Thursday, December 27, 2007

Monday, March 26, 1962

Rainy & cold today -
Didn't get much done. Didn't get up until 8:45. Billy & I overslept. Ruby & Jimmy came over this morning. She borrowed one of my blouse patterns. After she left I went to the post office & mailed a letter to Mom - also Billy's picture (2X4). After lunch I put Billy to bed but he never went to sleep. I washed his bedroom suite & waxed everything but the chest. Got Billy up at 4:00. Lynn took him home to their house while I got supper - Gladys & the kids came after supper - Stayed until 8:00. Midge called.
Got the clothes from the cleaners today. They got the oil out of my blouse.
Called Sears this A.M. - They are to send a man out tomorrow.

Wrote to Hank
Got 2 letters from Hank - also $10.00

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