Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wednesday, May 20,1964

Up at 7:00 - Washed some of the summer clothes - hung a bunch out to air - Went up to Overton's before lunch - This P.M. I mowed the ditches & trimmed around some trees with the push mower. Price's came & looked at the rider - said they would have to pick it up tomorrow. Dampened clothes & done the dry ironing. Took more clothes to Ruby - Gladys & Cindy came tonite - after they left we went to Bayside & got the colored pictures. Went to bed early.

Letter & $20.00 from Hank

Tuesday, May 19, 1964

Up at 7:00 - Washed my hair & took a shower right after bkfst. - wrote in diary while drying hair. Went to Gladys's - had coffee - left Billy there while I went to the base to get a sticker - there was such a crowd that I picked up the application & came back - This P.M. I cleaned the house - got summer clothes out of the attic - sorted through it & put a bunch in a sack for goodwill - gave a bunch of Billy's to Ruby - we ate supper at Burger Chef. Stopped at Gladys's & had George help me fill out form for base sticker - Wrote to Hank tonight.

Monday, May 18, 1964

Up at 7:45 - Washed today - had a big one - Went to the bank & deposited $180.00 - Filled car with gas & had water & oil checked - Mowed awhile after lunch - Went to Price's about 3:30 & got a new friction wheel for mower - Finished mowing when I got home - Mrs. Ranhorne came over - Got all the garbage gathered up - had egg sandwiches & soup for supper - was going to do some trimming tonight but Jim & Ruby & Mrs. Guthrie came over so didn't get it done - Folded all the clothes - watched tv - Catherine called - was worn out tonight - bed at 10:15.

Letters from Mom & Therza

Sunday, May 17, 1964

Up at 7:45 - Sunny & hot -
Went to Munson's for a few minutes this A.M. - then went to Colonial & got coffee - Went to Ruby's for awhile after we got home - took Kitty's present to her & also the milk & bread I borrowed - after lunch I wrote some in diary - Went to Dowling's about 2:00 - Saw Merilyn & the girls - Went to Ruby's after we got home - Jim helped me fix the belt on the lawn mower - Sat in back yard - Guthries were there - left about 6:00 & we went to Burger Chef & ate supper - Stopped at George & Gladys's on way home - washed Billy up - wrote in diary - was looking at Ed Sullivan & writing in diary when Hank called - Watched tv -
Wrote letter to Hank

Saturday, May 16, 1964

Up at 8:00 - Went to Bayside this A.M. - got groceries - picked a record up at the Post Office - got 5¢ stamps - turned colored film in - got gas for mower - Started mowing when I got home - got the backyard done from the house to Newsome's before lunch - mowed the front yard & got part of it done around grapevines & the shed - the pin came out once & I put it back, then it started smoking in the high grass by the fireplace - then the belt came off - I gave up when I was about half done - Gladys & Cindy came & she brought me a case of milk - Ray Warner came - had Gary with him - I gave him $100.00 for the tractor - had pot pies for supper - went to Ruby's a minute after supper - gave Billy a bath & I took one - Called Mom & Dad.

Mailed letter to Hank & Mom & Dad.
Letter from Hank

Friday, May 15, 1964

Up at 7:00 - Couldn't get the car started - Went to Kitty's & borrowed a loaf of bread & qt. of milk - Unpacked everything this A.M. - Had a terrible headache all day - Washed the car this P.M. - Elmo came at 4:30 & worked until 6:00 to get the car started - he pushed it but it wouldn't start - he took me to Holland's - then got it started himself after supper - The phone man came about 5:30 & changed phones - I got a beige one - We ate supper with Newsome's - went to bed early - Wrote Hank & wrote a couple cks.

Wrote Hank tonite
Letter from Hank

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thursday, May 14, 1964

Billy got sick this morning - kept him in the restroom quite awhile - he threw up -
Couldn't get in the diner when we went so went back at 8:30 - it cost $3,40 for bkfst. - it was a long day - we ate Mom's lunch - got acquainted with a woman & little boy who were going to Newp. News - she was real nice. The train was a little over an hour late - got to Norf. at 6:45 - got a taxi home - cost $3.40 - Billy went straight to Jimmy's - Ruby came over right away - She was so tickled to see me that she hugged me - She fixed hot dogs & beans as we hadn't eaten - came home at 8:30 - went thru the mail - went to bed early.
Had letters from Tina & Midge
2 letters with 10 Green Stamps ea.

Wednesday, May 13, 1964

Up at 4:30 - Left home at 6:30 & left W'loo at 7:45 - Quite cool this A.M. - It rained nearly all day - arrived in Chicago at 12:15 - ate lunch in ladies lounge - left there at 4:00 - got to Cinn. at 10:55 & left at 11:20 - didn't sleep very good tonight - had to sit up all night -
Billy was good.

Tuesday, May 12, 1964

Up early - I went to Reinbeck at 7:45 & done the washing - It rained off & on all day - Home at 9:45 - Mom - Dad, Billy & I went to Maurell's for coffee - I bid Maurell goodbye - done some packing after dinner - then Florence & Harry Dittmer & Freda & Millard came - they stayed all afternoon - washed my hair when they left - was putting it up when Mary & Laurie came - they were here for supper & the evening - Freda came back with cookies & a recipe - after supper Buster & Gladys came - then Carol Freed - after they all left I finished packing - took a shower - gave Billy a bath earlier - Mom baked ham & cookies & packed our lunch - Bed at 1:00.

Monday, May 11, 1964

Up at 7:00 -
Dad worked at Wally's all day planting corn - Rained off & on - Mom, Billy & I went to Grundy this A.M. - Went to see Mary Kinsinger - got an apple box at Frank's for packing - got gas at DX - Went to C.F. & got my train ticket ($46.62) - ate dinner at McDonald's - went to W'loo to see tornado damage - stopped at shopping center across from Schoitz - came home thru Reinbeck - Stopped at Mrs. Burhman's for coffee - I took her a plastic waste paper basket - stopped at Gladys Baker's & had coffee again - done most of my packing when I got home - Dad got home at 7:00 - ate supper at 7:30 - Watched tv - Mom made hand lotion - Wrote in diary -

Letter from Hank

Sunday, May 10, 1964

Up at 8:00 - Mom was still asleep - Maurell was here having tea with Dad - he said they planned on having a picnic at noon - we watched Mooty's cattle nearly all morning to keep them out of the yard - Had a picnic at Grundy & Mary furnished the dinner & it was so good - I had colored film & took pictures - left about 4:00 & Maurell & Mary came out here for lunch - after they left we went to Gladbrook to see Ross & Al - home at 8:00 & found a note from Clarence's saying they had been here so Mom called them & then we went up there - got there about 9:00 & left at 10:30.

Saturday, May 9, 1964

Up at 7:00 - Didn't do much today - Dad mowed lawn - I took a shower right after bkfst. - We all went to Grundy this A.M. - I cashed a ck. for $50.00 - turned film in - got a colored film & a get well card for Sallie Mae - After dinner I done a handwashing - put Mom's hair up for her - baked an angel food cake - Billy went to town with Dad & acted up so I gave him a spanking & put him to bed for awhile - We were alone this evening - I finished my second pr. of slippers - started a letter to Hank - Watched tv - Woke up at 1:30 when Nut McIntyre came to the door - Mooty's cattle were out so Mom called Wally & Carol.

No Mail

Monday, December 29, 2008

Friday, May 8, 1964

Up at 6:30 - Cleaned house this A.M. - Maurell came after dinner & stayed until 2:30 - Had coffee after he left & then went to Grundy - I got Air Mail stamps & mailed Hank's letter - Poured down rain & wind blew so hard - Dad picked his pump motor up & we had to take it to Marshalltown - got a new pump motor as lightning had burned out old one - went through Albion - Liscomb & Union & then to Eldora - Mom got a bottle of clear Cryst-L-Craze - Ate our supper there - Went to Red & Eleanor's - they were gone - came home & called Wally's - they were having company - Called Buster & Gladys & they were gone so we stayed home - Watched tv - Knitted on my slippers - Bed at 10:30

Mailed letter to Hank -
Letter from Hank & Mrs. Dowling

Thursday, May 7, 1964

Up at 7:00 - I went to see Aunt Maggie this A.M. - Billy was still asleep when I left - I took her a basket of fruit from Mom & I - Ed Hornig came while I was gone - Went to Penny's & got a new dress - took a blouse back - got Mom a Mother's Day card at Manly - had coffee when I got home - then Mom, Billy & I went to Mrs. Buhrman - I took pictures of her - took her to Bonacker's - ate dinner with her - Dad planted corn at Wally's all day - Went to C.F. this P.M. & made train reservations for next Wed. - Went to Earl May's - got a cone & stopped at Aunt Cora's on way home - also Dike dump - got into heavy rain & wind before we got home - got another blast between 6:00 & 6:30 - a tornado hit W'loo at that time - Mary & Laurie came tonite - stayed until 11:00.

Wednesday, May 6, 1964

Hank's birthday -
Up at 7:00 - Wind blew terribly today & the dust blew so bad we could hardly see. This morning Mom, Billy & I went to Reinbeck - we went to see Ed Hornig but he was in bed so we talked to her - went to Bonacker's & got a fruit basket with fruit for Aunt Maggie - Started to Grundy but the sky looked so bad we turned around - Stopped at Freda's & I got the leaf that Anna left there - Went to Donna Schmidt's late this afternoon (2:30) - really had a nice visit with her - met her kids - Janelle is 12 & Jay is 9. Stayed until 6:00 - Dad worked at Wally's all day - Watched tv & knitted tonite - Wrote in diary - Wrote to Hank -

Mailed letters to Hank & Tina -
No mail

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Tuesday, May 5, 1964

Mary's Birthday - Mom - Billy & I got up at 8:00 - Dad had already gone to Wally's to plant corn - Mom, Billy & I went to Mary's for coffee & had birthday cake with her - Jo was there - Billy & I went to Aunt Freda's this afternoon - Mary & Laurie were there - after coffee we all went to Anna Freed's to look at her ceramics - I bought $14.00 worth - home at 5:30 - Mary came up for a few minutes -
Wrote to Hank tonite & finished a letter to Tina.

Letter from Hank

Monday, May 4, 1964

Up at 7:20 - Mom washed this A.M. - I done a little handwashing - helped hang up clothes - Wind blew like Sam 60 all day - I ironed after dinner - Carol & Wally were here for coffee this P.M. - Dad went to Wally's after lunch to help plant corn - Mom worked outside - Started a letter to Tina - finished painting my picture -
Washed & set my hair after supper.

Letters from Hank & Tina

Sunday, May 3, 1964

Up at 8:15 - all the kids went to Sunday School - wind blew terribly hard all day - Issy got a cooked dinner - they brought us home about 4:30 - Mom fixed lunch - they left about 6:30 - we had supper - watched tv tonite - wrote to Hank - wrote cks. on house payment - car paym & state income tax - bed about 12:00 -

Saturday, May 2, 1964

Up at 7:00 - Sunny & windy -
Verla came this A.M. for coffee - I told Clarence & Issy how I felt about Verla not letting us in the room when Clarence was in W'loo. Stanley, Ruth & kids came while we were eating dinner - Issy & I went to the dump this P.M. - Swede showed his slides tonite - gave Billy a bath - Art & Betty Collings came tonite - Bed about 12:30 -

Mailed letter to Hank

Friday, May 1, 1964

Didn't do much today -
Carol & Wally were here this A.M. for coffee - Mom & Dad & Carol & Wally went to Aunt Margaret's funeral after dinner - Billy & I stayed home - I finished a letter to Hank - Cleaned the living room - washed myself & Billy up & got ready to go to Clarence's - packed our suitcase - we all went to Wally's for coffee - then we went to Bonacker's to get groceries - talked to Donna - went to Clarence's after supper - Billy & I stayed for the week-end - bed at 1:30.

Thursday, April 30, 1964

Rain all day - cold -
Mom - Billy & I up at 9:00 - Went to Maurell's for coffee this A.M. - After dinner Dad, Billy & I went to Grundy - I got Billy's hair cut - got slacks & blouse at Penny's - also a knit shirt for Billy -
Cleaned the upstairs after lunch this P.M. - Mary & Laurie came about 3:30 - they were here for supper & spent the evening - Mary set Mom's hair - I washed & set mine - put a golden blonde (72) rinse on it - Mom cleaned the kitchen, bath, dad's room & washhouse while we went to Grundy -
Knitted awhile tonite - Started a letter to Hank -

Letter fom Hank

Wednesday, April 29, 1964

I got up at 7:45 - Mom at 8:30 - Dad & I ate bkfst. together - I ironed this A.M. - Met Maurell at the Hwy. - Stayed at Freda's until 12:30 - Mom had dinner on keeping it warm - Freda gave Billy a lot of stuff - Mary & Laurie came this P.M. for coffee - She brought cinnamon rolls - Went to W'loo late this P.M. - Went to Clark's - I got Loving Care in Golden Blonde & a Birthday present for Mary - ate supper at McDonald's - Went to C.F. Depot but it was closed - Home at 7:00 - Wrote in diary - Watched tv - Painted on my picture tonite -

No Mail

Tuesday, April 28, 1964

Up at 8:45 - Didn't do much this A.M. - Done a little hand-washing - Mom baked pie & cookies - Went to P-burg late this P.M. - I washed while Mom got a treatment - Got Hank a B-day card - Went up to see Issy at work - Stopped in Grundy on way home & got the pictures at Manly - Wrote to Tina & Hank tonight - Dowlings today -

Mailed bank draft for $162.00 today -
Wrote Dowlings today
Wrote Hank & Tina tonite

Monday, April 27, 1964

Billy & I got up at 9:00 - Went to Maurell's after coffee - Maurell wasn't home - Dad, Billy & I went to Grundy after dinner - I got a bank draft for $162.00 to deposit to our acct. - Went to Holland & got the gr. beef - Just home when Vera & Mrs. Collings came - then Mary & Laurie - they stayed for supper & spent the evening.

