Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Thursday, October 29, 1964

Up at 6:30 - Got ready to go to Commissary - got Billy up & dressed him - we all ate bkfst. - he stayed with Hank while I went to Commissary - had to wait 15 min. for it to open - Sam Baily was taking care of Billy when I went to pick him up - Hank had to go to a meeting - Came home & unloaded groceries - Hank called & we had to go back & pick him up - he brought us home & took the car - I ironed until lunchtime. Hank got off at noon - ate lunch & we all went downtown - he took his razor in to have it worked on - I took my typewriter along but didn't get to take it in for a cleaning - we went to Grant's - got fall flowers & Trick or Treat sack for Billy - got Cindy's Christmas present - went thru Toyland - went to Penny's & got 2 flannel shirts for Billy - had left-overs tonite - Hank went to Mason's - I gave Billy a bath - watched tv - Was asleep when Hank came home.

Wednesday, October 28, 1964

Beautiful day
Up at 7:00 - Billy & I ate bkfst. before Hank left - done dishes
Str. up house - dampened clothes - Called Mary Holmes - Caught up diary - Wrote a letter to Mark & Therza this A.M. - After lunch I pulled all the weeds from the flower bed by the garage - swept walks & porch - made a hamburger casserole for supper - we ate at 5:00 & I done dishes - then went to Kitty's about 6:00 to help her make name places for the church supper Friday night - we worked on them until 12:00 - I got to bed about 12:15.

Mailed letter to Therza & Mark -

Tuesday, October 27, 1964

Beautiful day -
Up at 7:30 - Finished cleaning windows this A.M. - Called Kitty - She came over before lunch - Washed my hair before lunch - this P.M. I made a pot of pea soup & made a white cake - made penuche icing - talked to Ruby quite awhile at the fireplace - Went to a Fashion Show with Kitty tonight at Thalia High School - from 7:00 to 10:00 - Mrs. Zimmerman & Mrs. Smith went also. Hank done dishes for me - home at 10:00 - Him & Billy went to Jim's for awhile - Bed at 11:00.

Monday, October 26, 1964

ø A.M.
Hank had duty
Beautiful day
Up at 6:45 - Washed this A.M. - done our sheets & Billy's - also a big handwashing - done 5 loads - Hank came home & I went with him to get George from the Vet - we had him get a rabies shot ($3.00) - Hank had duty today so he went back to work - I finished washing - then cleaned windows this P.M. - got them all done except the 2 bedrm. on the south end - done the garage window also - Went to Ruby's awhile before supper - had pot pie for Billy - Hank came home a few minutes tonight - Ruby came over
Stayed until 9:00 - Watched tv after she left - bed 11:00.

Sunday, October 25, 1964

Up at 7:00 - Beautiful sunny day - Billy & I went to Sunday School - Went to Ruby's to see how Jimmy was after his fall yesterday out of the car but Ruby & Jim had gone to car races - Caught up in diary. We went for a ride this P.M. - went by the house Geo. & G. are going to rent - then ate lunch at McDonald's & went by the house they are building - They have part of the framework up - Went to Rosewood Memorial Gardens & saw our Lot - They have the markers down now. Home about 4:30 - I went down to Kitty's & gave her the money for fixing Catherine's dresses - Had coffee & cake there -
Made pizza pie for supper - Wrote out a couple cks. & wrote a letter to Kill Devil Hills about taxes on our lot. Called Gladys - read the paper & watched tv.
Bed 10:30.

Saturday, October 24, 1964

Up at 7:00 - Billy slept late. Hank & I ate breakfast & I done dishes - Hunter came about 8:30 to check eaves spots - then Maynard came & him, Hunter & Hank worked nearly all morning opening up the kitchen drain - finally got it opened up pretty good - I done some handwashing - & washed 1 load of white clothes as Billy wet the bed last night - George & Gladys came - brought their lawn furniture & swing set down here to store until they move - also brought a bike for Billy - Cleaned Billy's room - back bedrm. & kitchen this P.M. - had a messy sink etc. to clean up - talked to Ruby & Kitty - Catherine called this A.M. & invited us for supper - Went to Kitty's & got Catherine's dresses - took a shower - gave Billy a bath - left at 5:45 & went to Dowling's - had a delicious supper & a real nice evening - home at 10:15 - polished shoes - read Sunday School lesson - Bed 11:30.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Friday, October 23, 1964

Up at 7:45 - Hank didn't call me - Washed last night's supper dishes - Cleaned the living room - Hank came home for lunch & said he had to go back & didn't know when he would get off - so I cleaned the kitchen - hall - bath & our bedroom this P.M. - Gladys & Cindy came down this P.M. - She brought my fruit jars back - Hank got home about 3:30 - was going to King's but changed my mind - had broiled flounder for supper - Ruby called & asked me to go with her to a dance at the base for the school kids - She was a chaperone - I wasn't crazy about it but I went - we left at 8:20 - home at 11:30 - Jim & Jimmy came over here - I was sort of bored there. Bed at 12:00.

