Up at 7:00 - Washed some of the summer clothes - hung a bunch out to air - Went up to Overton's before lunch - This P.M. I mowed the ditches & trimmed around some trees with the push mower. Price's came & looked at the rider - said they would have to pick it up tomorrow. Dampened clothes & done the dry ironing. Took more clothes to Ruby - Gladys & Cindy came tonite - after they left we went to Bayside & got the colored pictures. Went to bed early.
Letter & $20.00 from Hank
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, May 19, 1964
Up at 7:00 - Washed my hair & took a shower right after bkfst. - wrote in diary while drying hair. Went to Gladys's - had coffee - left Billy there while I went to the base to get a sticker - there was such a crowd that I picked up the application & came back - This P.M. I cleaned the house - got summer clothes out of the attic - sorted through it & put a bunch in a sack for goodwill - gave a bunch of Billy's to Ruby - we ate supper at Burger Chef. Stopped at Gladys's & had George help me fill out form for base sticker - Wrote to Hank tonight.
Monday, May 18, 1964
Up at 7:45 - Washed today - had a big one - Went to the bank & deposited $180.00 - Filled car with gas & had water & oil checked - Mowed awhile after lunch - Went to Price's about 3:30 & got a new friction wheel for mower - Finished mowing when I got home - Mrs. Ranhorne came over - Got all the garbage gathered up - had egg sandwiches & soup for supper - was going to do some trimming tonight but Jim & Ruby & Mrs. Guthrie came over so didn't get it done - Folded all the clothes - watched tv - Catherine called - was worn out tonight - bed at 10:15.
Letters from Mom & Therza
Letters from Mom & Therza
Sunday, May 17, 1964
Up at 7:45 - Sunny & hot -
Went to Munson's for a few minutes this A.M. - then went to Colonial & got coffee - Went to Ruby's for awhile after we got home - took Kitty's present to her & also the milk & bread I borrowed - after lunch I wrote some in diary - Went to Dowling's about 2:00 - Saw Merilyn & the girls - Went to Ruby's after we got home - Jim helped me fix the belt on the lawn mower - Sat in back yard - Guthries were there - left about 6:00 & we went to Burger Chef & ate supper - Stopped at George & Gladys's on way home - washed Billy up - wrote in diary - was looking at Ed Sullivan & writing in diary when Hank called - Watched tv -
Wrote letter to Hank
Went to Munson's for a few minutes this A.M. - then went to Colonial & got coffee - Went to Ruby's for awhile after we got home - took Kitty's present to her & also the milk & bread I borrowed - after lunch I wrote some in diary - Went to Dowling's about 2:00 - Saw Merilyn & the girls - Went to Ruby's after we got home - Jim helped me fix the belt on the lawn mower - Sat in back yard - Guthries were there - left about 6:00 & we went to Burger Chef & ate supper - Stopped at George & Gladys's on way home - washed Billy up - wrote in diary - was looking at Ed Sullivan & writing in diary when Hank called - Watched tv -
Wrote letter to Hank
Saturday, May 16, 1964
Up at 8:00 - Went to Bayside this A.M. - got groceries - picked a record up at the Post Office - got 5¢ stamps - turned colored film in - got gas for mower - Started mowing when I got home - got the backyard done from the house to Newsome's before lunch - mowed the front yard & got part of it done around grapevines & the shed - the pin came out once & I put it back, then it started smoking in the high grass by the fireplace - then the belt came off - I gave up when I was about half done - Gladys & Cindy came & she brought me a case of milk - Ray Warner came - had Gary with him - I gave him $100.00 for the tractor - had pot pies for supper - went to Ruby's a minute after supper - gave Billy a bath & I took one - Called Mom & Dad.
Mailed letter to Hank & Mom & Dad.
Letter from Hank
Mailed letter to Hank & Mom & Dad.
Letter from Hank
Friday, May 15, 1964
Up at 7:00 - Couldn't get the car started - Went to Kitty's & borrowed a loaf of bread & qt. of milk - Unpacked everything this A.M. - Had a terrible headache all day - Washed the car this P.M. - Elmo came at 4:30 & worked until 6:00 to get the car started - he pushed it but it wouldn't start - he took me to Holland's - then got it started himself after supper - The phone man came about 5:30 & changed phones - I got a beige one - We ate supper with Newsome's - went to bed early - Wrote Hank & wrote a couple cks.
