Monday, December 24, 2007

Wednesday, March 21, 1962

Rained all day - dark & dreary.
I sewed most of the day. Just about had my blue blouse finished & then got sewing machine oil on it. Fixed my red blouse - put a smaller hem in it. Made Billy another pajama bottom & finished up the top. Tonight we went to Gladys's for awhile after supper. Made buttonholes in Hank's p.j's tonight.

Billy messed his pants & I rubbed it in his face.

No mail except a package - a record file.


Carolina deWitte said...

Hmmm! I'm STILL reading along here, and I do have several questions, BUT I HAD to leave a comment here...did your mother REALLY rub *S* in your face when you pooped your pants when you were a baby? Sorry, but this really 'got me'. I NEVER heard of anyone doing this, even though I KNOW things were different back then. I really don't mean to offend you, I'm enjoying reading the diary, but I was just really curious about this. As I said, I have several questions to ask, but will do them all at once when I'm done reading. If you don't want to publish this comment, my email addy is carolina dot dewitte at gmail dot com. If you don't answer, I'll understand.

Peace and Love

Bill said...

Carolina, I know! I was mad at my mom for about a week after I read this! Then I got over it, since there's no detectable lasting mental damage I can blame on this (emphasis on detectable).
I figure she was a first-time mom, a bit OCD with cleaning & scrubbing, and frustrated as hell over my stubborness with potty training.
This single event doesn't negate what a wonderful mother she tried to be overall.

Carolina deWitte said...

I 'sort' of understand, but still...that's what some people do when their kitten or puppy 'makes a mistake' A lot of people will rub the pet's nose in it to 'teach them a lesson'. I couldn't even do that to an animal. I also read that she gave you enemas in order to get you to 'go on demand'. My mom was an RN, and totally OBSESSED with BMs when we were young. When we missed a day, she would give us enemas. I HATED that. I STILL, to this day (over 60 years later) see red when I think about it. I DO remember them clearly. (She ALSO dosed us with castor oil and/or milk of magnesia.) I grew up to suffer from IBS, and I think, psychological or not, it was due to that. (Really, not a week went by that we didn't get this 'treatment' at least once a week) Therefore, I'm really 'sensitive' to, what felt to me, abuse of this type. I don't think she potty trained us using this method, but I'll never be certain of course. I just know that I NEVER did this to my children. I just let nature take it's course for potty training, and if they actually complained of constipation, I took them to the doctor for a prescription or treatment. (Luckily, they seldom had a problem) Anyway, I know I sound totally judgmental here, and I don't mean to be, but as I said, I'm just really sensitive on this one issue. Sorry. Oh, I do have several questions still, but I'll ask them later. (Don't worry, none of them are 'gripes', just things I'm curious about.) I'm really looking forward to reading more as you post it. (I have NO IDEA why I'm enjoying this so much, except that we seem to have a lot in common. I was an 'Air Force Brat', (who then married a Navy man) so I really relate to a lot of the things in this diary. Thanks again for sharing. (I just hope you don't hate me for my comments)