2 letters from Hank & $112.00 ck.

Sunday, April 26, 1964

Started Daylight Savings -
Up at 7:30 - Messed around at home this A.M. - Went to Stanley & Ruth's this P.M. - home about 6:00 - ate supper - Stayed home tonite - no company - I painted a little on my picture.

Wrote Hank tonight -

Saturday, April 25, 1964

Up at 7:15 - Cool & windy -
Dad went to Wally's to plow this A.M. - Mom & I washed our hair. Billy & I went to Morrison before dinner - Dad, Billy & I went to Reinbeck after lunch this P.M. - Got Mrs. Buhrman & took her to Bonacker's - talked to Donna Schmidt in there - first time I had seen her - had lunch at Mrs. Buhrman's - went to Hook's & got groceries - Maurell's came tonight -

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Friday, April 24, 1964

Up at 8:15. Cool & windy - Mom was patching living room ceiling when I got up - Gladys called & said that her brother-in-law was killed last night so Mom finished painting her living room this A.M. - We went at 9:00 - Met Maurell's coming to our place - Billy & I went to Maurell's for coffee - picked Mom up at noon - Came home & ate lunch - Dad ate at Wally's - After dinner Mom & I cleaned house - I fixed scalloped pot. & macaroni & cheese for supper - Mom baked a ham - Mom, Billy & I went to Carol's at 4:00 - Had coffee - Home at 5:45 - Dad didn't get home until 7:00 - Went to bed at 9:00 tonite -

Wrote Hank tonite - No mail

Thursday, April 23, 1964

Up at 8:15 - dark - cold & rain.
Didn't do anything in the A.M. - Went to Marshalltown after dinner - got Billy a cowboy hat & white tennis shoes - Went to Rosemary's - had coffee there - Ate supper at the Maid-Rite - Stopped at Grundy Park & Billy played - Went to Sadie & Fenton's awhile - home at 8:30 -

Letter & card from Catherine -

Wednesday, April 22, 1964

Still, sunny & warm -
Up at 7:00 - Went to Grundy at 9:00 & got my hair cut - Stopped at Royal Blue & got bread & book for Billy - Carol Freed came up for coffee & stayed until almost noon - Mom got a cooked dinner - This P.M. I done a handwashing - vacuumed the kitchen & done the ironing - Mom worked outside all P.M. & Billy rode the tractor with Dad - Mary & Laurie came about 5:00 - Didn't stay long - Watched tv & knitted tonight - Called Issy & made arrangements to go week-end after this coming - Wrote in diary -
Finished Therza's letter this P.M. -

Mailed letter to Hank -
Letter from Ruby

Tuesday, April 21, 1964

Windy & cold - Slept late - Dad Billy & I went to Reinbeck this A.M. & done the washing - Mom stayed home & cleaned storeroom - After dinner I knitted - after coffee Dad & I took the hamburger back to Holland - Stopped in Grundy & made appt. to get my hair cut - Tonite we went to Florence & Harry Dittmers - took Mrs. Buhrman along - Home at 11:00 - Wrote to Hank -

Wrote Hank tonight
Letter & $20.00 from Hank -

Monday, April 20, 1964

Cold & windy -
Mom cleaned drawers upstairs today - Billy was real fidgety - I washed & set my hair this A.M. - done a little handwashing - Dad & Billy went to Grundy after lunch - I knitted awhile - Mary & Laurie were here for coffee this P.M. Watched tv tonight. Mom & I painted our pictures until 1:00. Started letter to Therza.

Mailed letter to Hank -
Letter from Hank

Sunday, April 19, 1964

Up at 5:45 - Nearly froze last night - didn't sleep good - Dad & I read the paper he got yesterday. Mom & Billy got up about 7:45. Wrote in diary this A.M. - Maurell's came for coffee. Had planned to go to Rosemary's but no one felt very good so we stayed home all day & evening - no company. Mom & Dad slept this P.M. - Wrote to Hank tonight - Mom & I painted on our pictures late tonight.

Saturday, April 18, 1964

Mom & I got up at 8:45 - Dad was in the field - Maurell came this A.M. & Dad went with him to get his mower. I cleaned the kitchen - dad's room & bath. I took a shower after dinner - then Mom took one. Mom & Dad got a big newspaper in the mail on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel - don't know who sent it. Went to Maurell's for lunch this P.M. - then went to Eldora - Mom got paint for Mrs. Buhrman - I got a slack set at Graham's ($10.18) - Ate our supper there & got groceries - then went to Sue's at Iowa Falls - got home at 11:30.

Friday, April 17, 1964

Up at 7:30 - Mom & I painted the kitchen this A.M. - Telephone man came & put in a wall phone - After dinner I cleaned the upstairs - the sweeper man came while we were drinking coffee - when he left Dad, Billy & I went to Grundy - I took the paint by number in & Feller got them open. Got 2 bks. for Billy - I cleaned the living room after we got home. Mary & Laurie came while we were eating supper. They left at 10:30 - Mom & I painted on the pictures awhile tonite -

Got a letter that Hank sent to me & Tina had written it to him.

Thursday, April 16, 1964

87 today
Dad got meat from Holland today - Went to Maurell's for coffee this A.M. - Went to Mrs. Buhrman's after lunch - Dad worked in field - got paint for kitchen at elevator - got groceries at Bonacker's - Mrs. Buhrman came home with us & was here for supper & the evening. Harm & Reka came tonite - Mom & Dad took Mrs. Buhrman home.

Wrote Hank tonite -

Wednesday, April 15, 1964

Mom cleaned backsheds today - I ironed all morning - Dad disked the oats - Mary & Laurie came for lunch this P.M. - Billy & I went to Morrison to the Post Office & grocery. Mom washed her hair tonite & I set it.

Tuesday, April 14, 1964

Up at 6:00 - Billy & I went to June's today - got there at 9:00 - stayed until about 4:00 - got home about 5:00 - Mom washed today - Aunt Freda was here this A.M. - Stayed home tonite.

Wrote Hank tonite

Monday, April 13, 1964

Wind blew hard all day - Mom finished the kitchen floor - she baked cookies - Maurell was here for coffee this A.M. - I washed & set my hair after dinner - Ruby & Otto came at coffee time - stayed for waffle supper & until late - done some hand-washing.

Letter from Hank & $20.00

Sunday, April 12, 1964

Up at 8:45 - Didn't feel good all day - I baked a sugar maple cake this A.M. - Took a shower after lunch - Mary Kinsinger - Winn Crouse - Wally - Carol & LuAnn were here this P.M. for lunch - Mary & Winn stayed until 5:30 - Watched tv tonite - rained & wind blew so hard - lights were out for awhile - Up until 11:45.

Wrote Hank tonite

Saturday, April 11, 1964

Up at 7:20 - Mom was laying tile - I started scraping it - Maurell helped Dad sow oats this A.M. - Mom worked on the tile - I cleaned the living room - Carol, Lu Ann - Mary, Laurie & Maurell were here for coffee this A.M. - Maurell was here for dinner - Clarence's came this afternoon - Stayed until 4:45 - Washed salt & pepper shakers & put them back up before supper - Maurell's came tonight - left at 11:00 -

Friday, April 10, 1964

Up at 6:00 - Moved the freezer this A.M. - Heine came out & Maurell - Wally & Uncle Millard helped move it. They were here for coffee.
We tore the wall out behind the freezer - Mom & I worked at it all afternoon & part of the evening - had a time fitting the plasterboard around the outlet - Billy & I went to Grundy & got rubber cement - Dad disced this afternoon - had supper late - Stayed home tonite - no company -

Thursday, April 9, 1964

Up at 6:00 - Sunny & warm -
Mom & I cleaned the washhouse this A.M. - Washed walls & ceiling. Maurell & Mary & Wally were here for coffee - this P.M. we blew out the freezer - stove & refrig. with the air compressor - vacuumed the kitchen - Mom scrubbed the wash house floor - Called June after supper - told her I would come Tuesday instead of tomorrow.
Gave Billy a bath tonite - Washed & set my hair - Mom & I were going to paint but couldn't get the jars open.

Mailed letter to Hank
Letter from Hank

Wednesday, April 8, 1964

Up at 7:20 - Maurell came this A.M. just as we were leaving - We went to Eldora - done a little shopping - I got 3 bottles of Cryst-L-Glaze paint - Ate dinner at the Coffee Cup in Eldora - Went to Radcliff to see Phyllis & Alan - spent the afternoon there - home at 5:30 - Watched tv tonite - Mom went to bed early - I went at 9:30 -

Wrote Hank tonight -

Tuesday, April 7, 1964


Up at 6:30 - Sunny - windy & cold
After coffee this A.M. we went to Peterman & Hayes at W'loo to see about rubber tile - didn't have it - went to McCloskey's at C.F. - no luck - came home & ate dinner - then went to Grundy to the drawing - I got film & flashbulbs - paint by no. pictures - modess - had coffee after we came home - had pizza for supper -
Went to Wally & Carol's tonight - took my knitting - finished my second slipper tonight - had started it Sat. night - home at 11:00 - went right to bed.

Mailed letter to Bertha Talley
Letter from Hank -

Monday, April 6, 1964

Didn't do anything this A.M. -
Went to W'loo after lunch - Took Mrs. Buhrman along - got towels for Tina at Penny's & sent them - Went to Penny's - Wards - Sears & Dime store - Mom got laundry cart & pull-down lamp at Gold Bond - Stopped at Clark's - got hair spray - Called June Ramsell from there & made arrangements to go see her Friday -
Ate supper at Mrs. Buhrman's - Came home & knitted -

Mailed letter to Hank
Wrote to Bertha Talley tonight

Sunday, April 5, 1964

Up at 8:20 - Rainy - cold & windy today -
Stayed home today & tonite - Mom called Clarence's this A.M. - Steve has measles now -
Buster & Gladys came for coffee this A.M. - We all slept awhile this P.M. - knitted awhile - had Chicken for supper - Watched tv tonite & knitted - Wrote Hank -

Wrote Hank tonight

Saturday, April 4, 1964

2 wks. & 1 day on first slipper -

Up at 8:45 - Windy & cold -
Maurell was here when I got up - he was here for coffee - Mom slept late too - I made Angel Crisp cookies this A.M. - Mom made Triple Treats - After coffee this P.M. we went to Reinbeck - rode around in town & saw different houses - new school, church & Post Office - Billy & I went to the Dime Store - couldn't get a book there - got one at the drug store - met Mom at Royal Blue - got Billy a Dot to Dot book in there - got a few groceries - fixed pizza for supper - Buster & Gladys came tonight - left at 11:15 - I finished my first slipper tonight & started the 2nd one.

Mailed letter to Ruby
Letter from Hank

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Friday, April 3, 1964

Up at 7:45 - Sunny & windy -
Didn't go anywhere today - I ironed this A.M. - a guy came to sherpen Dad's disc - I cleaned the house this P.M. - Mom cleaned blinds & windows - Mary & Laurie came while we were eating supper - they stayed until 10:00 - Billy played outside most of the day - Wrote in diary - Wrote to Ruby H. tonite -

Mailed letter to Hank

Thursday, April 2, 1964

Up at 7:15 - Stayed home this A.M. - It rained real hard - I got the washing gathered up - knitted awhile - had dinner at 11:30 - then we went to Vera's - She made coffee - took the pictures to her -
Went to the Laundromat at Conrad & washed - then went to Bertha's - She had a big lunch - her sister was there - Mom was still finishing up - We left about 5:30 - Mom was real tired tonight -
We watched tv -

Got allotment ck. & 10 S&H Stamps on my chain letter -
Wrote to Hank

Wednesday, April 1, 1964

Mom & Dad left at 6:45 for Bertha's - I str. up the house - washed dishes & made beds - Billy got up at 8:15 - we ate bkfst. - Mary & Laurie came after us at 9:00 - Dad was waiting when we got to Mary's - we had coffee then he came home & went to W'loo.
Maurell was home until 2:30 - Mary had a real good dinner - We baked cookies this A.M. - She baked a cake - I put a zipper in Billy's blue sweatshirt - We cut out a skirt for Mom - Dad came about 5:00 - We had supper at Mary's - pancakes & sausage - got home at 9:00 - Watched tv & knitted - made coffee - Mom spent the night at Bertha's -

Mailed letters to Hank & Tina -
Letter from Hank

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Tuesday, March 31, 1964

Up at 7:45 - Washed & set my hair this A.M. - Carol came up for coffee this A.M. - We went to Grundy for the drawing after dinner - I got Billy's haircut - Saw Mary Kinsinger - Avis Algood - Arlene Miller & Mary & Laurie - I got 2 pr. white socks in Penny's - went to Holland to order meat - went back to Grundy & got pictures - ran into Tessau - had coffee in Van's - Tonight I wrote to Hank & to Tina -

No Mail

Monday, March 30, 1964

Up at 7:45 - Stayed home all day - didn't do much - fixed my over-blouse this A.M. - painted glaze on bottles - Mom washed her hair after lunch & I set it - made potato salad - Watched tv tonight - everyone went to bed early - I went at 9:00.