Wrote Hank tonite
Letter from Hank
Wrote Hank tonite
Letter from Hank
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Thursday, May 14, 1964
Billy got sick this morning - kept him in the restroom quite awhile - he threw up -
Couldn't get in the diner when we went so went back at 8:30 - it cost $3,40 for bkfst. - it was a long day - we ate Mom's lunch - got acquainted with a woman & little boy who were going to Newp. News - she was real nice. The train was a little over an hour late - got to Norf. at 6:45 - got a taxi home - cost $3.40 - Billy went straight to Jimmy's - Ruby came over right away - She was so tickled to see me that she hugged me - She fixed hot dogs & beans as we hadn't eaten - came home at 8:30 - went thru the mail - went to bed early.
Had letters from Tina & Midge
2 letters with 10 Green Stamps ea.
Couldn't get in the diner when we went so went back at 8:30 - it cost $3,40 for bkfst. - it was a long day - we ate Mom's lunch - got acquainted with a woman & little boy who were going to Newp. News - she was real nice. The train was a little over an hour late - got to Norf. at 6:45 - got a taxi home - cost $3.40 - Billy went straight to Jimmy's - Ruby came over right away - She was so tickled to see me that she hugged me - She fixed hot dogs & beans as we hadn't eaten - came home at 8:30 - went thru the mail - went to bed early.
Had letters from Tina & Midge
2 letters with 10 Green Stamps ea.
Wednesday, May 13, 1964
Up at 4:30 - Left home at 6:30 & left W'loo at 7:45 - Quite cool this A.M. - It rained nearly all day - arrived in Chicago at 12:15 - ate lunch in ladies lounge - left there at 4:00 - got to Cinn. at 10:55 & left at 11:20 - didn't sleep very good tonight - had to sit up all night -
Billy was good.
Billy was good.
Tuesday, May 12, 1964
Up early - I went to Reinbeck at 7:45 & done the washing - It rained off & on all day - Home at 9:45 - Mom - Dad, Billy & I went to Maurell's for coffee - I bid Maurell goodbye - done some packing after dinner - then Florence & Harry Dittmer & Freda & Millard came - they stayed all afternoon - washed my hair when they left - was putting it up when Mary & Laurie came - they were here for supper & the evening - Freda came back with cookies & a recipe - after supper Buster & Gladys came - then Carol Freed - after they all left I finished packing - took a shower - gave Billy a bath earlier - Mom baked ham & cookies & packed our lunch - Bed at 1:00.
Monday, May 11, 1964
Up at 7:00 -
Dad worked at Wally's all day planting corn - Rained off & on - Mom, Billy & I went to Grundy this A.M. - Went to see Mary Kinsinger - got an apple box at Frank's for packing - got gas at DX - Went to C.F. & got my train ticket ($46.62) - ate dinner at McDonald's - went to W'loo to see tornado damage - stopped at shopping center across from Schoitz - came home thru Reinbeck - Stopped at Mrs. Burhman's for coffee - I took her a plastic waste paper basket - stopped at Gladys Baker's & had coffee again - done most of my packing when I got home - Dad got home at 7:00 - ate supper at 7:30 - Watched tv - Mom made hand lotion - Wrote in diary -
Letter from Hank
Dad worked at Wally's all day planting corn - Rained off & on - Mom, Billy & I went to Grundy this A.M. - Went to see Mary Kinsinger - got an apple box at Frank's for packing - got gas at DX - Went to C.F. & got my train ticket ($46.62) - ate dinner at McDonald's - went to W'loo to see tornado damage - stopped at shopping center across from Schoitz - came home thru Reinbeck - Stopped at Mrs. Burhman's for coffee - I took her a plastic waste paper basket - stopped at Gladys Baker's & had coffee again - done most of my packing when I got home - Dad got home at 7:00 - ate supper at 7:30 - Watched tv - Mom made hand lotion - Wrote in diary -
Letter from Hank
Sunday, May 10, 1964
Up at 8:00 - Mom was still asleep - Maurell was here having tea with Dad - he said they planned on having a picnic at noon - we watched Mooty's cattle nearly all morning to keep them out of the yard - Had a picnic at Grundy & Mary furnished the dinner & it was so good - I had colored film & took pictures - left about 4:00 & Maurell & Mary came out here for lunch - after they left we went to Gladbrook to see Ross & Al - home at 8:00 & found a note from Clarence's saying they had been here so Mom called them & then we went up there - got there about 9:00 & left at 10:30.
