:00 & went to Luke Jones's - had a real nice visit - stayed until around 5:00 - went to Carrol's on Va. Beach Blvd. & ate supper - rode out past Hurd's & looked at a house Sullivan is bldg. - Stopped at Aragona Drug Store & got sundaes - also a card for David Holmes - home about 9:00 - watched tv & read the paper -

Saturday, August 24, 1963

Billy & I were still in bed when Hank came off duty - fixed pancakes & sausage for bkfst. - Put stuff back in place in the bathroom - Cleaned house today - hotter than heck - Billy stayed around me all day because Jimmy was gone to N.C. - Hank went to Munson's this A.M. - Hayes this P.M. - Billy & I laid down for awhile - I was just getting up at 5:00 when Pat & kids came - I done dishes & made coffee - told her we were going away - they left about 7:00 - we went to Tastee Freez & ate supper after I gave Billy a bath - came home about 8:45 - read the paper - took a shower - Welad called from Fairfax, Va. -

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Friday, August 23, 1963

Hank had duty - Painted in bathroom this A.M. - finished it up - also done the medicine cabinet - gave the radiator a second coat - gave Billy a bath after lunch - we went to Jimmy's birthday party at 2:00 - I came home at 3:30 - done some painting in the kitchen & a little more in bathroom - washed bkfst. & lunch dishes - made beds - picked tomatoes - fed Jack & ck'd Newsome's house - Hank came home while we were eating supper - we sat outside for awhile - got Billy in at 8:15 & washed him up - put blind - curtain & shower curtain back up - Called Dearmon's - watched tv - wrote in diary -

Letters from Mom & Carol Freed

Thursday, August 22, 1963

Up at 7:00 - Finished the ironing this A.M. - Gladys called - Hank came home just as I was stirring the paint - I painted the bathroom except for the east wall - worked at it all P.M. - after supper Hank went to Hayes (at 6:00) I done dishes & done the chores at Newsome's - Gladys called & said Darlene Cozer died Tues. - Got cleaned up & we went to King's - got Jimmy a birthday present - black tennis shoes for myself & some towels - also a thing for Billy like we got Jimmy - went to Bayside drug & got a card - High's & got ice cream - Overton's for bread - home at 9:50 - wrote in diary.

Wednesday, August 21, 1963

Up at 7:00 - Cleaned the oven this A.M. - also side storage & bottom bin & under stove - Billy & Jimmy played - at 1:00 I went & had my hair cut (to Kantowski's) - came home & done dishes - put stuff back in the oven - Billy stayed with me - it was raining - vacuumed the kitchen - scraped tar - ironed a little - was getting supper when Mrs. Ranhorne came - wanted Hank & Guthrie to sign something for her - Ruby came over after supper - gave Billy a bath - I took a shower - wrote in diary - watched tv.

Hank took car for 6,000 mi. ck. up this A.M.

Mailed letter home & pkg. to Dad for B-day -

Tuesday, August 20, 1963

Took a shower before Hank left - Up at 6:30 - Done the dry ironing & dampened rest - straightened up the house - got bkfst. & done dishes - Hank came home about 10:00 & got Billy & I - went to Ship's Serv - got a billfold for Dad - Hank took Billy & got his hair cut - came home & Hank ate lunch - Billy & I done our chores at Kitty's - walked to the house on the corner & introduced myself to the lady there - came home & ate lunch - Went to Ruby's - got caught in rain - home at 3:15 - laid down & put Billy asleep - up at 4:00 - got supper - wrote to Mom & Dad tonight - Hank went to see Hayes - gave Billy a bath - bed at 10:30.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Monday, August 19, 1963

Hot - humid
Up at 7:00 - Washed today - also handwashing - washed & set my hair - cleaned our bedroom - Billy's - hall & bath. Supper at 5:00 - Pat & the kids came tonight - stayed until 9:00 - Watched tv after she left -

No mail

Sunday, August 18, 1963

Didn't go to Sunday School - Stayed home until late afternoon - we all took naps this P.M. - rode out around Kempsville - stopped at Valu-Fair & got watermelon & cantaloupe - came home & had grilled cheese sandwiches & watermelon - Watched tv tonight & read the paper.