Mailed letters to Hank - Dowlings & Gladys
No Mail

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday, March 29, 1964

Another snowstorm today -
Up at 8:00 - Billy was so excited about hunting for Easter eggs - Clarence called soon as we got up - Maurell's came up for coffee this A.M. & stayed for dinner & the afternoon. They went home about 4:30 - I had to spank Billy & put him in Grandpa's bed - he slept all P.M. -
Watched tv tonite - Wrote a letter to Fred & Catherine - wrote in diary - wrote a letter to Hank - Bed at 11:30.

Saturday, March 28, 1964

Stayed home all A.M. - didn't do much of anything - after lunch we went to Grundy - got groceries & Easter stuff at Dime Store - took film in to Manly - went to Holland & got meat - Billy fell asleep on way home - left him in the car - had coffee at home - then had early supper & went to Maurells's surprise birthday party tonight - Wally's & Buster's were there also - had a big lunch - sandwiches - cake - strawberries & ice cream. Billy upset the flower planter in the living room just before we went home - home at 12:00 - went to bed, then Mom & I got back up at 12:30 & colored eggs - made 14 nests & hid them. Went to bed at 1:00.

Wrote to Gladys Davis this A.M.

Billy & I rec'd Easter cards from Hank - also a letter -

Friday, March 27, 1964

Up at 7:30 - Snowing -
We cleaned house this A.M. - had planned to go to W'loo this P.M. but didn't because of snow - Mom baked butterhorns - rolled out pies - I laid down with Billy & he took a nap - Mary & Laurie came before lunch this P.M. - They stayed for supper & part of the evening - Watched Alfred Hitchcock -

Thursday, March 26, 1964

Up at 7:15 - Didn't do much of anything today - knitted part of the time - after dinner Dad & I went to Grundy - I exchanged my overblouse for a 32 - got easter candy for the kids & our pictures - made beef stew for supper - went to Buster & Gladys's tonight - had to spank Billy - home at 11:00 -

Wednesday, March 25, 1964

Up at 7:10 - Dad took Billy & I to Vera's this A.M. - got there at 9:30 - It snowed all day - Had homemade veg. soup for dinner - Went to Conrad in forenoon - Mom & Dad came right after supper - (6:30) - knitted & watched tv - bed at 12:10 -

Mailed letter to Hank
Letter from Hank

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tuesday, March 24, 1964

Up at 8:40 - Mom was ironing - I finished the ironing - gave Billy a bath - after dinner Mary & Laurie came & they went to the drawing at Grundy with us - it was cold - I got a over-blouse at Penny's - we talked to Florence Dittmer - Harry - Albert Martins - Mrs. Geo. Sharp - Jo Newton.
Came home for coffee - Mary went home before supper - Stayed home tonight - I washed my hair - put Living Care on it. Wrote to Hank -

Monday, March 23, 1964

Up at 8:40 - Mom & I done handwashing this A.M. - Maurell came up & brought the tractor. After lunch we went to Grundy - got a knit shirt for Maurell at Penny's - had coffee in the South Cafe - went to Mark & Vic's for awhile - then went to Laundromat & done the washing - Vera & the kids came to the Laundromat & visited with us while we washed. We went uptown in Conrad & ate supper - then went to Ruby & Otto's & spent the evening - got home at 12:00.

Mailed letter to Hank -

Sunday, March 22, 1964

Mom washed her hair this A.M. & I set it - I took a shower - After dinner Mary Kinsinger came - then Harm & Reka - they were all here for lunch - After supper we went to Maurell's - he showed pictures -

Wrote Hank tonight -

Saturday, March 21, 1964

I cleaned downstairs this A.M. - Mom baked cookies - Maurell's came this afternoon - we knitted - they stayed for supper & evening - had chili -

Letter from Hank

Friday, March 20, 1964

Snowed last night -
Went to Maurell's for coffee this A.M. -
The minister came this P.M. - Billy told him that his daddy liked blondes - was here for lunch - Mom started teaching me to knit - We went to Freda's tonight - Red's came after the ballgame - home about 12:00 - knitted awhile -

Thursday, March 19, 1964

Up at 7:00 - Cold & windy -
Mary & Laurie came just as we were leaving for Buster's so we all went down there for coffee. Didn't get home until lunchtime - After dinner I done dishes - Maurell came for awhile on his way to work - after coffee we went to Reinbeck - went to the bakery - got groceries - went to Mrs. Buhrman - was there for supper - home around 7:00 - caught up in diary - Mom popped corn - Betty Petersen called -

Letter from Hank -

Wednesday, March 18, 1964

Up at 7:10 - Cold & windy -
Stayed home all day - Dad went to Waterloo this A.M. - Mom baked pie & frosted creams - I cleaned the upstairs - done the ironing - took a shower - Stayed home this afternoon - had supper early - went to Harm & Reka's for awhile - She doesn't look good - didn't stay long - Billy was real good there - fell asleep before we left - from there we went to Florence & Harry Dittmer's - home at 12:00 - Billy slept while we were at Harry's -

Mailed letter to Hank & Marion Coleman

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tuesday, March 17, 1964

Washed, set & dried my hair after bkfst. - Mom cleaned the downstairs - Wally's came for coffee this A.M. - We went to Grundy after dinner for the drawing - Stopped at Royal Blue & saw Bertha & Lucille Ralston - also Wayne Ralston - Then went uptown & saw Dan Klunder - went in Dime Store - Went to Grundy Cafe for free coffee & cookies - saw Harm Muhring - Leonard Ralston & Dan Klunder - Took groceries home - then went to Carol's for eggs - Mary & Laurie were there - also Lily.

Mailed cards to Gladys Davis - Ruby - Kitty & Dowlings
Wrote to Hank

Monday, March 16, 1964

Up at 7:45 - Everyone else was up - We washed this A.M. - Maurell & Laurie came for a little while - after lunch we got clothes in - went to Holland & got meat - I went to Post Office there - stopped in Grundy - turned film in - got more film & flashbulbs - cards & iron pills - saw Mary & Laurie in Penny's - asked them out for supper - got groceries - home at 2:30 - had coffee - Mary & Laurie were here for supper & stayed until 9:00 - Wrote a card to Gladys Davis - wrote in diary -

Sunday, March 15, 1964

Up at 5:50 - Had bkfst. early & went to Maurell & Mary's about 8:30 - They were surprised to see us - Laurie was eating bkfst. - We stayed there for dinner - left right after dinner & went to Clarence's - they were all home & pretty tickled to see us. Had coffee there - Came home & got supper - was eating when Maurell's came - They spent the evening - Mom popped corn -

Saturday, March 14, 1964

Arrived home (Iowa) about 7:00 P.M.

Up at 5:20 - Staying in L & L Motel at Bloomington, Ill. - raining this A.M. - Billy woke me up wanting a drink of water so we got up then - ate bkfst. in motel - left about 6:30 - had rolls & coffee in Galesburg - then went to Roy & Violet's - ate dinner there & left for home at 2:00 - Billy slept a long time this P.M. - we stopped for coffee while he slept in the car - ate our supper near Tama in a truck stop - came by Maurell's but they were gone so came on home. Got here about 7:00 - Billy was so tickled to get here. Mrs. Buhrmann called - Mom called Carol - I talked to her too - unloaded the car but not box on top - watched tv - Mom made popcorn - had coffee - wrote a little in diary.

Friday, March 13, 1964

I got up at 5:45 - No one else up - I went in the bathroom & wrote a letter to Hank - We left Tina's at 10:15 - Stopped at Lincoln's to see the cabin - got some souvenirs - ate lunch along the road near Louisville - really had a terrible day - messed up on the roads all day long - couldn't follow the maps - we drove until 9:00 - Billy went to sleep before we ate supper - we ate at a Dog N Suds Drive In & it was terrible - Stayed in Bloomington, Ill. - had to give $12.00 for motel - Billy slept straight through.

Mailed letter to Hank -

Thursday, March 12, 1964

Billy & I got up at 8:10. I took a shower while he watched Captain Kangaroo - went over to Marion's about 9:00 & had bkfst. Went uptown to the drugstore - Marion fixed a big dinner - We left about 2:15 - got to Tina's around 4:00 - She had a big supper - Mom, Tina & I went to C.E.'s mother tonite - Billy went to the movie's with Jane & Steve - Billy & I slept in the boys room -

Wednesday, March 11, 1964

Left motel at 8:05 - ate dinner near Pineville, KY - got to Marion's around 4:00 - She had a good supper - Billy & I stayed at the motel & Mom & Dad stayed with Marion & Bill.

Tuesday, March 9, 1964

Got up early - left about 9:20 - Saw Ruby & Jimmy before we left - Terribly windy all day - Billy took a long nap - Had lunch & dinner along the way - had dinner along Rt. 40 - I drove part of the way - Stayed at Virginia Hills Motel near Abingdon - got there about 7:30 - Ate supper in motel & fell asleep after we ate - was really tired & Mom & I had sore throats.

Monday, March 9, 1964

Up at 6:00 - I took Hank to the base at 8:00 - Billy went along - they were suppose to leave at 8:30 - Mom & Dad were both up to tell Hank "goodbye" - ate bkfst. after we got back. Packed our suitcases - Kitty came after lunch - Mrs. Ranhorne came over & apologized about the phone deal - Mom & I went to Ruby's & Kitty's - I washed & set my hair after supper -
This P.M. I baked a ham - apple pie & cookies.

Sunday, March 8, 1964

Up at 6:10 - Billy got up shortly afterwards - then Hank - I done the ironing before Mom & Dad got up - Started washing before bkfst. - had pancakes, eggs - sausage & bacon - washed 3 loads - also done handwashing - Ruby came over - took a shower - had a cooked dinner - chicken - Pat - Jimmy & Dee Dee had a going away party for Billy at 2:00 - Dowlings came about 5:00 - Stayed until 6:00 - I fixed lunch - after they left Mom & Dad done dishes - I ironed - Dad & Hank went to Munson's & the store - I put away clothes - made up Billy's bed - str. up the house - wrote in diary - watched tv -

Saturday, March 7, 1964

Up at 6:45. Mom slept until 10:30 - She was real sick - I rolled out 2 apple pies & a blueberry pie - Ruby came over - Went to Bayside this P.M. - got a few groceries & some yarn - Mom & Dad went along - Stayed home tonight -

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Friday, March 6, 1964

Hank came home at 9:30 & got Billy - took him to base for haircut - we went to Roosevelt Gardens Shop. Center to Woolworth's & Rose's - ate dinner at McDonald's - then went to Miller's - Billy messed his pants in there - after coffee Mom, Billy & I went to Ship's Serv. & the Commissary - Billy messed his pants twice more - Mom was sick tonight - We were suppose to go to Dearmon's & called it off -

Thursday, March 5, 1964

80° - Rain A.M.
Up at 6:45 - Washed this A.M. - washed all the bed sheets - waited until noon to hang clothes out & then it rained & I had to give up - finally got it hung out - wind blew so hard - couldn't keep some things on line - Mom washed her hair this A.M. & I set it - done some handwashing - about 3:00 Mom & Dad went away - I got clothes in - made the beds - fixed chili for supper - Clinedinst came this P.M. - washed & set my hair before supper - dried it after supper - Dad & Hank went to Penny's - I popped corn - wrote in diary & watched tv -

Wednesday, March 4, 1964

Sunny & cool -
Hank came home at 9:30 & got Billy & I - went to the base & got our 3rd polio dose - I went in Ship's Serv. & got a few things - went to Kitty's after we got home - Mom & Dad were there - home at noon - after lunch we went to Catherine's - Fred was home - we took Catherine with us & went to the AAA - got maps for trip home - then went to King's - got 3 books for Billy & tennis shorts for myself - went to GEX & I got putty for Mom - went to Gibson's & had coffee - went to Aragonna Shopp. Center - got some groceries in Food Fair - took Catherine home - had ham tonight - took a shower - cut my shift dress out -