Saturday, May 9, 1964
Up at 7:00 - Didn't do much today - Dad mowed lawn - I took a shower right after bkfst. - We all went to Grundy this A.M. - I cashed a ck. for $50.00 - turned film in - got a colored film & a get well card for Sallie Mae - After dinner I done a handwashing - put Mom's hair up for her - baked an angel food cake - Billy went to town with Dad & acted up so I gave him a spanking & put him to bed for awhile - We were alone this evening - I finished my second pr. of slippers - started a letter to Hank - Watched tv - Woke up at 1:30 when Nut McIntyre came to the door - Mooty's cattle were out so Mom called Wally & Carol.
No Mail
No Mail
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, May 8, 1964
Up at 6:30 - Cleaned house this A.M. - Maurell came after dinner & stayed until 2:30 - Had coffee after he left & then went to Grundy - I got Air Mail stamps & mailed Hank's letter - Poured down rain & wind blew so hard - Dad picked his pump motor up & we had to take it to Marshalltown - got a new pump motor as lightning had burned out old one - went through Albion - Liscomb & Union & then to Eldora - Mom got a bottle of clear Cryst-L-Craze - Ate our supper there - Went to Red & Eleanor's - they were gone - came home & called Wally's - they were having company - Called Buster & Gladys & they were gone so we stayed home - Watched tv - Knitted on my slippers - Bed at 10:30
Mailed letter to Hank -
Letter from Hank & Mrs. Dowling
Mailed letter to Hank -
Letter from Hank & Mrs. Dowling
Thursday, May 7, 1964
Up at 7:00 - I went to see Aunt Maggie this A.M. - Billy was still asleep when I left - I took her a basket of fruit from Mom & I - Ed Hornig came while I was gone - Went to Penny's & got a new dress - took a blouse back - got Mom a Mother's Day card at Manly - had coffee when I got home - then Mom, Billy & I went to Mrs. Buhrman - I took pictures of her - took her to Bonacker's - ate dinner with her - Dad planted corn at Wally's all day - Went to C.F. this P.M. & made train reservations for next Wed. - Went to Earl May's - got a cone & stopped at Aunt Cora's on way home - also Dike dump - got into heavy rain & wind before we got home - got another blast between 6:00 & 6:30 - a tornado hit W'loo at that time - Mary & Laurie came tonite - stayed until 11:00.
Wednesday, May 6, 1964
Hank's birthday -
Up at 7:00 - Wind blew terribly today & the dust blew so bad we could hardly see. This morning Mom, Billy & I went to Reinbeck - we went to see Ed Hornig but he was in bed so we talked to her - went to Bonacker's & got a fruit basket with fruit for Aunt Maggie - Started to Grundy but the sky looked so bad we turned around - Stopped at Freda's & I got the leaf that Anna left there - Went to Donna Schmidt's late this afternoon (2:30) - really had a nice visit with her - met her kids - Janelle is 12 & Jay is 9. Stayed until 6:00 - Dad worked at Wally's all day - Watched tv & knitted tonite - Wrote in diary - Wrote to Hank -
Mailed letters to Hank & Tina -
No mail
Up at 7:00 - Wind blew terribly today & the dust blew so bad we could hardly see. This morning Mom, Billy & I went to Reinbeck - we went to see Ed Hornig but he was in bed so we talked to her - went to Bonacker's & got a fruit basket with fruit for Aunt Maggie - Started to Grundy but the sky looked so bad we turned around - Stopped at Freda's & I got the leaf that Anna left there - Went to Donna Schmidt's late this afternoon (2:30) - really had a nice visit with her - met her kids - Janelle is 12 & Jay is 9. Stayed until 6:00 - Dad worked at Wally's all day - Watched tv & knitted tonite - Wrote in diary - Wrote to Hank -
Mailed letters to Hank & Tina -
No mail
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 5, 1964
Mary's Birthday - Mom - Billy & I got up at 8:00 - Dad had already gone to Wally's to plant corn - Mom, Billy & I went to Mary's for coffee & had birthday cake with her - Jo was there - Billy & I went to Aunt Freda's this afternoon - Mary & Laurie were there - after coffee we all went to Anna Freed's to look at her ceramics - I bought $14.00 worth - home at 5:30 - Mary came up for a few minutes -
Wrote to Hank tonite & finished a letter to Tina.