Mailed letter home -

Thursday, October 22, 1964

Up at 6:45 - Billy & I ate bkfst. before Hank went to work - Tried to clean the brick on the fireplace this A.M. - Used wax remover solution - then tried steel wool - didn't do much good - finally gave up - Cleaned the tile in the bathroom & waxed it - also mopped the floor - Finished up the ironing - Fixed beef stew for supper & made a bread pudding this P.M. - We went to GEX after supper - I got Geritol tablets - got a Xmas present for Jimmy - a "Whee Lo" - talked to Darlene King & her husband in there -
Watched tv after we got home - Finished Mom & Dad's letter tonight - bed 11:30

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Wednesday, October 21, 1964

Up at 6:30 - Got bkfst. for Billy & I before Hank went to work - washed dishes & made beds - washed & set my hair - police dept. came out & took a report on the cat - Mr. Dancey called about eaves spouts. Done a handwashing & also hung out winter clothes to air - dried my hair with hair dryer & wrote in diary.
Hank came home at lunch & I took the car & went to Toyland at Little Creek - got a magnetic ABC Board - Guidancetown USA - Block City - Highway System set - & some puzzles - home at 1:30 - Hank went back to work - I ironed this P.M. - Watched tv tonite - started a letter to Mom & dad - got Billy's things out of the car & put them up in the attic. Bed about 10:30 -

Letter from Mom -

Tuesday, October 20, 1964

Up at 6:45 - Rainy - Took Hank to work then came back home - Str. up the house - Ate bkfst. - finished letter to Mom & Dad - Called Catherine - left at 9:30 & picked her up - went to Janaf - I got a brown purse at Hofheimers - went to Penny's - got Billy 2 pr. of p.j.'s - Went to Kresge's & snooped - got Trick or Treat bags - Went to Thom McAnn & got Billy a pr. of winter shoes - ate lunch at McDonald's - then came home - Mary Holmes called - I called Kitty & then Catherine & I went down there & Kitty fitted her dresses - Took Catherine home - Stopped at the egg factory - picked Hank up at work - had salmon patties - Called Gladys - wrote in diary - took a shower - bed 10:30.

Mailed letter home -

Monday, October 19, 1964

Up at 6:45 - Washed 4 loads this A.M. - Hank came home twice - the last time Billy & I went him & took George to Ward's Vet. Hosp. on Va. Beach Blvd. - it will cost $1.00 per day - Finished washing when we got back - Cleaned kitchen & living room windows inside & out - bathroom window on outside - had steaks tonite - gave Billy a bath - Mr. Peebles from Haygood Methodist Church came by - Started a letter to Mom & Dad - Watched Alfred Hitchcock - bed 11:00.

Sunday, October 18, 1964

Up at 7:30 - didn't go to S.S. - put hot compresses on Billy's face after bkfst. - I took a shower - run a load of wash & Hank hung them out because Billy wet the bed again last night - Ruby came over this A.M. - I went over there at noon & got a harness - we tried to tie George up but didn't have any luck - Kitty came up this P.M. - Dowling's came out about 4:00 & stayed until 9:00. I fixed lunch - coffee - ham sandwiches - cheese - crackers - cookies etc. - popped corn tonight - we locked Geo. up in garage tonight.
Bed 10:30.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Saturday, October 17, 1964

Billy learned to ride his bike -

Up at 8:00 - Got bkfst. - Billy ate in living room while watching cartoons - Washed & set my hair - scoured up bathroom tub, sink & stool - cleaned the bedrms & bath - hall - ate lunch - then cleaned the living rm - went out & watched Billy riding his bicycle. Hank got clothes out of the cleaners - Kitty came up - She said she would take Billy to the Dr. if she was us - his face was swollen - I got ready right away - took Billy out to the base about 5:00 - didn't see a doctor - a corpsman said to put cold compresses on it tonite & hot ones tomorrow. Went to Burger Chef & ate then went to Holmes's - they hadn't eaten yet but insisted we stay - David doesn't look good - home at 9:45 - washed Billy up - put hot compresses on his face. Wrote in diary.

Friday, October 16, 1964

"George" scratched Billy's face this P.M.

Up at 7:15 - Rained all day - Sewed some this A.M. - Catherine called - Hank got off at noon - after lunch I baked chocolate chip cookies & made Scotch Treats - Ruby came over this P.M. - Cleared off late this P.M. - Billy went out to play & George scratched his face - Watched tv tonite -

Thursday, October 15,1964

Up at 7:30 - Wrote in diary -
Hung winter clothes outside to air - Put some summer clothes up in attic - Hank came home this A.M. & ate bkfst. with us - Went down to Kitty's at noon & took the baby booties back to her that she loaned to Billy - I kept Jimmy after school - Billy & I went to the bus stop to meet him - sewed this P.M. -