Tuesday, March 3, 1964

Rain this A.M. -
Mom made a rice pudding & noodles - Gladys & Cindy came - stayed until almost noon - then Ruby came - after lunch I made deviled eggs - Mom & Dad went to Catherine's - I stayed here & run the sweeper - went up in the attic & got some clothes & suitcases - Felt came by with Hank & they took the lawnmower to Holmes's - had salmon patties for supper - Went to Jim & Ruby's tonight -

Monday, March 2, 1964

Up at 7:00 -
Had a few words with Mrs. Ranhorne this A.M. on the phone - We went to Catherine's this A.M. & had coffee - then we rode out to the Bridge Tunnel - took Catherine with us - ate lunch at McDonald's - went to Rose's at Va. Beach - got some artificial fruit - took a ride in the country - had Dari-Queen at Great Bridge - took Catherine home - home about 4:30 - Hank was home - had smoked ham - Rain tonite - Watched tv - Wrote in diary -

Sunday, March 1, 1964

Up at 7:00 - Cloudy & warm -
Stayed home all morning - Mom didn't feel good -
Went to Janice's this afternoon - Hank - Dad & Bill & Billy went to Langley - we stayed there for supper - Home at 8:45 - Billy was asleep - Watched tv - called Catherine - Bed at 11:00

Saturday, February 29, 1964

Up at 7:45
Fixed pancakes & sausage for bkfst. - Dad & Hank went after Dad's car this A.M. -
After lunch Mom, Dad & I went to Pr. Anne Plaza - went to Rose's & got a shift pattern & material - Went to People's Drug - then to Miller's - Billy stayed with Hank - they went to King's - home at 5:30 - had roast beef sandwiches for supper - Called Janice - gave Billy a bath - Sewed insignias on Hank's trunks - wrote in diary -

Letter from Mary -

Friday, February 28, 1964

Up at 7:00 - Rained off & on all day -
Baked cookies this A.M. -
Cleaned house -
Hank got off at noon -
Him, Dad & Billy went to Valu Fair & Graham's Auto this P.M. -
Kept Jimmy while Ruby went to Commissary -
Done some ironing this P.M. -
Fixed roast for supper -
Dad & I went to Bayside & got thread & bias tape -
Sleeted tonight -

Thursday, February 27, 1964

Up at 7:45 -
Washed this A.M. - also handwashing - Mom done her handwashing -
I took Hank back to work at noon - came back & we ate lunch - started beef stew for supper - went to Graham's & checked on Dad's car - then went to Miller's - I forgot my billfold - got 4 washcloths - 4 plastic glasses - ham. Picked Hank up at work - made beef stew tonite - Mom & I got clothes in & folded - after supper I made Billy's bed - washed my hair - popped corn -

Wednesday, February 26, 1964

Baked a birthday cake this A.M.
Hank came home at noon - brought me a billfold - This P.M. Catherine & Fred came - had coffee, cake & ice cream - Tonite we ate supper at Hurd's - Hank stopped at GEX & got his ring -

Letter from Therza - Cards from Gladys - Hank, Billy Catherine & Fred

Tuesday, February 25, 1964

Dad went to Graham's this A.M. & got an estimate on his car - After coffee we went down to M.D. North & got another estimate - ate lunch at Burger Chef - then went to Marty Martin's & got another estimate - Went to Grant's at Janaf -
Jim & Ruby came tonight - also a guy from AAA -

Monday, February 24, 1964

Stayed home all A.M. -
Called Farm Bureau in Grundy - Had the car today as Hank rode with another guy -
After lunch we went to Janaf - went to Grant's & Penny's - couldn't get underwear for Dad - then we went to King's - had coffee at Burger Chef - Stayed home tonight.

Sunday, February 23, 1964

Sunny -

Jean left about 10:30 this A.M. - We didn't go anywhere today - Mom & Dad rested -
Gladys & Cindy came after church - Kitty came for a few minutes -
Called Dowlings tonite - Watched tv -

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Saturday, February 22, 1964

Mom & Dad got here tonight

Up at 7:00 - Jean was awake -
Made Mom & Dad's bed up -
Straightened up the house - Cleaned back living room window - Baked a ham & an apple pie - Jean & I went to Bayside - got a few things at Colonial - Made a Pineapple Cheesecake - Jean went away this P.M. - I took a shower & got ready for Mom & Dad - They got here about 5:00 - Had a wreck yesterday morning in Mt. Sterling, Ky.
Had spaghetti for supper - Jean came back about 9:30 - She enjoyed talking to Mom & Dad -

Friday, February 21, 1964

Hank was off all day -
Cleaned the oven & top burners this A.M. -
Cleaned house this afternoon -
Went & got my haircut at 12:00 - Juanita cut it & she wet it so I had to put it up tonight & dry it - Washed this A.M. also - Had pea soup for supper - Gave Billy a bath & washed his hair after supper

Thursday, February 20, 1964

[no entry]

Wednesday, February 19, 1964

[no entry]

Tuesday, February 18, 1964

Up at 6:45 - Rained all day -
Called Gladys this A.M. - Cleaned the linen closet shelves - scrubbed them & re-arranged them - scrubbed the floor - Emptied out closet in back bedroom - Billy was real good all day - Made a bread pudding after lunch - Watched tv - done all the dry ironing - had hash for supper - gave Billy a bath - cut his finger & toe nails - Watched tv - wrote in diary -

No mail

Monday, February 17, 1964

Up at 6:00. Hank started school today - he left at 6:45 - I washed 5 loads - also done a handwashing - Cleaned tile in the bathroom - used bleach & toothbrush & then went over it with Plastic tile cleaner - Kitty came this P.M. - Billy was in the house with me all day - Jean Richardson called at noon & said she would be here to see us Saturday sometime. Mopped & waxed the hallway floor - Ruby came for awhile after Hank got home - Pat called before I started supper & said she would be out. We were still eating when she came - She didn't stay very long - I told her off about Troy - Hank went to King's - I done dishes after Pat left - read Grundy paper - Slept with Billy tonight.

Billy got Valentine from Laurie - Sheri, Shelly, Scott & Steve -
Letter from Mom

Sunday, February 16, 1964

Up at 8:30 - Didn't do much this A.M. - Billy had a sore throat - I finished Mom & Dad's letter - typed 2 form letters of the chain letter Bertha Talley sent - Jim came over for awhile - We left about 1:30 - rode thru Air Station so Hank could see where he is suppose to report in the morning. Went to see "Little Red Riding Hood" at Loew's this P.M. - got home at 5:45 - had soup & sandwiches - Hank didn't feel good at all - he laid down right after he ate - Billy & I watched tv - I wrote in diary. Mom called at 10:00 & said they are leaving Wed. - suppose to get here Saturday night.

Mailed letter home -

Saturday, February 15, 1964

Cloudy - windy & cold -
Up at 7:30 - Had sausage & pancakes - Billy had a sore throat & didn't eat until 10:30 - Hank took his razor downtown to have it fixed - I started a letter to Mom & Dad - Str. up the house -
Left about 12:00 & went to GEX - got Billy a pr. of shoes - I got Hank a Masonic ring ($55.44) - got toothpaste & a new toothbrush - card for Cindy - ate lunch at McDonald's - Went to King's - got Billy a pr. of grey dress pants - & Mr. Potato Head for Cindy - Home about 4:00 -
Fixed pizza for supper - Called Gladys - Watched tv - bed at 10:30.

Letter from Mom & Bertha Talley

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Friday, February 14, 1964

SP tonite
Cold but sunny -
Up at 6:45 - Had boiled eggs for bkfst. - Put my hair up after I got dishes done - Cleaned the house this A.M. - shook the rugs - brought garbage can back in & sent ck. for the lawnmower payment - Hank got off at noon - Laid down with Billy & we both slept - Hank slept in our room - I got up at 3:45 - Took hair down - Fixed Just Good Eaten & Cole Slaw for supper - Called Catherine - Was going to get ready to go to Munson's when Ruby & Jimmy came - stayed until 9:00 - Watched tv - went to bed at 11:00.

Billy got Valentines from Mark & Scott Pipkin - Jimmy & Gail

Billy got a card from Dowlings
I got a card from Hank & a box of candy -

Thursday, February 13, 1964

Up at 6:30 - I left Billy with Gladys - took Hank to work & went to the Commissary - was there when it opened - no crowd - had coffee with Gladys & stayed awhile - Home at 9:30 - Put groceries away - Billy ate a bowl of cereal - then went outside & played with Jimmy - left at 10:15 & went to Ships Service - Picked Hank up at 11:15 - after lunch he took the car to Va. Beach for 6000 mi. ck. up - I done dishes - made beds - str. up the house - went to Ruby's & had coffee - Billy got soaking wet - finished letter to Therza - had oyster stew tonite - read the paper - watched tv & wrote in diary - Took a shower -

Sent Valentines to Sheri, Shelly, Scott & Steve -
Jimmy, Jane Canter & Cindy Davis

Wednesday, February 12, 1964

Up at 8:15 - Didn't do much today - Wrote to Maurell & Mary this A.M. - Bill & I went out at 10:00 - I cleared the walks, etc. of snow - Billy & Jimmy played in the snow - Talked to Ruby for a long time outside -
After lunch I vacuumed the kitchen, living rm. - hall & our bedroom - shook the rugs - Billy & I went to Ruby's but they were gone - came home & finished up the ironing - I went to see Gladys after supper - home about 10:00 - Billy was asleep when I got back -
Bed at 11:15

Coat from Therza -
Letter from Midge -
Sent Valentines to Snap - Steve - Laurie
Mailed letter to Tina & Maurell's

Tuesday, February 11, 1964

Up at 7:00 -
Hank had duty today -
I washed, set & dried my hair this A.M. - then I ironed until lunchtime - it rained all morning so Billy was in the house with me all morning - after lunch I laid down with him & read awhile - had almost gone to sleep when Ruby & Jimmy came - made a pot of coffee - Jimmy stayed until 5:30 - Ruby left at 3:30 - started snowing about 2:30 & snowed on thru the night - wind blew so hard - really a nasty night - I ironed after Ruby left until 5:30 - had pot pies & hot dogs for supper - Billy went to sleep about 8:00 - Hank called - I called Ruby - Wrote a letter to Tina - addressed Valentines - watched tv - bed at 11:15 -
Billy vomited in bed tonite -

Monday, February 10, 1964

Up at 7:00 -
Hank thought he had the duty today but he came home at 4:15 & said he has it tomorrow instead. I washed & also done a lot of handwashing - had all the lines full -
I was getting clothes in when Hank came home -
Had salmon for supper -
Watched tv tonight -

Letter from Dad -

Sunday, February 9, 1964

Up at 8:30 -
Took a shower this A.M. - Straightened up the house - read paper - Went to Ruby's & had a cup of coffee - we went to McDonald's on Va. Beach Blvd. & ate dinner - went to Langworthy's but they were gone - so went to Sam Ciechon's - had a real nice visit - Clark, his wife & 2 children were there - also a guy named Bump - Sam's wife made coffee - she seems to be real nice - home at 4:30 - wrote in diary - Billy watched "Return of Oz" - Ate supper at 6:00 & done dishes - Watched tv tonite & read the paper.

Saturday, February 8, 1964

Up at 8:00 - Everything covered with snow - really pretty - had pancakes & sausage for bkfst. - Str. up house - Cleaned out drawers in back bedrm. - re-arranged all the closets - sorted thru all the boxes of receipts - pictures etc. & put them in order - read Grundy paper - for supper had hot dogs - saurkraut - macaroni & cheese & green beans. I went to Gladys' after supper - Stayed until 9:30 - Jim & Jimmie were here while I was gone -
Watched Gunsmoke tonite - Bed at 11:00 -

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Friday, February 7, 1964

Up at 7:00 - Cleaned house this A.M. - Called Catherine - Hank home at 12:00 - after lunch I wrapped Catherine's present - Gladys called - read the paper - finished Mom & Dad's letter - Billy played at Jimmy's all afternoon - Hank got Billy's haircut this P.M. - We went to King's about 5:00 - got a bedspread for Billy - red & white checkered plastic tablecloth & 3 pr. shorts for Billy -
Ate supper at Burger Chef then went to Dowling's - spent the evening - Carol was there - Merilyn came - Fred & Hank went downtown after her. - Home at 9:30 - Watched Alfred Hitchcock -

Letter from Tina

Thursday, February 6, 1964

Up at 7:00 - Rained all morning -
Cleaned the kitchen tile this A.M. - Used a toothbrush & bleach on all the cracks - Billy went outside after lunch - Ruby came for coffee this P.M. - Stayed quite awhile - after she left I done dishes - straightened up the house - swept the kitchen - took all the garbage out - Jimmy & Billy played in the house - Hank went to Lodge tonight for another degree - I wrote in diary - Took a shower - Started letter to Mom & Dad - Watched Suspense Theatre - Hank got home at 10:15.