Letter from Hank
Wrote to Hank tonite & finished a letter to Tina.
Letter from Hank
Monday, May 4, 1964
Up at 7:20 - Mom washed this A.M. - I done a little handwashing - helped hang up clothes - Wind blew like Sam 60 all day - I ironed after dinner - Carol & Wally were here for coffee this P.M. - Dad went to Wally's after lunch to help plant corn - Mom worked outside - Started a letter to Tina - finished painting my picture -
Washed & set my hair after supper.
Letters from Hank & Tina
Up at 7:20 - Mom washed this A.M. - I done a little handwashing - helped hang up clothes - Wind blew like Sam 60 all day - I ironed after dinner - Carol & Wally were here for coffee this P.M. - Dad went to Wally's after lunch to help plant corn - Mom worked outside - Started a letter to Tina - finished painting my picture -
Washed & set my hair after supper.
Letters from Hank & Tina
Sunday, May 3, 1964
Up at 8:15 - all the kids went to Sunday School - wind blew terribly hard all day - Issy got a cooked dinner - they brought us home about 4:30 - Mom fixed lunch - they left about 6:30 - we had supper - watched tv tonite - wrote to Hank - wrote cks. on house payment - car paym & state income tax - bed about 12:00 -
Saturday, May 2, 1964
Up at 7:00 - Sunny & windy -
Verla came this A.M. for coffee - I told Clarence & Issy how I felt about Verla not letting us in the room when Clarence was in W'loo. Stanley, Ruth & kids came while we were eating dinner - Issy & I went to the dump this P.M. - Swede showed his slides tonite - gave Billy a bath - Art & Betty Collings came tonite - Bed about 12:30 -
Mailed letter to Hank
Verla came this A.M. for coffee - I told Clarence & Issy how I felt about Verla not letting us in the room when Clarence was in W'loo. Stanley, Ruth & kids came while we were eating dinner - Issy & I went to the dump this P.M. - Swede showed his slides tonite - gave Billy a bath - Art & Betty Collings came tonite - Bed about 12:30 -
Mailed letter to Hank
Friday, May 1, 1964
Didn't do much today -
Carol & Wally were here this A.M. for coffee - Mom & Dad & Carol & Wally went to Aunt Margaret's funeral after dinner - Billy & I stayed home - I finished a letter to Hank - Cleaned the living room - washed myself & Billy up & got ready to go to Clarence's - packed our suitcase - we all went to Wally's for coffee - then we went to Bonacker's to get groceries - talked to Donna - went to Clarence's after supper - Billy & I stayed for the week-end - bed at 1:30.
Carol & Wally were here this A.M. for coffee - Mom & Dad & Carol & Wally went to Aunt Margaret's funeral after dinner - Billy & I stayed home - I finished a letter to Hank - Cleaned the living room - washed myself & Billy up & got ready to go to Clarence's - packed our suitcase - we all went to Wally's for coffee - then we went to Bonacker's to get groceries - talked to Donna - went to Clarence's after supper - Billy & I stayed for the week-end - bed at 1:30.
