Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thursday, May 10, 1962

Didn't get up until 10 min. of 8:00. Hank had gone to work. Sunny but quite cool today - 60's.
Planted the sweet corn this A.M. I worked up the back row of the garden - Picked enough strawberries for Billy & I each to have a small dish for dinner. This afternoon Billy wouldn't take a nap - I washed a load of his diapers, etc. - made a bread pudding - baked a squash pie for tomorrow - cooked potatoes - mended my white slacks - took Billy outside - I worked on the flower bed by the garage again - planted nasturtium - Hank was home early - Gave Billy a bath & washed his hair after supper - then I packed the suitcases - took a shower & got food lined up.

Letter from Tina Graham & card from Maurell's

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