Saturday, August 17, 1963

Cleaned kitchen - living room - hall & bath this A.M. - made frosting for the cake - left at 1:15 for the funeral - Mr. Guthrie & Mrs. Danner went with me - funeral was at Holloman Brown - then we went to the Cemetary - home at 3:30 - made potato salad - got supper - Holmes was going to come but got company - I was real sick tonight - went to bed early.

Letter from Mom -

Friday, August 16, 1963

Straightened up house this A.M. - Set my hair - Called Gladys - Mowed lawn until lunch - got about ¾ done - Pat & the kids came after lunch - stayed until about 4:00 - After supper I took a shower - went to see Mrs. Ranhorne - then to Guthrie's - came home & baked a cake - watched tv & went to bed.

Thursday, August 15, 1963

Cleaned the bathroom tile this A.M. - used bleach on the cracks - then put Jubilee wax on it - went to Kitty's & got instructions on taking care of things - Hank got off at noon - took a shower - after lunch we went to Southern Shopping Center - he checked on the car insurance - went to Dowlings - I blew the heater out for them - went to the Shade Shop at Wards Corner & got a shade for the lamp Therza gave us - stopped at Giant Open Air Mkt. - got groceries & ordered flowers for Mr. Ranhorne's funeral - ate supper at Carrol's on Little Creek Rd. - wrapped Mom's salt & pepper shakers. I went to Guthrie's for awhile tonight - gave Billy a bath -

Friday, May 9, 2008

Wednesday, August 14, 1963

Up at 6:45 - Washed dishes from last night - canned 8 pints of tomatoes - Hank came home for awhile this A.M. - Jimmy & Billy didn't get along today so Billy stayed with me most of the day - weeded part of the flower bed before lunch - worked outside awhile after lunch dishes - the Avon lady came - I gave her an order - laid down to put Billy asleep - I slept for awhile - after supper we went to GEX - got Modess - iron pills - cards - make-up for Catherine - plate hanger - sleeve ironing board - glasses - & record - ate watermelon when we got home - watched Bing Crosby show -

Letter from Bertha Talley -

Mailed card & letter to Swede - card to Carol Talley

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Tuesday, August 13, 1963

Up at 6:30 - Started ironing before Hank went to work - Ironed until about 9:00 - then finished Mom & Dad's letter - got bkfst. - washed & set my hair - wrote a letter to Therza - finished the ironing this P.M. - Was about half-way thru cooking supper when an electrical storm hit - our lights went out right away - about 7:00 we went to Carrol's & got supper - stopped at Aragona Drug Store & got a card for Swede - home at 9:00 - lights were on - finished cooking the spanish rice - watched tv - wrote a letter to Swede -

Mailed letters to Therza & Mom & Dad

Monday, August 12, 1963

Up at 7:30 - Washed all morning - soaked a lot of white clothes in Chlorox - Ruby came over - Hank brought a guy from New York by for a few minutes - sprinkled after lunch. I got clothes in & beds remade - folded clothes & dampened the ironing - Cleaned the garage out - cleaned the bathroom. George, Gladys & Cindy came after supper - Kitty came up - gave Billy a bath - took a shower - wrote to Mom & Dad.

Letter from Therza

Sunday, August 11, 1963

Up at 6:30 - Went after Hank at 8:00 - Came home & got bkfst. - straightened up house - Billy didn't go to Sunday School. About 11:00 we went to the beach - Stayed till 2:00 (Little Creek) gave Billy a bath - got dinner & done dishes - Hank & Billy took a nap - Pat & the kids came - stayed until 7:30 - Dowling's came about 5:00 - after Pat left we went to Dowling's to see their new house - took her tomatoes - cucumbers - peppers & grape jelly. Home about 9:30 - watched tv & went to bed.