Thursday, April 30, 1964
Rain all day - cold -
Mom - Billy & I up at 9:00 - Went to Maurell's for coffee this A.M. - After dinner Dad, Billy & I went to Grundy - I got Billy's hair cut - got slacks & blouse at Penny's - also a knit shirt for Billy -
Cleaned the upstairs after lunch this P.M. - Mary & Laurie came about 3:30 - they were here for supper & spent the evening - Mary set Mom's hair - I washed & set mine - put a golden blonde (72) rinse on it - Mom cleaned the kitchen, bath, dad's room & washhouse while we went to Grundy -
Knitted awhile tonite - Started a letter to Hank -
Letter fom Hank
Mom - Billy & I up at 9:00 - Went to Maurell's for coffee this A.M. - After dinner Dad, Billy & I went to Grundy - I got Billy's hair cut - got slacks & blouse at Penny's - also a knit shirt for Billy -
Cleaned the upstairs after lunch this P.M. - Mary & Laurie came about 3:30 - they were here for supper & spent the evening - Mary set Mom's hair - I washed & set mine - put a golden blonde (72) rinse on it - Mom cleaned the kitchen, bath, dad's room & washhouse while we went to Grundy -
Knitted awhile tonite - Started a letter to Hank -
Letter fom Hank
Wednesday, April 29, 1964
I got up at 7:45 - Mom at 8:30 - Dad & I ate bkfst. together - I ironed this A.M. - Met Maurell at the Hwy. - Stayed at Freda's until 12:30 - Mom had dinner on keeping it warm - Freda gave Billy a lot of stuff - Mary & Laurie came this P.M. for coffee - She brought cinnamon rolls - Went to W'loo late this P.M. - Went to Clark's - I got Loving Care in Golden Blonde & a Birthday present for Mary - ate supper at McDonald's - Went to C.F. Depot but it was closed - Home at 7:00 - Wrote in diary - Watched tv - Painted on my picture tonite -
No Mail
No Mail
Tuesday, April 28, 1964
Up at 8:45 - Didn't do much this A.M. - Done a little hand-washing - Mom baked pie & cookies - Went to P-burg late this P.M. - I washed while Mom got a treatment - Got Hank a B-day card - Went up to see Issy at work - Stopped in Grundy on way home & got the pictures at Manly - Wrote to Tina & Hank tonight - Dowlings today -
Mailed bank draft for $162.00 today -
Wrote Dowlings today
Wrote Hank & Tina tonite
Mailed bank draft for $162.00 today -
Wrote Dowlings today
Wrote Hank & Tina tonite
Monday, April 27, 1964
Billy & I got up at 9:00 - Went to Maurell's after coffee - Maurell wasn't home - Dad, Billy & I went to Grundy after dinner - I got a bank draft for $162.00 to deposit to our acct. - Went to Holland & got the gr. beef - Just home when Vera & Mrs. Collings came - then Mary & Laurie - they stayed for supper & spent the evening.
2 letters from Hank & $112.00 ck.
2 letters from Hank & $112.00 ck.
Sunday, April 26, 1964
Started Daylight Savings -
Up at 7:30 - Messed around at home this A.M. - Went to Stanley & Ruth's this P.M. - home about 6:00 - ate supper - Stayed home tonite - no company - I painted a little on my picture.
Wrote Hank tonight -
Up at 7:30 - Messed around at home this A.M. - Went to Stanley & Ruth's this P.M. - home about 6:00 - ate supper - Stayed home tonite - no company - I painted a little on my picture.
Wrote Hank tonight -
Saturday, April 25, 1964
Up at 7:15 - Cool & windy -
Dad went to Wally's to plow this A.M. - Mom & I washed our hair. Billy & I went to Morrison before dinner - Dad, Billy & I went to Reinbeck after lunch this P.M. - Got Mrs. Buhrman & took her to Bonacker's - talked to Donna Schmidt in there - first time I had seen her - had lunch at Mrs. Buhrman's - went to Hook's & got groceries - Maurell's came tonight -
Dad went to Wally's to plow this A.M. - Mom & I washed our hair. Billy & I went to Morrison before dinner - Dad, Billy & I went to Reinbeck after lunch this P.M. - Got Mrs. Buhrman & took her to Bonacker's - talked to Donna Schmidt in there - first time I had seen her - had lunch at Mrs. Buhrman's - went to Hook's & got groceries - Maurell's came tonight -
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