Letter from Mom

Wednesday, February 5, 1964

Up at 7:15 - didn't feel good today - didn't do much - Straightened up the house - made a lime jello pear salad - called Mary Holmes & asked her over for supper - went to Ruby's this A.M. & had coffee - fixed a roast this P.M. - went to Ruby's again this P.M. to get Billy - stayed awhile - laid down & read to Billy but he didn't go to sleep - dusted the living room & kitchen - Mary & David came at 4:00 - for supper I had roast, pot. & gravy - green beans - corn - salad - biscuits - gingercake & ice cream & coffee. David & Billy didn't get along at all - They left at 9:30 - watched tv awhile & went to bed at 10:30.

No mail -

Tuesday, February 4, 1964

Ironed this A.M. - Called Catherine - Washed & set & dried my hair after lunch - watched tv awhile - baked a ginger cake.
Watched tv tonite.

Monday, February 3, 1964

Up at 7:00
Washed 5 loads - cold hanging them out - also done some handwashing - Gladys & Cindy came this A.M. - Stayed until noon - Hank came home for lunch - Jimmy here all A.M. - Finished hanging clothes out after lunch - vacuumed the kitchen, hall, bath - our bedr. & part of living rm. - got clothes in & put away - remade the beds - took garb. out - Had ham - pinto beans - pot. & gravy & peas - biscuits, pie & coffee for supper -
Billy hurt his eye after supper - Watched tv - wrote in diary -

Mailed letter home.
Letter from Carol Talley

Sunday, February 2, 1964

Up at 8:00 -
We didn't go to Sunday School - I took a shower this A.M. - We were eating lunch when Red Hunter's came - after they left we went to Dearmon's - Ren was alone when we got there but we waited until Dearmon's came back. Nadine came too.
Got present Janice & Bill left there for Billy for Xmas - Got home about 5:30 - was fixing supper when Pat & the kids came - She brought the $10.00 back - She left about 8:30 - Watched Arrest & Trial - Wrote to Mom & Dad -

Saturday, February 1, 1964

Up at 7:45 - Raining -
Wrote out checks this A.M. -
Jimmy was here all A.M. -
Rolled out 2 apple pies & 2 crusts - Baked one apple pie - Hank went to Wolff's house this P.M. -
Mary Holmes & David came about 4:30 - Stayed until about 10:00 - We all went to Burger Chef & ate supper - I went to bed shortly after she left -

Friday, January 31, 1964

Up at 6:45 -
Cleaned house this A.M. - Ruby came for coffee - Stayed until almost noon - Hank came home awhile this A.M. - He got off at noon - This P.M. we went to Maxam's - I got a pie drip pan - egg slicer - 2 kitchen terry towels for Catherine - looked at pants for Billy - didn't get any - went to Penny's - got Billy a pr. of size 5 dress pants - talked to Catherine Clinedinst in Penny's - home about 5:00 - had pork chops for supper - Watched tv tonite - Munson came about 11:00 - Stayed until after 12:00

Thursday, January 30, 1964

Up at 6:30 - Ate bkfst. & then took Hank to work - came home & done dishes - straightened up house - had to have Billy at the dentist at 10:00 - he finished up today - $16.00 - total for all was $52.00. He had novocaine again today. Went to Catherine's - Loaded one load of stuff & took it to Merilyn's house - Fred was there - Went to Burger Chef & ate lunch at 12:30 - Took Catherine to the beauty shop - then Billy & I went to Rose's at Norview - picked Catherine up at 2:30 - got another load & took it to Merilyn's house - Catherine, Billy & I went to Burger Chef & got milk shakes - picked Hank up at 4:15 - had corned beef hash for supper - Watched tv tonite -

Letter from Mom

Wednesday, January 29, 1964

Up at 7:15 - Worked on income tax this morning (Federal) - Cleaned window on back kitchen door & put curtain back up - Straightened house up - Went to Ruby's a few minutes - Hank home for lunch. Kept Jimmy this P.M. - he was here for lunch - Mrs. Vellines came by & I ordered some Avon - Cleaned front living rm. window - made jello - Fixed chili soup for supper - Gave Billy a bath tonite - I took a shower - Watched tv - wrote in diary -

Mailed Fed. Inc. Tax in.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tuesday, January 28, 1964

Up at 7:30 - Ironed this A.M. - Pat & kids came about 10:30 - continued ironing - Troy really was a pistol & I blew my top about him throwing blocks in the door - They finally left about 1:00 - Then Billy & I ate lunch - I washed ny hair this P.M. - Ironed the dampened stuff - Hank came home about 2:00 - him & Billy went to a gun shop - had flounder for supper - Billy & I went to Gladys's tonite - had her ck. Fed. Income tax form - Home at 9:45 - Watched tv awhile -

Monday, January 27, 1964

Up at 6:45 - Washed 4 loads this A.M. - & also done a handwashing - Finished letter to Mom & Dad - Ironed this P.M. - got clothes in - had chicken for supper - Watched tv tonite - wrote in diary -

Letter from Midge
Mailed letter home -

Sunday, January 26, 1964

Up 7:45 - Sunny
Didn't go to S.S. as Billy didn't have any decent pants to wear. Coleson & his little girl came by this A.M. - I took a shower after lunch - started a letter home - went to Ruby's for awhile - She came here after supper - Stayed until 8:00 - Hank went to Young's - Tonite watched tv - called Gladys - wrote to Mom & Dad - Bed at 11:00 -

Saturday, January 25, 1964

Up at 8:00 - Rained off & on all day -
Sent cards to Reka Muhring & Gladys Baker & wrote notes to each - Cleaned the house - Cleaned back kitchen window & put curtain back up - Ruby came over for awhile - Made a Lemon Cheesecake - Fixed spaghetti for supper - Jim came over before supper -
Gave Billy a bath after supper - Wrote in diary - Watched tv - Bed at 12:45 - Watched Telethon for March of Dimes -

Sent cards to Reka M. & Gladys Baker -
Letter from Mom

Friday, January 24, 1964

Up at 7:00 - Cleaned blinds - windows & woodwork above kitchen sink & put curtain back up - Catherine called - talked long time - Hank got off at noon - after lunch I went to Commissary - Stopped at Gladys's on the way - also went to Ships Serv. - got Modess for Gladys - Stopped & left it off - Talked to her awhile - home at 3:00 - Hank went to Penny's - I put groceries up - cleaned blind at back window - Hank went to Jim's after supper - Billy & I watched tv.

Thursday, January 23, 1964

Sunny & warm -
Washed kitchen curtains by hand this A.M. - Ruby came & stayed until 11:45 - after lunch I washed the kitchen walls & washed all the knick knacks - lined top of the cabinets with paper - also washed woodwork - ate at Burger Chef tonight - went to Penny's & I exchanged blue stretch pants for a black pr. of slacks - got a red duster for $3.00 - 2 pr. socks for Billy - Hank got a pr. of cordurory pants - Watched tv -

Wednesday, January 22, 1964

Up at 6:30 - Took Hank to work - Billy had dental appt. at 10:00 - left at 9:15 - he had 2 filled today - had novocain - didn't cry - Went to Pat's - her & Troy went with us to Tastee Freez & had hot dogs - had to wait until 1:00 before Billy could eat - dropped them off & came home - met Gladys & Cindy walking to Darlene's - Hank was home - had got off at 12:00 - he went to Young's before supper - I wrapped a green sweat shirt for Therza & Hank mailed it.
Hank & B. went to Overton's after supper - I watched tv - wrote in diary -

Tuesday, January 21, 1964

Up at 6:45 - Washed 2 loads this A.M. - folded clothes that I hung in garage & on rack yesterday.
Sent ck. for light bill - finished another pr. of brown cordurory pants for Billy - Went to Ruby's & had coffee - Messed around outside for awhile - such a pretty day. Billy played outside all day - put hose up & put white fence in shed - vacuumed kitchen & shook rugs - After lunch I made a butterscotch peanut pie - kept Jimmy while Ruby took her mother to Ports. - Jimmy, Billy & I took a walk down by the lake - Put a roast on when I got home - got clothes in & folded - vacuumed around l.r. rug - hall, bath & our room. Walked to Ruby's & sat on back steps awhile - wrote in diary - Hank went to Young's tonite - I finished p.j. bottoms for Billy - Took a shower -

Monday, January 29, 1964

Up at 6:45 - Cloudy & rain off & on all day
Washed 2 loads but had to hang them inside - also done some handwashing -
Gladys called - also Pat.
Jimmy came here in A.M. - Hank home for lunch - Tore 3 pr. of pants apart of Billy's - finished fixing one pr. -
Washed & set my hair after lunch - Billy got soaked playing in ditch at Jimmy's so I made him stay in rest of day.
Gave Billy a bath after supper - dried my hair - read Grundy paper & watched tv - bed 11:00.

Mailed letter home -

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sunday, January 19, 1964

Up 7:45 - Took Billy to S.S. - I didn't stay - Ruby came for coffee - Susie Ranhorne came over for awhile - I got a cooked dinner - Dowling's came about 4:00 - Stayed until 7:00 - done dishes after they left - had sundaes - read Grundy paper - finished letter to Mom & Dad -
Bed at 11:00.

Saturday, January 18, 1964

Up at 7:45 - Fixed sausage & pancakes - Done some ironing - mended pants for Billy - Cleaned bathroom - Went to Ruby's for awhile before lunch - sewed elastic in pr. of dungarees for Billy - After lunch I went to Kitty's & took a shower cap to her - fixed blue pr. of corduroy pants for Billy - tapered the legs & shortened them - Went to Frankie's & ate supper tonite - then went to Be Lo at Lynnhaven - home at 8:30 - Watched tv - wrote in diary.

Mailed letter to JoAnn Torbet
Letter from Mom

Friday, January 17, 1964

Up at 7:00 - Cleaned house this A.M. - got our trash can back from Lunsfords' - hung kitten pictures in Billy's room - re-hung other pictures - Hank got off at noon - after lunch we took Billy to the dentist - he filled 2 without giving novocaine - Pd. $20.00 today - (for Tues. call & today's) - then we went to Sears & I exchanged red denium jacket for brown dress pants - saw Fred in Sears - also got a few Valentines. Home at 4:30 - Done lunch dishes - fixed hamburgers for supper - Went to Jim's after supper - no one home except Jim & Jimmie - home at 9:00 - Watched tv - wrote to Jo Ann - started letter home - Bed at 12:30.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thursday, January 16, 1964

Up at 6:30 - Ironed this morning - Billy went to Jimmy's - then they came back here & played until lunchtime - After lunch I ironed again until 2:30 - Billy went to Jimmy's - I went over & had coffee with Ruby -
had pork chops - mushroom gravy - potatoes - peas & spinach for supper - wrote in diary - Took a shower - Set & dried my hair - wrote a note & sent a card to Reka Muhring. Vacuumed the kitchen & hall -

Mailed letter to Carol Talley

Wednesday, January 15, 1964

Up at 7:15 - Washed 3 loads - also done a handwashing - cold hanging clothes out - Ruby came this P.M. & we had a pot of coffee - made a rice pudding after she left - got clothes in - ironed 2 white shirts - had meat loaf for supper - Jim & Jimmie came over tonight - I sewed some on another pr. of p.j. bottoms for Billy - watched tv - wrote a letter to Carol Talley -

Called Catherine this A.M.

Mailed letter to Midge -

Tuesday, January 14, 1964

Up at 6:30 - Took Hank to work - came home & Billy ate bkfst. - Gladys called - left at 9:45 - Took Billy to the dentist - then we went to Penny's - went to the office & saw everyone - ate lunch in People's Drug on City Hall Ave. - went to Sears - wanted to complain about jacket of Billy's - they said I should wash it & bring it back -
Went to Center Shops & Rose's - got a record for Billy & 2 Valentines - envelopes - had soda & sundae in Rose's - picked Hank up at the base - had salmon for supper -
Went to Gladys's tonite
Wrote to Midge after I got home -

Monday, January 13, 1964

Permanent - Toni Gentle

Up at 6:45 -
Wrote in diary & wrote ck. for lawnmower. Sewed awhile this A.M. - Made Bar-B-Q sauce & a chocolate pie - Catherine called - I called Pat & asked about the money she still owes us - Washed my hair -
Kitty came over this P.M. & gave me a Toni - still working at it when Hank came home -
Had Bar-B-Qued chicken for supper - Set & dried my hair after supper - Went to Kitty's at 9:30 so she could see it.

Mailed letter home -

Sunday, January 12, 1964

Rained all day -
Up at 6:30 - Took a shower - Billy got up at 7:30 - Fixed pancakes for bkfst. - Took Billy to S.S. - it was raining - I went to Gladys's & had coffee - didn't stay as she was getting ready for church - came home then went after Billy - had a cooked dinner - read the paper this P.M. - laid down & put Billy asleep - popped corn - Watched tv tonight - called Gladys - finished letter to Mom & Dad - bed at 10:30.

Saturday, January 11, 1964

Sunny - cold
Up at 8:15 - Set & dried my hair right after bkfst. - Gladys called - She borrowed paint roller pan - Cleaned the house - Hank & Billy went away for awhile - brought back 2 hot dogs for me -
Went to Ruby's this P.M. - had coffee - then Billy & I went to Gladys's for awhile -
Started letter home this afternoon - had pizza for supper -
Watched tv tonite - gave Billy a bath - washed his hair & cut his toenails - wrote more on letter to Mom & Dad but didn't finish it - Welad called - mended Billy's good coat.