Letter from Mom

Wednesday, October 14, 1964

Ck. from Savings & Loan $113.79

Up at 6:30 - Cool today but sunny
Hank had duty - Finished the ironing this A.M. - Folded yesterday's wash & put it away - This P.M. I swept the front porch - went up in the attic & got down the rest of the winter clothes - put some summer clothes up in the attic - vacuumed the kitchen - living room - hall & bath.
Talked to Ruby a few minutes before supper - had pot pies - Gave Billy a bath -
Called Mrs. Pipkin & Gladys - Hank came home for a while - Watched tv & knitted - Bed 11:00.
Got a ck. from Savings acct. for $113.79

Tuesday, October 13, 1964

Up at 7:00 - Sunny & warm.
Washed another load of clothes this A.M. - also done quite a bit of handwashing - ironed again this A.M. - Ironed awhile this P.M. - Made spaghetti sauce - Mrs. Dearmon called - I was ready when Hank got home & I went to the Commissary then - home about 5:15 - had supper at 6:00 - Watched tv tonite - didn't feel very good.

Monday, October 12, 1964

SP tonight

Up at 6:30 - Beautiful day - sunny & quite warm. Washed 4 loads of clothes - Went to Ruby's for coffee this A.M. - Hank came home for lunch - Ironed awhile this P.M. - really have a big one - switching from summer to fall clothes - called Gladys this P.M. - Betty Young called - got clothes in & beds remade - talked to Ruby & Guthrie this P.M. - had "Just Good Eatin" for supper -
Watched tv - wrote in diary -

Letter from Louis Olive -

Sunday, October 11, 1964

Up at 7:00 - Billy & I went to S.S. & church both - Sunny but cool. Sat with Kitty in S.S. - Jimmy rode to & from with us - Stayed home all day - read the paper after lunch - Kitty & I went for a walk around the block - fixed pizza for supper - watched tv & wrote in diary tonight -
Watched Sunday Night Movie "The Miracle Worker" -
Bed 11:00.

Saturday, October 10, 1964


Up at 8:00 - Washed & set my hair after bkfst. - Str. up the house - done some handwashing - Cleaned back bedroom & put up the new curtains - cleaned top of stove - burners & chrome. Made a rice pudding this P.M. - Took a shower before supper - Had hot dogs tonite - gave Billy a bath after supper - left at 7:10 & went to Frank & Betty's - had a little trouble finding their house - Billy was real good - he went to sleep not long after we got there - they really have a beautiful home - real fancy - left about 11:30 - went to bed about 12:30.

Hank sowed grass seed today
100 lb. rye
50 lb. Kentucky Fescue

Friday, October 9, 1964

Up at 6:45 - Finished letter to Mom & Dad this A.M. - also washed 4 loads of clothes - Hank got off at noon - I cleaned house this P.M. - Took a shower & got ready - we went to Eng's Chinese Rest. at Janaf & ate supper - then went to Penny's - got Billy a winter jacket for everyday ($9.95) - also a white dress shirt - went to Kresge's & got a Halloween costume - he picked out Casper The Friendly Ghost - home at 9:30 -
Watched tv awhile - went to bed pretty early.

Mailed letter home -

Thursday, October 8, 1964

Up at 6:30 - Ate bkfst. & we took Hank to work - Came home & done dishes - str. up the house & got ready - Went & picked Catherine up - Went to the barber shop at West Annex first - got Billy's hair cut - looked through Toyland - went in Ship's Service - got Modess - toothpaste & SOS pads - Went to the commissary - Catherine & Billy stayed in the car while I got a few things - really crowded. Came home & I got lunch - We were still drinking coffee when Kitty came up - gave Catherine all my old hats - Took her home about 3:15 - picked Hank up at the base - Had hash tonite from left-over roast - Started a letter to Mom & Dad tonite - Watched tv.

Wednesday, October 7, 1964

Up at 6:30 - Ate bkfst. & we took Hank to work - Came back home & str. up the house - got ready & went to Catherine's - had coffee there & then we went to Atlantic Mills - I got a new rug for the kitchen - a black hat - toy for Billy - jello mold - tea strainer -
Went to Carroll's & ate lunch then went to Miller's - I got Cape Cod Curtains for back bedroom - Went to Maxam's - Took Catherine home about 3:15 - Stopped at Bayside Dime Store & got eyebrow pencil - picked Hank up at 4:15 - had left-over roast tonite - a man came to ck. the eaves spots etc. & gave Hank an estimate on new ones. Watched tv tonite - put up anchor light in hall - knitted some - bed 10:45.

No mail -

Tuesday, October 6, 1964

Sunny - cool
Up at 8:15 - Washed & set my hair before bkfst. - Quite a relief to see the sun today - done quite a bit of hand sewing this A.M. - Called Catherine - tried on some of my winter clothes to see how they fit - Made tapioca pudding & put a roast on after lunch - Ruby came over for awhile - Put up some of my summer shoes - re-arranged my closet - really had a surprise - Betty Young called & talked a long time - invited us out to see them - Billy & I went up to Gladys's for awhile after supper - went to egg factory - Home at 9:15 - Wrote in diary - watched tv -

No Mail