Hank mailed letter to Swede -
Mailed letter to Issy

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Saturday, August 10, 1963

Up at 6:45 - Fixed coffee for Hank - he has duty today - while Billy watched tv I straightened up the house & cleaned the kitchen - wrote in diary - we were eating bkfst. when Hank came with a truck & a load of sand - Jim took him back to work & brought the car back to me. Billy & I went to Ship's Serv. - got Evelyn Guthries baby a gift - I lost Billy & he went to the car - went to Richardson's Antique Shop & got a shade & chimney for Tina's lamp - came home & took the present to Guthrie's - ate lunch - Ruby came over - was going to Dowling's but no answer - went to Ruby's for awhile - had pot pies - picked tomatoes - went to Ruby's after supper - gave Billy a bath & washed his hair - watched tv - wrote a letter to Issy - took a shower - bed at 12:20 - also rolled my hair.

Friday, August 9, 1963

Up at 7:00 - Fixed Hank's coffee - Cleaned bedrooms & bath this A.M. Hank got off about 1:00 - Had some Watermelon - done dishes & gave Billy a bath - laid down to put him asleep - got up when Catherine called - cleaned the living room - Took a shower - Went to the base tonight & watched a parade - Took Jimmy along - went to Commissary & got bread & milk - brought Jimmy home - then went to Gibson's & ate supper - home at 9:00 - watched tv awhile.

Thursday, August 8, 1963

Up at 6:30 - Wrote in diary - Finished Swede's letter - Picked beans & got radishes & tomatoes in - Hank came home for lunch - Done all the ironing this P.M. - Went to Gladys's tonight to meet her sister "Kitty", Billy was asleep when I got home. Went to bed about 11:00.

Mailed letter to Swede
Letter from Mom & Tina -

Wednesday, August 7, 1963

Up at 7:30 - Dampened down clothes - made 2 batches of grape jelly after breakfast - Hank came home for lunch - bought 2 more foam rubber pillows. Made a chocolate pie after lunch - Billy & I watched tv awhile - Fixed macaroni & cheese for supper - also steaks, peas & tomatoes. Called Gladys tonight - talked to Mrs. Ranhorne - gave Billy a bath. Watched tv - bed at 11:10 - Started letter to Swede before supper.

Letter from Issy

Tuesday, August 6, 1963

Washed & set my hair before breakfast - After bkfst. I put apples in the freezer - laid down with Billy this P.M. & slept until Hank came home - he picked grapes for me - after supper I cleaned them & cooked them down for juice.

Mailed letter home

Monday, August 5, 1963

Washed today - Picked apples & put some in the freezer.

Sunday, August 4, 1963

Billy went to Sunday School with Humblets - this P.M. we went to Pat & Roger's - Stayed for supper - home about 8:00 - I finished Mom & Dad's letter -

Wrote home

Saturday, August 3, 1963

Cleaned house this morning - Went to the Commissary after lunch - went to Ruby's for awhile - A man came & gave us 250 S&H stamps - then tried to sell us a Kirby sweeper. We cooked hamburgers out with Jin & Ruby - Came in about 9:00 - gave Billy a bath -

Friday, August 2, 1963

Finished the ironing this A.M. Went to Ruby's - Picked tomatoes -

Canned 5 pints tomatoes tonight after supper - that's 14 in all.

Letter from Mom.

Thursday, August 1, 1963

Up at 7:15 - Ironed a little this A.M. - Cleaned top of the stove - had to soak burners quite awhile - Went to Ruby's for coffee - After lunch I ironed awhile - laid down & put Billy asleep - I was asleep when Hank came home - fixed pork chops for supper - George, Gladys & Cindy came tonight - went to Overton's for bread after they left - got cones at High's - Wrote some in diary tonight -

Sent B-day card & note to Therza