Sunday, August 15, 2010

Friday, October 23, 1964

Up at 7:45 - Hank didn't call me - Washed last night's supper dishes - Cleaned the living room - Hank came home for lunch & said he had to go back & didn't know when he would get off - so I cleaned the kitchen - hall - bath & our bedroom this P.M. - Gladys & Cindy came down this P.M. - She brought my fruit jars back - Hank got home about 3:30 - was going to King's but changed my mind - had broiled flounder for supper - Ruby called & asked me to go with her to a dance at the base for the school kids - She was a chaperone - I wasn't crazy about it but I went - we left at 8:20 - home at 11:30 - Jim & Jimmy came over here - I was sort of bored there. Bed at 12:00.

Mailed letter home -

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