Letter from Mom

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Friday, January 10, 1964

Up at 7:00 - Cold & real windy.
Washed 1 load of clothes this A.M. (white) - nearly froze hanging them out - Pat called at 7:45 - said Roger was re-assigned to Independence - due to fly back Tues. or Thurs. - made buttonholes in Billy's p.j.'s - Called dentist & made appt. for Billy next Tues. - Cleaned hall - bath & our bedrm - Hank got off at noon - after lunch we went to the base - Billy got his hair cut - I went to Ship's Serv. - got 2 batik print blouses - Jantzen & 1 pr. of shorts - Toni home permanent - shower cap for myself & mom - suit for Carol & Mac's baby - then we went to Gold Bond at Janaf & got a Borg scale for 375 books - went to Penny's & looked at slacks - home at 4:00 - had navy beans & ham, macaroni - pot. & gravy & kale for supper - Went to Penny's downtown & I got 2 pr. of stretch slacks - red & blue $5.95 pr. - 1 blouse for 99¢ & 2 blouses for $3. Home at 9:00 - Watched tv - sewed buttons on Billy's p.j.'s -

Thursday, January 9, 1964

Up at 7:15 - Kept Cindy this A.M. while Gladys went to Commissary - Gladys stayed until 11:30 - Jimmy came before we ate lunch & stayed until 2:30 - I sewed on Billy's p.j.'s - made a cocoanut cream pie - Catherine called - also Ruby - Tonite watched tv - done the hand sewing on Billy's p.j.'s -

Tuesday, January 7, 1964

Up at 7:00 - Ironed this A.M. & finished it in P.M. - Sewed some more on Billy's p.j.'s - Called Gladys & Ruby - Emma Dearmon called me - Hank home for lunch - I was suppose to go to Commissary after lunch but Billy didn't act like he felt good so I didn't go - Ruby called - I made a pineapple cheesecake & an extra graham cracker crust - fixed spanish rice for supper - ate at 5:00 - after supper I went to the Commissary - home at 7:30 - Hank done supper dishes -
Called Ruby tonight - watched tv - wrote in diary - finished taking hem out of blue corduroy pants -

Monday, January 6, 1964

Up at 7:00 -
Dampened clothes - started another pr. of p.j.'s for Billy - done some handwashing - Hank came home for lunch - Hank came home about 3:00 & got Billy & I - took us to the base & we got our 2nd polio sugar cube - home at 4:00 - had smoked ham - potatoes & gravy - sweet pot. & eggplant - after dishes were done we went to Sears to look at pull-down lights - home about 9:00 - watched tv - Bed at 11:00

Letter & picture from Linda Kaye -

Sunday, January 5, 1964

Up at 8:30. Sunny & warm -
Straightened up house - took a shower & got dressed -
left about 12:30 - rode thru Seashore State Park & out to Va. Beach - then ate lunch at Carroll's - looked at the house Chief Sullivan is building - then went to Holmes's & spent the afternoon - home about 5:45 - had left over pea soup for supper - Billy had headache & wouldn't eat - called Gladys - wrote to Jean Richardson & thanked her for Billy's projector -

Saturday, January 4, 1964

Up at 8:30 - Fixed sausage & pancakes - Straightened house - cleaned out toy box in Billy's room - Done some ironing this A.M. - after lunch Hank & Billy went away - I ironed until about 4:30 -
Lynn & Lisa came - then Ann & her boyfriend came to get Lynn - had pea soup for supper -
Gladys called - Watched tv tonite - read 2 Grundy papers - bed at 11:00.

Letter from Mom
Mailed letter home -

Friday, January 3, 1964

Up at 6:45 - Got bkfst. - Cleaned house this A.M. - really dirty. Went down to Kitty's for awhile - Hank got off at noon - Took a shower after lunch - then we all went to Rose's at Pr. Anne Plaza - I got a garter panty & bra - 3 Buster Brown shirts (long sleeve) for Billy -
Went to Miller's - got 2 pr. dungarees for Billy - head scarf for myself - tried on slacks - Stopped at Woolworth's in Aragona & got this diary - Home at 5:00 - had steak patties for supper - watched tv - wrote in diary - Finished letter home - bed 11:00.

Thursday, January 2, 1964

Up at 7:30 - Washed 5 loads this A.M. - done some handwashing - Went to Ruby's for coffee - Cleaned our bedroom - hall & bath & weeded out back bedroom - Hank got off at noon -

This P.M. we went to Janaf - I got 4 pr. of pants & 1 petti-pants at Penny's - pd. $10 on chg. acct. - went to Kresge's - then to Grant's - then to King's - got 4 boxes of cards (Xmas) @ 48¢ ea. at King's. - Went to Valu Fair & got quite a bit of meat. Home about 4:30 - Wrapped meat for freezer - Ham for supper - Gave Billy a bath - folded clothes - made our bed - watched tv -
Started letter to Mom & Dad -

Wednesday, January 1, 1964

Slept until 9:30 this A.M. - Such a relief to us to be alone -
Took tree & decorations down this A.M. -
Ruby came for coffee -
Ate lunch about 2:00
Gladys called
Put Xmas stuff in attic -
Washed my hair late P.M. & dried it with dryer -
Tonite we went to Tastee Freez & ate - rode thru Little Creek base to look at Xmas lights on the ships -
Watched tv tonite & caught up in diary.

Tuesday, December 31, 1963

Warner's here

Up at 8:30 - Everyone was gone except Midge, Brenda, Billy & I. Late this P.M. Midge & Brenda went to Daly's for awhile - I vacuumed all but the bedrooms - had chili tonight - got 2 suppers - hunters got home at 9:05 - Warner's left about 11:00 - what a relief - I was sick tonight -
bed at 1:30 -

Monday, June 9, 2008

Monday, December 30, 1963

Warner's here -

Ray, Bennie & Larry went hunting -
I got up at 7:20 -
Midge, Brenda & Gary left about 11:15 & went visiting -
Hank got off at noon -
I laid down & slept with Billy this P.M. - Got 2 suppers - Munson's came tonight. Bed at 1:30 -

Sunday, December 29, 1963

Warner's here

Up at 8:30 - Got bkfst. for everyone - About noon Ray, Midge & kids went visiting - I called Mom & Dad - Hank, Billy & I took a ride out around Lynnhaven - I got some sore throat discs - got supper for the Warner's - roast - potatoes & gravy - corn - beans - cole slaw - biscuits & coffee - Beale came over tonight -

Saturday, December 28, 1963

Warner's came

Cleaned house today -
Warner's came about 3:30 - Had to get supper for them - Quite a commotion & I didn't feel good - had a sore throat & getting over the flu.

Letter from Mom & one from Dad

Friday, December 27, 1963

Up at 7:00 - Felt a little better - Washed 3 loads of clothes - rolled my hair & used hair dryer for first time. Hank got off at noon - Baked cookies this P.M. - Hank & Billy went after eggs & to the drugstore - I slept until 4:00 - Ate tonite - but didn't at lunch - Midge called after supper - they are coming tomorrow - watched tv - wrote in diary -

Billy got a present in the mail from Maurell's -

Thursday, December 26, 1963

Sick all day - didn't do anything - could hardly be up - Billy was real good - he played near me all A.M. - Hank came home about 9:00 for a few minutes - brought APC's & Contact pills - then he got off at noon - I slept all afternoon - watched tv tonite - went to bed pretty early.

Billy got $1.00 from Tom Talley

Wednesday, December 25, 1963

Woke up about 6:30 - I kept Billy in bed until Hank got home from the base about 8:00 - Billy was so excited with everything - ate bkfst. about 9:00 - after dishes we all went to Jim & Ruby's - Stayed until after 12:00 - Came home & got dinner - ham - potatoes & gravy - sweet potatoes - creamed corn - collards - salad - biscuits - coffee - mincemeat & apple pie - went for a ride early this evening - thru Lakeview Shores - & to the base - went to bed early tonite -
Tried all P.M. & eve to call home but never could get thru' -
Welad called this A.M. -

Tuesday, December 24, 1963

Hank had duty - I washed & set my hair - cooked ham in water in stove - Cleaned the house - made fruit salad - baked apple & mincemeat pie - went to Ruby's after supper - took presents over - gave Billy a bath - Hank came home about 10:30 - helped put stuff under the tree - Bed at 12:00 -

Letter from Dad -

Monday, December 23, 1963

[no entry]

Sunday, December 22, 1963

8:30 - Didn't go to S.S. - Jimmy came this A.M. - Ruby came for awhile - We went to Burger Chef at Lynnhaven & ate lunch - Stopped at drugstore & Colonial at Bayside - Dowling's came about 3:30 - Stayed until 7:00 - Brought presents - Billy opened his - I made coffee - had pie & cookies - After they left we done dishes - I made Billy a grilled cheese sandwich - popped some corn - read the paper - watched tv -

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Saturday, December 21, 1963

Up 7:30 - Cleaned house this A.M. - Hank & Billy left at 10:00 - came back around 2:00 - got 10 lbs. of gr. beef at Meixel's - I wrapped Hank's presents - Dowling's - Jimmy's - Ruby's & Kitty's - finished cleaning - Billy & I went to Ruby's -
Hank came over - we had coffee there - had "Skillet Supper" tonite - Jim & Ruby came tonite - we played Scrabble - They left about 10:30 -

Thursday, December 19, 1963

[no entry]

Wednesday, December 18, 1963

[no entry]

Tuesday, December 17, 1963

Up at 6:45 - Kept Jimmie from 8:30 until 12:15 - Didn't do much all day - Gladys & Catherine called this A.M. - I finished letter to Clarence's - Ironed - Hank got off at noon - after lunch I finished the ironing - worked new buttonholes in pink quilted robe - mended green corduroy pants - made jello - Hank got the car back tonite - Jim took him after it - Gladys called tonite - I worked on buttonholes in robe & watched tv - wrote in diary -

Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday, December 16, 1963

Up at 6:30 - Washer hose was frozen up - first load of water went all over the floor - worked until 10:45 to get it thawed out - washed 3 loads - went to Ruby's for coffee - Kitty came this P.M. - guy named Felt brought Hank home & he stayed till after 4:00 - I made coffee - addressed more cards tonite - wrote to Maurell's & started letter to Clarence's -

Pkg. from Mom & Dad -
Letter from Mom -

Sunday, December 15, 1963

Took a shower this A.M. - We left about 12:00 - Ate lunch at Charco-Burger in Ports. - then went to Janice & Bill's in Hampton - Stayed for supper - left at 20 of 8:00 - home at 8:15 - the baby is cute - addressed a few cards tonite.

Saturday, December 14, 1963

Rain all day -
Up at 9:00 - Fixed pancakes for bkfst. - didn't do much today - decorated in the living room - Jim & Jimmy came over - Finished letter to home - Fixed spaghetti for supper - Jimmy was here all afternoon -
Put the tree up just before supper - Wrapped 2 presents tonite - gave Billy a bath -

Mailed letter home

Friday, December 13, 1963

Cleaned house this A.M. - Hank didn't get off early - I laid down with Billy this P.M. & we both slept - Watched tv tonite & wrote more of Mom & Dad's letter -

Thursday, December 12, 1963

Rain -
Kept Cindy this A.M. - Wrote to JoAnn & Gilbert & worked on cards - Gladys stayed until 11:00 - Ann Parrish called - Straightened up house before lunch - Kept Jimmy this P.M. - made a chocolate pie - worked on cards - Ruby came for coffee - dusted living room - folded clothes - Had pizza tonite - Started letter home -

Wednesday, December 11, 1963

Washed 2 loads -
Ironed this A.M. - Went to Ruby's - Hank got off early. I went shopping this P.M. - Gladys & Cindy went along - Went to Penny's - got a gift for Dowling's & Janice & Bill - went to Kresge's & got stuff for Billy's sock - went to King's - got candles - home at 5:00 - Worked on cards nearly all evening - wrote in a lot of them - bed at 11:30 -

Tuesday, December 10, 1963

Didn't do much today - done a lot of mending this A.M. - Shortened my brown wool skirt & cut my grey one off - Ruby came over this A.M. & stayed until 11:00 - Hank got off early - I went to Penny's & got all of his Christmas stuff - also a cap for Billy - home at 5:10 - Gladys & Cindy came tonite -
Gladys & I went to see Darlene & I took the car bed to her - first time I met her - Billy wet the bed tonite (twice) - addressed a few cards & watched tv -

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Monday, December 9, 1963

Washed my hair this A.M. Washed 2 loads this A.M. - Went to Ruby's - Shortened my brown & white wool skirt - Jimmy was here all P.M. - Hank came home about 9:30 & stayed until after lunch. I wrote in a few cards - Fixed roast for supper -
Watched tv tonite - addressed cards -

Sunday, December 8, 1963

Didn't go to S.S. - Worked on bank statements this A.M. - Ruby came over. Went to Ports. this P.M. - Billy & I stayed in the car while Hank went in the hospital to see Roger - ate supper at Burger Chef (Lynnhaven) - started addressing Xmas cards tonite -

Saturday, December 7, 1963

Up at 5:45 - Hank had already left to go hunting - washed last nights dishes - ironed 2 white shirts of Hanks - Cleaned the bedrooms - left about 11:00 & Billy & I went to Penny's - Kresge's & King's - got petti pants for Gladys at Penny's - ate lunch at Burger Chef - went to Toyland at base - got a game for Jimmy - Ruby came over after we got home - Hank & Jim got home about 8:00 - I got some supper for him - done dishes - gave Billy a bath - watched tv.

