Monday, February 18, 2008

Monday, October 29, 1962

Up at 8:00 - Mom was asleep in Dad's bed - She had been up & laid down again. Billy had messed his pants before I got up. Mom washed this morning. I done dishes - We went to the Post Office - mailed a letter to Hank & got air mail stamps - Stopped at the store. I went over the downstairs after lunch - I didn't put Billy down for a nap - we went back to the Post Office - Mom mailed 2 pkgs. back to Sears - Stopped at Gladys's & had coffee. Home at 5:20 - Got clothes in & put away - Mom got supper. I called Aunt Freda this afternoon. Watched tv tonight - Called Betty Petersen but she wasn't home. Called Hank but didn't get any answer - Called at 8:30 & at 9:30. Dad didn't feel good tonight. Billy went to bed at 8:00.

Letter to Hank.

1 comment:

Jen said...

How lovely to share these. I have my grandfather's journals from 1964 to 1977 and they are very similar in they describe the day and not much emotion. Very interesting to read. I have been sharing a book of jingles he self published from the 70's on one of my blogs. He would have loved the internet and the blogoshere. Take care. Jen