Friday, February 29, 2008

Sunday, January 6, 1963

Up at 8:00 - Didn't go to Sunday School - washed last nights' dishes before breakfast - after cleaning up I took a shower. Jimmy came over & played with Billy. Jim came for a little while. I read the paper. After lunch we were getting ready to go to Janice & Bill's when Lansden called about the tv - Lowe called & said his wife was on the way over - then Pat called - her & the kids were coming out - I told her we were going away - we went to Janice 's to return her watch - Janice, Billy & I went to Dearmon's for awhile - had coffee when we went back to Janice's - left at 5:45 - Billy fell asleep as soon as we left. We stopped at Burger Chef & ate - home at 7:15 - Billy was still asleep - I put his p.j.'s on & put him to bed - he didn't have any supper. Wrote in diary.

Wrote Mom & Dad tonight -

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