Friday, December 6, 1963

Up at 7:30 - Finished ironing this A.M. - Cleaned kitchen - living room - hall & bath - Finished letter to M. & Mary - Hank came home for lunch - Billy & I slept this P.M. - Fixed chili soup for supper - took a shower -
Went to Sears tonight - got red jacket & jeans for Billy - a gift for Cindy - Hank got shoes - home at 9:00 - Wrote in diary -

Mailed card & letter to Maurell & Mary

Thursday, December 5, 1963

Ironed this A.M. - Hank came home for lunch - Billy & I went to Fort Story with Gladys & Cindy after lunch - home about 2:30 - done a little more ironing - Fixed scalloped pot. for supper - Wrote to Maurell & Mary tonite -

Letter from Mom
Mailed letter home.

Wednesday, December 4, 1963

Hank had duty but I didn't know it until 3:30 - Washed this A.M. - had 6 loads - Went to Ruby's for coffee - Went to Kitty's for awhile this P.M. - Ironed some stuff as I brought it in - It didn't dry - re-hung part in garage - Hank came home about 6:00 & ate - Wrote home & watched tv tonite

Wrote home tonite -

Tuesday, December 3, 1963

Rained today - I ironed - finished Billy's p.j.'s - wrapped Mom & Dad's Xmas presents this A.M. -
Watched tv tonite -

Letter from Mom -

Monday, December 2, 1963

Didn't do much this A.M.
Straightened up house -
Hank came home at noon - We left Billy with Ruby while I went to court - left at 1:00 - they called me up about 3:00 - From there we went to the Insurance Co. - I filled out accident report - Went to Tastee Freez & ate supper -
Watched tv tonite -

Sunday, December 1, 1963

Didn't go to Sunday School - This P.M. we went to Turrell's house to see his car - then rode around - Pr. Anne - Kempsville - Seatack, etc. - home at 5:00 - Watched tv & read paper tonite -

Saturday, November 30, 1963

Up at 8:30 - Cleaned house - Went up in attic & put some stuff away - got Xmas decorations, etc. down - late afternoon I started to King's for Xmas paper - had a wreck on Rt. 13 intersection - after police came & got a report I came back home - was too upset to go to King's - had hamburgers for supper - went to King's after supper - got Xmas paper & ribbon - Saw Doris & husband (Janice's sister) - home at 8:00 -

Friday, November 29, 1963

Rain -
Finished Billy's vest this A.M. & worked on his p.j.'s - Kept Jimmy while Ruby went shopping - Poured down rain all day -
Hank got off at 11:30 -
Watched tv & slept this P.M. - didn't feel good -
Watched tv tonight -

Thursday, November 28, 1963

Thanksgiving -

Ate dinner about 2:00 -
Had baked chicken & dressing - mashed pot. & gravy - candied yams - scalloped corn - cranberry salad - hot rolls - coffee & pumpkin pie & whipped cream.
Went to Ruby's for awhile this P.M. -
Mom called tonight -
Watched tv -

Wednesday, November 27, 1963

Hank had duty -
Washed & set my hair this A.M. - Cleaned all but bedrooms - Hank sold hobby horse for $5.00 - Cleaned rest of cabinets below & lined then with shelf paper - Hank came home this P.M. so I could go to Colonial - Took Ruby along - Made cranberry salad & 2 pumpkin pies - Watched tv tonight

Tuesday, November 26, 1963

Washed this A.M. - Also handwashing - Cleaned living room & kitchen -
laid down this P.M. to put Billy asleep - I slept until 4:15 - Got clothes in & made beds - had veg. soup for supper -
Went to GEX tonight - got iron pills & vitamins for Billy - garbage can - 4 towel calendars -

Mailed letter home -

Monday, November 25, 1963

Messed around this A.M. - Watched Kennedy's funeral until tv blacked out - Pat & kids came about 12:00 - Stayed until 9:00 tonite - Wrote Mom & Dad tonite -

Sunday, November 24, 1963

Messed around here all A.M. - Watched tv - (Kennedy) - got a cooked dinner - Dowling's came about 3:00 - Stayed until 7:00 -

Wrote some on mom & dad's letter tonite -

Saturday, November 23, 1963

Up at 7:30 - Fixed pancakes - Cleaned house this A.M. - Watched tv this P.M. - went to Burger Chef & ate supper - Stopped at Colonial - home at 6:30 - Made coffee - made 2 Chocolate Ice Cream pies - popped corn -

No mail -

Friday, November 22, 1963

President Kennedy shot & killed today

Up at 7:45 - Hand sewed on Billy's vest armholes - Hank came home about 9:00 & ate a bite - Got bkfst. for Billy & I at 9:30 - done dishes & finished the ironing - cleaned our bedroom & back bedroom - Hank got off at noon - he took Billy & got his hair cut after lunch - then we went to Penny's - got a 16" bicycle for Billy for Xmas - Went to Kresge's - Singer & Grant's - then to King's - got buttons for Billy's vest - shoelaces for Billy - got Dad & Mom both p.j.'s for Xmas - home at 5:00 - fixed Just Good Eatin for supper - Gave Billy a bath - listened to tv all evening - finished handsewing on Billy's vest - Wrote in diary -

Sore throat

Thursday, November 21, 1963

Hank had duty - Up at 7:30 - Ironed nearly all morning - went to Fort Story with Gladys after lunch & got groceries - home at 2:00 - Finished the ironing - went to Kitty's - Billy & I went to Kitty's after supper - she showed me how to put lining in vest - home at 8:15 - Watched tv & sewed Billy's vest - done all the machine sewing & basted the armholes. Bed at 11:30 -

Letter from Mom -

Wednesday, November 20, 1963

Cut out 2 pr. of p.j.'s plus 1 extra pants for Billy this A.M. - Jimmy was sick so Billy stayed in the house with me nearly all day - vacuumed the kitchen, living room & hall - made the top of 1 pr. of p.j.'s - I took a shower after supper -

Tuesday, November 19, 1963

Up at 7:45 - Called Terminix - Went to P.O. & got stamps - Picked Catherine up - ate lunch at Carroll's - went to King's - home at 4:00 - Made Billy's bed & folded clothes - went to Ruby's awhile -
After supper we went to Gladys's - home at 8:30 - Hank got home about 9:00 -

Wrote & mailed letter to Bertha Talley

Monday, November 18, 1963

Up at 7:45 - Washed 3 loads - then cleaned bottom cupboards out & washed all pots, pans etc. - Finished Mom & Dad's letter this A.M. - Had a headache all day - didn't feel good at all -
Went to Ruby's late afternoon - Went to bed at 10:00 - Still had a headache -

Sunday, November 17, 1963

Didn't go to S.S. - Got a cooked dinner - Hank & Jim left at 1:30 to go deer hunting - Ruby, Pat, Jimmy, Billy & I went to City Park - Home at 5:15 - Ate supper - watched tv - wrote to Mom & Dad tonight -

Saturday, November 16, 1963

Cleaned house this A.M. - Ruby & I went to Art Class this P.M. - (last lesson) - Home at 5:00 - Went to Burger Chef at Lynnhaven for supper - Jim, Ruby, Pat & Jimmy came tonight - left at 10:00 - Watched Gunsmoke -

Letters from Mom - Issy - Midge & Mary Ann Tessau

Friday, November 15, 1963

Went to Penny's this A.M. with Gladys & Cindy - got p.j. material for Billy - also got a hooded sweatshirt for him - went to People's for cokes - Washed my hair after lunch - then done some ironing -

Thursday, November 14, 1963


Up at 6:45

Wednesday, November 13, 1963

Up at 6:45 - ironed awhile this A.M. - Gladys & Cindy came down - Stayed until noon - Ironed this P.M. - Ruby came over -

Tuesday, November 12, 1963

Washed - handwashed -
Mopped & waxed bathroom floor - Lyon came & got shrubs -

Letter from Dad -

Monday, November 11, 1963

Hank was off today -

Took hems out of winter skirts this A.M. -

After lunch we went to King's - I went to Bayside before supper -

No mail delivery

Sunday, November 10, 1963

Hank had duty - Went to Ruby's for coffee this A.M. - After lunch Billy & I went to Elsie's a minute - then went to Luke Jones's - home about 5:00 - Watched tv tonight -

Saturday, November 9, 1963

Up at 7:45 - fixed sausage & pancakes - straightened the house - finished letter to Mom & Dad - Hank painted - made spaghetti sauce - Ruby & I took our Art Lesson this P.M. Had spaghetti for supper - Went to Ruby's tonight - Stayed until 10:00 - Came home - Watched Gunsmoke - wrote in diary.

Mailed letter home -

Friday, November 8, 1963

Up at 6:45 - Cleaned house today - & closets - Hank got off at noon - late P.M. we went to Miller's - got boots for Billy & shoes for myself - also a few groceries - Ate supper at McDonald's - home 6:30 - Hank went to Young's - B & I watched tv.

Thursday, November 7, 1963

Rain -
Mended this A.M. & washed my hair - Jimmy came over after lunch - played until 4:00 - Ruby came after him

Wednesday, November 6, 1963

Ironed awhile this A.M. - Went up in attic & got the bottom from Billy's playpen - fixed his map on it - also mended Hank's blue uniform cuffs - Ironed after lunch when Billy took a nap - baked a ham - Hank went to the Lodge tonight for initiation of 2nd degree - Gladys & Cindy came down. Left about 9:00 - watched tv.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tuesday, November 5, 1963

Up at 6:30 - Didn't do much today - Gladys called - cleaned up - worked on Hank's uniform coat - mended the lining - he came home early - after lunch I went to the Commissary - ran short on money - came home & put groceries up - done dishes - went to the Egg Factory - Jimmie went along - Went to Kitty's awhile - then talked to Mrs. Pipkin - went to Ruby's for awhile - after supper Hank went to the base & got some Playtex gloves for me - then Billy & I went to the Drugstore - got a card for Janice & 1 for Steve R. - Stopped at Ruby's for awhile - Hank was there - Worked on Hank's coat - Watched tv & wrote in diary -

Letter from Bertha Talley

Monday, November 4, 1963

Up at 6:30 - Washed 2 loads - then spent rest of day on storm windows & perm windows - got them all put back in - also the screens - Went to Ports. tonight to see Janice & the baby (at the hosp.) - Billy slept - home about 9:15 - Watched tv -

Letter from Dad.

Sunday, November 3, 1963

Janice had a girl. 7 lb. 4 oz.
Sunny - cold
Up at 7:30 - I took Jimmie, Pam & Pat to S.S. - Billy threw a fit so he didn't go - I talked to Mrs. Maxwell about teaching - didn't stay - came home & wrote a letter to Midge - After lunch we went to Pat's but she was gone - rode around awhile - went to Colonial at Bayside - just got home when Pat & the kids came - also her sister Sheila & 1 boy - then Dowling's & Ivan came - I made coffee & baked cinnamon rolls - also had cookies - Pat & them left first - after Dowling's left we went to Burger Chef & got cheeseburgers - home at 6:45 - watched tv - read paper & wrote in diary.

Mailed letter to Midge

Saturday, November 2, 1963

Up at 8:00 - Fixed pancakes. Straightened up the house - Finished Mom & dad's letter - Cleaned the kitchen & took a shower -
Ruby & I went to our Art Lesson this P.M. - I drove - Stopped at Colonial on way home -
Fixed hot dogs & crescent rolls for supper -
Gave Billy a bath - pressed his pants - read Grundy p. & watched tv.

Mailed letter home -

Friday, November 1, 1963

Washed 4 loads of clothes & also done handwashing - Cleaned the house - Hank got off at noon - he mowed lawn this P.M. Watched tv tonight - Wrote in diary - wrote a letter to Mom & Dad - Bed at 11:30.

No Mail

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Thursday, October 31, 1963

Washed & set my hair this A.M. - Washed all the screens - started on windows when Ruby came - She stayed until 12:00 - Worked on windows this P.M. -
Hank took Billy out Halloweening - Billy & I went to see Cindy - I took a shower -
watched tv
Got washer fixed - had to have a new pump.

