Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wednesday, September 23, 1964

Up at 7:00 - Hank came home about 10:00 & took me to the Commissary - Hung out 1 load of clothes before he came home - put another load in. Him & Billy went to Ship's Service & got shampoo while I got groceries -
Washed 4 loads of clothes in all - Started mowing right after lunch - got quite a lot done - picked up a bone in the back yard & it put the storm door upper glass out - glass flew all over the kitchen - cleaned that up then done some more mowing - Hank finished mowing when he came home - I got clothes in & took a shower - got supper. Gladys came down on her bicycle tonite - Watched tv awhile after she left - Went to bed at 10:00.

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