Letter from Dad

Wednesday, October 30, 1963

Billy & I spent the day with Janice - left here about 10:00 - Ate at Carroll's Drive In - then went to see Emma - Picked Hank up at work - he went to Young's while I got supper - Went to Lodge meeting tonite - Went up for his 1st degree. I gave Billy a bath - Watched tv -

No letter

Tuesday, October 29, 1963

Rain - cool
Up at 6:30 - Got bkfst. for all 3 of us - done dishes - Wrote in diary. Cut out red vest for Billy - at 10:30 I went & got my hair cut - it was raining - went to Ruby's a minute - didn't do much today - Baked a cake this P.M. - made a lemon sauce for it - put more clothes in the attic. After supper we took the United C.F. money to Mrs. Boyer -

Monday, October 28, 1963

Up at 6:45 - Cloudy - cold & windy - Couldn't wash - Straightened up the house - Gladys called - Took summer clothes down & put some in the attic - got winter stuff down - went to Ruby's this A.M. - Jimmie came over - Billy took a nap this P.M. - I read - Didn't feel like doing anything today. Hank went to Young's after supper - I gave Billy a bath - called Janice - Watched tv - Bed at 11:00.

Letter from Dad & 1 from Mom

Sunday, October 27, 1963

Billy & I went to S.S. & I sat in on a class - took Jimmie & Pat - Went to Billy's Bar-B-Q & ate dinner - rode downtown & then went to Dowling's - Home about 5:45 - Billy & I ate a bite - Watched tv & read the paper -

Saturday, October 26, 1963

Cleaned house this A.M. - didn't have art lesson today - Hank & I went to a movie at the Norva tonight - "The Haunted Palace" - The Flinchum boy stayed with Billy -
Home at 10:45 -

2 letters from Dad - 1 from Mom

Friday, October 25, 1963

Up at 7:30 - Washed & set my hair after bkfst. - Jimmy was here all A.M. & for lunch - didn't feel good today - Hank got off at noon - Done the ironing today - Watched tv tonite - wrote in diary.

Mailed letter home -

Thursday, October 24, 1963

Hank had duty - Washed 2 loads this A.M. - Started letter to Mom & Dad - went to Ruby's - Hank came home about 12:00 - we took him to the base - went thru Toyland - got 2 bldg. sets for Billy - went to Charcoal Burger & ate lunch - Stopped at Colonial - Got clothes in & re-hung them in garage - it drizzled - went to base & got oral polio vaccine - then collected for United Community Fund - home at 6:00 - Had pancakes for supper -
Watched tv - Finished letter to Mom & Dad -

Letter from Mom - 2 from Dad -

Wednesday, October 23, 1963

Finally finished painting the woodwork today -
Kept Billy in all day -

Tuesday, October 22, 1963

Windy - cloudy & cold
Up at 7:00 - Painted woodwork again today - Jimmy came over this A.M. Hank got off at noon - This P.M. him & Billy went away - got meat - I made a rice pudding - scalloped potatoes - painted some more - Had flounder - turnips, potatoes & pudding for supper -
Catherine called -
Before supper Hank took Billy to the base & got his hair cut - Watched tv

No Mail -

Monday, October 21, 1963

Windy - cold & cloudy
Up at 7:15 - painted on the woodwork this morning - again in P.M. - Ruby came over after lunch -
Hank went to Young's tonite -

Finished letter to Mom & Dad this A.M.

Mailed letter home - no mail

Sunday, October 20, 1963

Billy & I went to S.S. - I sat in on 2nd graders -
Got a cooked dinner
Holmes's came while we were eating - Stayed until 5:00 - Jim H. came awhile this eve. I read paper - watched tv.

Saturday, October 19, 1963

Cleaned house this A.M. - Hank & Billy went to Oyster Bowl Parade with Jim & Jimmy. Ruby & I took our art lessons this P.M. - Home at 5:00 - got supper - Gave Billy a bath - I took a shower - felt blue over Mom's letter -
Called Gladys & Catherine
Called Mom tonight -
Started letter home -

Letter from Mom

Friday, October 18, 1963

Up at 6:30 - Washed last night's dishes - Washed & set my hair - Called Catherine - Ate bkfst. - Billy & Jimmy played - I painted woodwork in the hall - Ruby came - made coffee - Hank got off about 1:00 -
Billy & Jimmy ate at the picnic table - Ate supper at Tastee Freez - Watched tv tonight -

Sent cards & letter to Dad-

Thursday, October 17, 1963

Up at 6:45 - Straightened the house up - Took a shower - Left at 10:00 - left Billy with Gladys - Took Hank back to base - dentist at 11:00 - out at 12:30 - Stopped at Glidden & got 2 qts. paint - picked Billy up - Stayed at Gladys's awhile - letter from Mom saying Dad went in the hosp. Monday - Started painting the woodwork - left at 4:00 & picked Hank up at work - had hash for supper - Went to Miller's tonight - got Iron pills - a blouse - dungarees for Billy & a sweat shirt - Wrote to Mom & Dad tonight -

Letter from Mom -

Wednesday, October 16, 1963

Painted again today - Put the second coat on the walls - Worked till supper time -

Mailed letter home -

Tuesday, October 15, 1963

Started painting the living room this A.M. - Gladys called - then Clinedinst came with coffee - he stayed until Hank came home about noon - Finally got back to painting - Got the first coat on all except one long wall & one end wall of hall.

Monday, October 14, 1963

Dad went to the hospital -

Washed today - done 2 loads when washer broke down - stool broke too - called Janice - done all the caulking in living room & hallway -

Letter from Mom

Sunday, October 13, 1963

Billy & I went to Sunday School -
This P.M. we went to the circus with Ruby & the kids - home about 5:00 -
Hank stayed here -
Went to Charcoal Burger & ate supper - Watched tv & read paper -

Saturday, October 12, 1963

Windy & cool
Up at 7:15. Fixed pancakes - Hank painted the trim - I straightened up the house - took a shower - finished a letter to Bob & Charlene & mailed it - Went to Ruby's for a few minutes - Billy & I ate lunch about 12:00 -
Went for my first art lesson from 1:30 to 4:30 - Had supper about ready when Pat & kids came - ate after they left - gave Billy a bath -
Watched tv tonite -

Friday, October 11, 1963

Up at 6:20 - Ate bkfst. & done dishes - I washed & set my hair while Billy watched tv - Hank came home about 9:30 - then went back to work. I cleaned house today - Kitty came over this A.M. - Hank got off early - I made a cocoanut cream pudding - checked the garden & brought some squash in - Ronnie Davis came down & I ordered 2 magazines from him - Ruby came over - I fixed scalloped potatoes, steak & squash for supper. Watched tv tonight. Wrote in diary.

Thursday, October 10, 1963

Up at 6:45 - Hank had duty. The men came about 9:00 - they finished up today - it made sort of a mess in the house - I washed a load of white clothes this A.M. - also the cover to the machine - vacuumed the kitchen & pulled the stove out so they could plaster in back of it - sewed buttons on a couple of Hank's shirts - the men left about 3:00 - I called Catherine - vacuumed every room except Billy's - got clothes in - Ruby came over - had pot pies for supper - gave Billy a bath - made up our bed - Hank came home about 8:00 & ate supper - watched tv tonight - bed at 11:00.

Wednesday, October 9, 1963

Up at 6:30 - Straightened up the house - wrote out some checks - Wrote a letter of complaint to Union Circulation Co. - The termite men came about 9:30 - worked until 3:00 - Went to Ruby's for awhile this A.M. - Billy & I went to Gladys's this P.M. - I rode Pam's bicycle & he rode his tractor - home about 3:00 - Guthrie's had a fire in the kitchen - we ate supper at Engs in Janaf then I went to Sherwin Williams & got my art supplies - Watched tv after we got home.

Tuesday, October 8, 1963

[no entry]

Monday, October 7, 1963

[no entry]

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sunday, October 6, 1963

Sunny - warm
I got up at 7:30 - Billy wanted cereal - Laid back down on the couch - - didn't feel good at all - got up at 8:30 & fixed pancakes - Hank painted - I done dishes - straightened up the house - run the oil mop - wrote in diary - Billy & I went & mailed a letter home - rode thru Lakeview Shores - Ruby came over - We went to Gibson's & ate supper - Watched tv tonight -

Mailed letter home -

Saturday, October 5, 1963

Warm - sunny
Up at 7:45 - Went to the Commissary about 10:00 - worst crowd I ever saw - home at 12:00 - After lunch I wrote to Mom & Dad - George Davis came down - Fixed chili soup for supper - Went to the egg factory & King's tonight - got a new clothes basket & a pr. of dungarees for Billy - home at 8:20 - washed him up & he went to bed - watched tv - I fell asleep during Gunsmoke -

Wrote home this afternoon -

Friday, October 4, 1963

Washed & set my hair this A.M. - Cleaned the house today - Hank got off at 11:30 - he painted this P.M. - Fixed chicken for supper - Was watching tv about 8:30 when Janice called from Southern Shopping & said they were coming over - Billy was already in bed - they stayed until about 1:00 - had coffee & cookies.

Thursday, October 3, 1963

I mowed lawn this A.M. & for awhile after lunch - Hank got off about 2:45 - he finished the mowing - Billy & I laid down & took a nap - watched tv tonight.

Letter from Mom

Wednesday, October 2, 1963

Finished ironing - cleaned some windows - folded summer clothes to put away -

Tuesday, October 1, 1963

Finished washing - 4 loads - also done the dry ironing - vacuumed the kitchen - went to Kitty's -

Monday, September 30, 1963

Washed 2 loads this A.M. - It looked like rain so didn't do it all - Unpacked suitcases - Hank got off at noon - he sanded the kitchen door down - got our chair back that Campbell covered -

Sunday, September 29, 1963

Left Charlene's about 10:00 - had a good day for driving - hit rain at Suffolk - home about 8:30 - Unpacked a few things & read the paper - went to bed early.

Saturday, September 28, 1963

Up at 8:00 - After lunch we went for a ride - went to the football game tonight - Billy slept thru it all - Didn't go to bed until 2:00.

Friday, September 27, 1963

Left for Pa. at 9:45 - Billy got his finger caught in the kitchen door before we went - got there at 8:15 - Bob & Layton were gone to a ballgame -

Mailed letter home

Thursday, September 26, 1963

SP tonight
Washed & set my hair this A.M. - Done some handwashing - also some ironing & pressing - packed suitcases -

Letter from Mom -
Wrote home tonight -

Wednesday, September 25, 1963

Up at 6:30 - Wrote in diary while waiting on coffee - Cleaned house today -

Went back to Penny's tonight & exchanged my slacks for another pair -

Tuesday, September 24, 1963

Up at 6:45 - Finished the ironing before bkfst. - Gave the bathroom a second coat of paint today - Didn't get all of the east wall painted - Had so many interruptions all day - Mrs. Ranhorne & Mrs. Pipkin were here. Hank came home & got the chair so Campbell could cover it. Ate supper at Gibson's - went to GEX - got Billy a pretty coat for $7.88 - got chair material - I couldn't find slacks I liked - went to Penny's & got some plaid ones - they're too small - Called Charlene when we got home - watched tv - Bed at 11:15.

No mail -

Monday, September 23, 1963

Charlene called this A.M. & asked us to come up at 6:45. Washed today - also done all the handwashing. Ruby came for coffee this A.M. - This P.M. I got clothes in & beds remade - got most of the ironing done - had left-over chili for supper - Holmes's came tonight - Dave & Hank went to Sears - Mary & I had coffee - Billy went to bed soon after they got here. They left at 10:00 - we watched tv until 11:00 -

Mailed letter to Midge

Sunday, September 22, 1963

Cold & windy -
Up at 7:30 - Billy didn't want to go to Sunday School - Straightened up the house - started a letter to Midge - went to Ruby's & had coffee - after lunch we rode downtown & looked around - made chili soup for supper - watched tv tonight - finished Midge's letter .

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Saturday, September 21, 1963

Up at 8:00 - This A.M. I cleaned the living room & kitchen - went up in the attic & got a mess of clothes down for Troy - Went to Kitty's after lunch - weighed 106 - Pat & kids came while I was there - They stayed until 5:00 - had hot dogs for supper - gave Billy a bath - I took a shower - Watched tv - Saw "Seven Year Itch" - Started a letter to Midge.

Friday, September 20, 1963

Up at 6:45 - Finished Mom & Dad's letter - cleaned the bedrooms & bath - Went out about 10:30 & started to mow - I was mowing up by Ranhorne's when Hank & Campbell came - he measured the chair - I didn't come in until Hank came out & said Janice was on the phone. I came in then - got lunch - Janice & her mother got here about 1:30 - Stayed all afternoon. Had a nice visit. After they left I cleaned Billy's room & went over the kitchen a little.

Thursday, September 19, 1963

Up at 6:45 - Took Hank to work - Straightened up the house & got ready - Had to take Billy to Dr. Johnson at 10:30 for 2 shots for measles - He didn't cry - came home & got my watch - then went to Glidden Paint & got the paint for the living room & hall (Oyster White) - Went to Carrol's for lunch - then to Pat's - Didn't stay long - she was ready to go away - had coffee - then went to Penny's - got red corduroy to make Billy a vest - also lining material - Went to Kresge's - got hot fudge sundaes - also thread - came home. Left about 3:30 & went to pick Hank up - he went to Young's while I got supper -

Wrote to Mom & Dad tonight -

No mail -